AH 324 Evaluation of Athletic Injuries II

Lower Extremity Injury Evaluation ProjectSpring 2005Updated 12/31/04

Each student will have 4 presentations to develop in order to complete this project, as detailed on the injury list. In most cases, there are multiple related topics in each assignment. While only one presentation and Word document are required for each assignment, the assignment should thoroughly address EACH of the topics included in the assignment. In some cases the topics in each assignment are strongly related and overlap to a degree, while in some others they are grouped without much overlap. For each presentation, the student will develop a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation for class presentation & Word document handout which will follow the format as detailed below:

Each PowerPoint presentation must have:

 title slide with the name of the topics included, student’s name, date submitted or due date, course name, and course number

 thorough discussion of each injury topic in a logical order

 graphics and/or video of condition (in addition to the ones included in PowerPoints or UWA web site provided by professor)

 graphics and/or video of examination tests (in addition to the ones included in PowerPoints or UWA web site provided by professor)

 additional graphics and/or audio as appropriate (in addition to the ones included in PowerPoints or UWA web site provided by professor)

 references as covered in Word document

 been submitted electronically by deadline as specified 1/28, 2/18, 3/11, 4/8

Each Word document handout must have

 title page with the name of the topics included, student’s names, date submitted or due date, course name, and course number

 include and follow outline format for injury details as provided

 at least 5 current references in addition to the textbooks required for the class with at least one from each of the following

  • textbook references in bibliographical format with specific page numbers
  • journal/periodical references in bibliographical format
  • web references with specific hyperlinked urls

 five multiple choice questions with 4 to 5 answer choices each with correct answer key

  • pertain to predisposing factors, etiology, presentation, signs, symptoms, history, observation, palpation, specific tests & interpretation, classification (do not include questions related to referral, treatment, management, rehabilitation, protection, return to competition)

 been submitted electronically by deadline as specified 1/28, 2/18, 3/11, 4/8

 After all projects are finalized, I will load everything on a CD and give the comprehensive CD to each class member. Some projects or portions of projects may be published to the web for curriculum and/or other use.

I. Lumbosacral Spinal Column Due Friday, January 28, 2005

  1. Spondylitis / Spondylosis / Spondylolysis / Spondylolisthesis
/ Lumbosacral Spinal Column / Dooley, Keith
  1. Dislocation/Subluxation/Fracture (vertebrae) / Intervertebral Facet Pathology, Sprains & Strains (intervertebral, lumbosacral)
/ Lumbosacral Spinal Column / Jones, Dustin
  1. Intervertebral Disc Rupture/Herniation / Nerve Root Compression & Sciatica from other than Intervertebral Disc Rupture/Herniation
/ Lumbosacral Spinal Column / Knighten, Fred
  1. Sacroiliac Pathology
/ Lumbosacral Spinal Column / Ligon, Lindsay
II. Thigh/Hip/Pelvis Due Friday, Feb. 18, 2005
  1. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis & Epiphyseal Plate Injury (Proximal femur)
/ Thigh/Hip/Pelvis / Martin, Adam
  1. Fracture (pelvis, femur) (not stress or epiphyseal) / Dislocation (hip) & Sprain (hip)
/ Thigh/Hip/Pelvis / Mathis, Amanda
  1. Stress Fracture (pelvis, femur)
/ Thigh/Hip/Pelvis / McGough, Katie
  1. Quadriceps Contusions & Myositis Ossificans / Quadriceps Strains & Hamstring Strains
/ Thigh/Hip/Pelvis / McGraw, Matt
  1. Sacroiliitis & Piriformis Syndrome / Osteitis Pubis & Adductor Strains
/ Thigh/Hip/Pelvis / Pritchard, Aidan
  1. Tendinitis (hamstring, adductor, quadriceps) & Iliotibial "Band" Syndrome / Bursitis (trochanteric, iliopectineal, etc.) / Apophysitis (ilium) & Iliac Crest Contusion
/ Thigh/Hip/Pelvis / Shoemaker, Johnathan
III. Knee Due Friday, March 11, 2005
  1. Tibial Collateral Sprain / Fibula Collateral Sprain
/ Knee / Dooley, Keith
  1. Anterior Cruciate Sprain
/ Knee / Jones, Dustin
  1. Posterior Cruciate Sprain
/ Knee / Knighten, Fred
  1. Meniscal Tears & Popliteal Cyst
/ Knee / Ligon, Lindsay
  1. Tendinitis (patella, popliteus, etc.) & Fat Pad Contusion / Osgood-Schlatters Disease & Sinding Larson Johansson Disease
/ Knee / Martin, Adam
  1. Plica Syndrome & Chondromalacia patella / Patellar Tendon Rupture, Quadriceps Tendon Rupture, & Bursitis (suprapatella, infrapatellar, pes anserinus, etc.)
/ Mathis, Amanda
  1. Patella Subluxation & Dislocation (patella, knee)
/ Knee / McGough, Katie
  1. Epiphyseal Plate Injury (proximal tibia, distal femur, etc.)
/ Knee / McGraw, Matt
  1. Fracture (patella, tibia, fibula)
/ Knee / Pritchard, Aidan
  1. Chondral/Osteochondral Fracture & Osteochondritis Dissecans
/ Knee / Shoemaker, Johnathan
  1. Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome & Peroneal Nerve Contusion
/ Knee / Dooley, Keith
IV. Ankle/Foot/Leg Due Friday, April 8, 2005
  1. Ingrown Toenail & Subungual Hematoma / Corns, Bunions & Bunionettes / Plantar Wart
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Jones, Dustin
  1. Hallux Valgus & Hallux Rigidus / Great Toe Sprain
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Knighten, Fred
  1. Hammer Toes & Claw Toes
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Ligon, Lindsay
  1. Arch Sprain (transverse, longitudinal, metatarsal) / Pes Cavus & Pes Planus
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Martin, Adam
  1. Plantar Fasciitis & Heel Spur / Plantar Neuroma
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Mathis, Amanda
  1. Achilles Tendon Ruptures & Plantaris Muscle Rupture
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / McGough, Katie
  1. Dislocation/Subluxation of Peroneal Tendons & Tendinitis/Tenosynovitis (Achilles tendon, etc.) / Bursitis (Achilles, retrocalcaneal, etc.)
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / McGraw, Matt
  1. Shin Splints & Anterior Compartment Syndrome
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Pritchard, Aidan
  1. Fracture (tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, etc.) (not stress, chondral, osteochondral fracture, or Jones)
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Shoemaker, Johnathan
  1. Stress Fracture (tibia, fibula, metatarsals)
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Dooley, Keith
  1. Jones Fracture & other fractures of 5th metetatarsal
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Jones, Dustin
  1. Epiphyseal Plate Injury (distal tibia, distal fibula, etc)
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Knighten, Fred
  1. Chondral/Osteochondral Fracture (ankle, talar dome, etc.) & Osteochondritis Dissecans
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Ligon, Lindsay
  1. Ankle Dislocations
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Martin, Adam
  1. Syndesmosis Sprain
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Mathis, Amanda
  1. Anterior Talofibular Sprain & Calcaneofibular Ligament Sprain
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / McGough, Katie
  1. Deltoid Ligament Sprain
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / McGraw, Matt
  1. Bifurcated Ligament Sprain
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Pritchard, Aidan
  1. Talotibial Exostosis & Apophysitis (calcaneus)
/ Ankle/Foot/Leg / Shoemaker, Johnathan

Outline Format


  1. Injury 1.
  2. Predisposing factors such as posture, alignment, age, gender, somatotype
  3. Predisposing factor 1.
  4. Predisposing factor 2.
  5. Cause(s) - Mechanism of Injury
  6. Cause 1.
  7. Cause 2.
  8. Presentation
  9. Signs and Symptoms
  10. Sign 1.
  11. Sign 2.
  12. Symptom 1.
  13. Symptom 2.
  14. Examination and evaluation procedure
  15. Palpation
  16. Palpate 1.
  17. Palpate 2.
  18. Range of Motion
  19. ROM 1.
  20. ROM 2.
  21. Muscle test
  22. MMT 1.
  23. MMT 2.
  24. Reflexes
  25. DTR 1.
  26. DTR 2.
  27. Ligamentous stress tests
  28. Test 1.
  29. Test 2.
  30. Joint instability tests
  31. Test 1.
  32. Test 2.
  33. Internal derangement test
  34. Test 1.
  35. Test 2.
  36. Classification (if applicable)
  37. 1.
  38. 2.
  39. 3.
  40. Reduction procedure(s) (if applicable)
  41. Procedure 1.
  42. Procedure 2.
  43. Referral/Diagnostic Procedure
  44. Procedure 1.
  45. Procedure 2.
  46. Treatment and Management
  47. Treatment/management 1.
  48. Treatment/management 2.
  49. Special emergency considerations (if applicable)
  50. Consideration 1.
  51. Consideration 2.
  52. Rehabilitation
  53. Exercise 1.
  54. Exercise 2.
  55. Protection & Other Return to Competition Factors
  56. Protection 1.
  57. Protection 2.