For festivals taking place between 1st August 2015 and 27th February 2016.
Friday 29th May 2015 at 3.00pm (applications received after this deadline will be automatically rejected).
Derek Reaney (Development Officer)
Telephone: 00353 749173876 or E-mail:
The Ulster-Scots Community Network
Telephone: 028 9043 6710
1. Role and Priorities of the Ulster-Scots Agency
The vision of the Ulster-Scots Agency is that Ulster-Scots should flourish as a rich, vibrant and growing culture with a global legacy that is recognised at home and abroad.
The Ulster-Scots Agency will inspire, educate and empower people to understand and enjoy their Ulster-Scots identity, while working to continuously improve the governance, financial performance and customer focus of the organisation.
In furtherance of the Mission, four strategic aims have been identified:
SA1 – Inspire
The Agency will identify, interpret and animate Ulster-Scots heritage, language and culture.
SA2 – Educate
The Agency will work to ensure that learning about Ulster-Scots culture, heritage and language is integrated throughout the education system.
SA3 – Empower
The Agency will equip individuals and groups with knowledge and skills to engage with Ulster-Scots heritage, language and culture.
SA4 – Improve
The Agency will work to continuously improve the governance, financial performance and customer focus of the organisation.
2. Purpose of Ulster-Scots Agency Festival Funding
The purpose of our festival funding is to support the delivery of Ulster-Scots community festivals which provide people with opportunities to experience and learn about Ulster-Scots culture, heritage and language.
Ulster-Scots community festivals have an important role to play in raising awareness of Ulster-Scots identity within local communities; encouraging people to get involved in local Ulster-Scots groups and activities; and building the experience and capacity of Ulster-Scots groups to develop their programmes and work with others.
3. What is an Ulster-Scots Community Festival?
It is a series of activities and events with an Ulster-Scots theme, delivered within a defined time period, which celebrate and positively promote Ulster-Scots identity. It should aim to reflect the Ulster-Scots identity of the area where it will take place, as well as Ulster-Scots identity in general.
The festival must be led by a community sector organisation and planned in conjunction with the local community. It is not enough to run a festival for a community, the community must play a strong part in developing and delivering the festival.
The Agency provides funding for Ulster-Scots festivals within two streams, Minor Festivals and Major Festivals. This allows us to make sure that the amount of information you need to provide in your application is proportionate to the amount of money you are requesting from us.
Minor Festivals
A minor festival will last for between 2 and 8 consecutive days. The minimum grant you can apply for is £1,000 (applications for less than this amount will be rejected). The maximum grant you can apply for is £10,000, although most grants will be for less than this. The Agency has developed capped cost rates for minor festivals and these are set out later in this Guidance Note.
The Agency is happy to support Ulster-Scots content within community festivals which are not exclusively Ulster-Scots, however preference will be given to festivals with the greatest levels of Ulster-Scots content. Where the application is for an Ulster-Scots element in a festival which is not otherwise Ulster-Scots, there must be a minimum of 8 hours of Ulster-Scots content.
Major Festivals
A major festival will last for between 4 and 15 consecutive days. It must be designed to appeal to a national or international audience. The minimum grant you can apply for is £11,000 and the maximum grant you can apply for is £25,000.
The Ulster-Scots Agency’s contribution to any festival will not exceed 75% of total project costs.
4. Eligibility for Funding
Who can apply?
Voluntary and community groups/organisations
Who cannot apply?
Statutory Bodies
Activities/costs that can be funded:
Events, performances, workshops and exhibitions relating to:
Ulster-Scots language
Ulster-Scots music and dance
Ulster-Scots literature and poetry
Ulster-Scots history or heritage
Ulster-Scots genealogy
Any other aspect of Ulster-Scots identity
Performers’ fees
Tutors’ fees
Speakers’ fees
Venue hire
Equipment hire
Marketing/Publicity costs
Activities/costs that cannot be funded:
Promoters’ Fees
Consultancy Fees
Bank charges or interest charges
Any tax liabilities
VAT where the applicant is VAT registered and reclaiming VAT
Charitable donations
Purchase of equipment
Hospitality costs (unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Agency)
Membership fees
Insurance costs
Children’s entertainment, eg bouncy castles, magicians, face painters etc.
Discos or karaoke
Community circus or animals
Awards ceremonies or decorations
Displays of WW1 or WW2 memorabilia (unless specifically related to Ulster-Scots content)
Displays of vintage or military vehicles
Commercial activities
Festivals taking place outside the 9 counties of Ulster
Other items at the Agency’s discretion
How much funding is available for your festival?
The maximum grant available is £10,000 for a minor festival and £25,000 for a major festival, however most grants will be less than this.
The Agency’s grant will not exceed 75% of the total cost of your festival and can only be spent on things that you can apply for (see above). You must secure a minimum of 25% of the total cost of your festival from sources other than the Ulster-Scots Agency. This can include other statutory funding, commercial sponsorship and/or in-kind support, where the rationale for calculating the value of in-kind support is clearly demonstrated. Volunteer labour should be charged at the rate of minimum wage. Applications
not demonstrating that a minimum of 25% of their festival income is intended to come from other sources will be deemed ineligible for funding.
Your group can only submit one festival application per year.
5. Making an Application
There will be one call for applications for festival funding during 2015.
Your completed application form, together with all supporting documentation, must be received at the Agency’s Belfast office by 3pm on Friday 10th April 2015. Applications received after this deadline will be rejected.
Electronic copies will not be accepted.
Please ensure that you download and complete the correct application form from the Agency’s website.
It can be found at Application forms and criteria are subject to change each year, so applications submitted on the wrong form will be rejected.
It is important that you read the form carefully and fully complete every section of the form as incomplete applications will be rejected. Please pay particular attention to the instructions around who should sign the application form and ensure that your group complies with these.
In order to help you to complete your application, several information events will be delivered by the Ulster-Scots Community Network, who will also be happy to help you with your application. More information about this can be found on the Ulster-Scots Agency’s website at the link above. You can also contact the Ulster-Scots Community Network on 028 90436710.
6. Supporting Documentation
So that the Agency can ensure we only fund groups that are being properly run, we require you to submit several items of supporting documentation along with your application form. If you do not supply the supporting documentation that we need, we will not be able to provide a grant for your festival.
We need you to supply the following documents:
- The governing document of your group (Constitution or Memorandum/Articles of Association) which must have been formally adopted by your group and signed by the current chairperson.
- Your group’s most recent annual accounts, which must have been prepared in line with your governing document and signed off accordingly. If your governing document says that your accounts have to be audited, then they must be signed off by an independent person who is not involved in the running of your group. If your group has a financial turnover large enough that you are legally required to have your accounts audited, then they must be signed off by a professional auditor. If your group was formed within the last 12 months, we will accept an Income and Expenditure Account up to the 23rd January 2015.
- An original bank statement for your group’s bank account, which is no more than two months old at the deadline for applications. An online bank statement or a bank print out will be accepted but this must be signed, stamped and dated by a bank official. Photocopies are not acceptable.
- If your group’s bank account has a balance of more than £1,000 you must provide us with a statement of current financial commitments to tell us what that money is to be used for. This is because we will not provide grants for groups that do not need the money.
- Your group’s current Safeguarding Policy for Children and Vulnerable Adults, giving the names and telephone numbers of two Designated Officers. The Safeguarding Policy for Children and Vulnerable Adults must have been formally adopted by your group and signed and dated by the current chairperson.
- If you are applying for any individual element that costs more than £1,000 and it is not covered by the capped costs list at Appendix 1, you must submit 3 quotes for the element. This applies to all applicants.
7. Assessment Criteria
The Agency regularly receives applications for festival funding in excess of the amount of money available. As a result, the scheme is competitive. We will score your application according to how well it fits with the assessment criteria set out below, and overall diversity and event program content.
Major Festivals
The Agency will target funding at specific areas such as performance fees, marketing activity and production costs although there will be flexibility to consider other costs if there is a convincing rationale. Capped rates will not apply but the Agency will expect to see value for money in festival costs.
Performers from outside Ireland with an Ulster-Scots cultural link will be eligible for funding. There will be an expectation that organisers should generate income through sales of tickets, advertising, sponsorship and sales of merchandise.
Projects will be selected on merit based on the following criteria:
Contribution to the Agency’s strategic priorities
Quality and Diversity of Ulster-Scots programme content;
Sustainability of the event/level of other income secured and
Volume of spectators;
Management ability/capacity in organisation to deliver project;
Quality of marketing plan;
Value for money.
Minor Festivals
Minor festivals will also be selected for funding on merit based on the following criteria:
Contribution to the Agency’s strategic priorities
Quality/Diversity of Ulster-Scots programme content
Evidence of growth potential
Evidence of effective management and planning
Evidence of skills development and community engagement
Leverage of other funding and income generation
For small grants, capped costs will apply. These are set out later in this guidance note.
8. Assessment Process
The Agency will do its best to acknowledge receipt of your application form within 7 working days and provide you with a unique reference number which should be quoted on any future correspondence with us.
Your application will be assessed by members of the Agency’s Development Team, who will make recommendations to the Agency’s Board for ratification. All applications will be assessed on their merits against the criteria as listed previously. After the applications have been scored a threshold score for funding will be set in light of the resources available and value of applications received.
The Agency Grants Officer will contact you by letter with the final decision.
9. Letter of Offer
If your application is successful, we will send you a letter of offer outlining the general conditions and any special conditions or preconditions of the grant and explaining the stages by which we will pay the grant. The letter of offer must be signed as accepted before any funds can be released. This must happen within 30 days of the date on the letter of offer. If you do not return your letter of offer within that timescale the grant offer will automatically be withdrawn.
By accepting the letter of offer your group is entering into a binding legal contract with the Ulster-Scots Agency.
Failure to meet any of the preconditions in the Letter of Offer will result in the withdrawal of the grant offer.
Representatives of your group will be required to attend any training organised by the Agency to advise you about the administration of your grant.
10. Appeals Process
If your group does not receive funding, we will tell you the reason(s) why. If you believe we have made a mistake, you have the option to appeal the decision. You will receive information about the appeal process along with your decision letter.
11. How will we pay your grant?
The Agency will pay your grant in two stages.
Stage 1
Your Stage 1 payment will be for 50% of your grant. You can choose whether to draw this down in advance of your festival or to draw it down after your festival is completed.
If you wish to claim your first payment in advance, you must submit a completed Annex 2 Grant Claim Form, providing written confirmation of bookings (from the service providers) to the value of 50% of your grant. All of these must be for activities which the Agency is funding. The claim must be received 28 days prior to the starting date of your festival.
If you decide to claim your first payment after your festival has taken place, you must submit a completed Annex 2 Grant Claim form, providing unpaid invoices to the value of 50% of your grant. All of these invoices must be for activities that the Agency is funding. Your unpaid invoices will be returned to your group so that you can submit it with your Stage 2 claim.
Stage 2
Your Stage 2 payment will be for the remaining 50% of your grant. You must submit a completed Annex 2 Grant Claim Form, providing paid invoices or receipts to the value of 100% of your grant. This must be accompanied by bank statements or print-outs demonstrating that the payments have cleared your group’s bank account.
You must also provide paid invoices/receipts and bank statements/print-outs in relation to the 25% of your festival costs which were not funded by the Agency. Where your 25% included in-kind costs, you must include signed confirmation from suppliers that the service was provided and no fee was charged.
Your group must declare all festival income. If your total income exceeds your total expenditure, this surplus will be deducted from your Stage 2 payment, as our funding is not intended to enable groups to make profits.
A completed Annex 3 Festival Appraisal Form, along with any supporting evidence (eg publicity material, press coverage or photos) must also be submitted.
Please Note:
All payments must be made by cheque.
Invoices or receipts must come from the supplier. When you are submitting an invoice that has been paid, your Treasurer must sign and date it to confirm that it has been paid and write on it the number of the cheque that was used to make the payment. This number will then be checked against the bank tatement.
If you are submitting a bank print-out instead of a statement, this must be stamped, signed and dated by a bank official to prove that it is legitimate. The onus is on your group to ensure that this is done correctly. Print-outs that are not stamped, signed and dated will not be accepted.
12. Making Changes to Your Festival
You can make changes to your festival programme up until the start date of your festival, however you must secure the agreement of the Agency in writing beforehand (e-mail is sufficient). Failure to secure written agreement to changes will result in losing that element of the grant.
13. Publicity and Marketing
Your group is required to publicly acknowledge the Agency’s support for your festival. The Agency’s logo must be used on all publicity and promotional materials, together with the supporting statement,
“This festival has been supported by the Ulster-Scots Agency”. You must retain evidence of this and supply it with your Annex 3 Festival Appraisal Form.
The Agency will publicise the grant award to your group and will also include details of your festival programme on our website.