Dear E-mentoring Participant,

My name is [name] and I am a [professional role] at [school name]. Thank you very much for your willingness to be an e-mentor for my students at [school name]. I’m excited about this program, and I appreciate the opportunity to work with you and the other volunteer mentors from [workplace].

I know many of you from previous collaboration, and others I’ll be meeting for the first time. Looking over your applications, I am very impressed by the wealth of experience and accomplishments you will be sharing with my students.

Our official “launch” with the students will be [date]. We plan to send the first student emails to you on that day. They will come from this email address, and your replies should be sent to this email address as well. This single-portal approach gives us the accountability we need for a safe and secure program.

Over the next 10-12 weeks, you’ll receive an email on [day of week] from your student or students (some may work in pairs). We’ll ask that you to respond within the next few days, preferably by [day of week], so that I can get your reply to the students promptly.

The first weekly topic will be mutual introductions, with typical “getting to know you” questions. After that, I plan to divide the students into two groups, depending on whether they’re currently looking for a job or not. The topics for the jobseekers will pertain to their job search, while the others will ask about more general career development and job success topics.

Feel free to send me your questions, suggestions, or comments.

School email: [your email]

School phone: [your phone]

One thing I’d like you to do right now is send me a quick reply, so I know you received this initial email. Also, I’d like to set up a “mini-field trip”, where I would bring a small number of students out to your workplace so they could see where you work and meet you face-to-face. In your reply, please let me know whether we could do that sometime between [date] and [date], and which days of the week would work best.

Once again, thanks so much for volunteering your time and thoughts for the benefit of our students. I’m looking forward to working with all of you.

[email signature]