Palliative Care Specialist Drugs Scheme
1 April 2014- 31 March 2017
Service Level Agreement
Services Covered:Provision of a Palliative Care Specialist Drugs
Duration of Agreement: Three years
Commissioner: NHS Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG, 1 Common Lane North, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9BN
Commissioner Contact: Michael Dennis
Provider:[Insert name, address and contact telephone number for pharmacy]
1)Provider Contact:[Insert name]
Section / Contents – / Page no.1
12 / Duration of Agreement
Service Description
Aims and Intended Service Outcomes
Service Outline
Funding and payment
Termination of Agreement
Health and Safety
Trainingand Development
Incidents and Near Misses / 2
This Service Level Agreement (SLA) is for [insert named and address of pharmacy] to provide the Palliative Care Specialist Drugs Scheme at all times the pharmacy is open.
- Duration of the Agreement
This agreement is for a three year rolling contract, with annual review, to include indexation and variations to service with a 1 month implementation period and will run from 2014 - 2017. At least 3months’ notice must be given by either party to terminate or change this SLA. However, if there is evidence of consistent failure to maintain minimum stock levels we understand that the CCG reserves the right to terminate our participation in the scheme immediately. Consistent failure will be considered as not having minimum stocks excepting where there has been high demand e.g. drugs dispensed on same day and awaiting stock delivery or manufacturer’s supply issues.
The CCG may review the palliative care drugs list and add additional items by providing immediate notice. If items are to be removed from the list, the CCG will continue to honour the date expiry compensation for that product.
- Service Description
This service is aimed at the supply of specialist andpalliative care drugs, the demand for which may be urgent and/or unpredictable and takes place during normal opening hours for the community pharmacy or commissioned extended hours e.g. Sunday/public holiday rota.
The pharmacy contractor will stock a locally agreed list of specialist palliative care drugs (Appendix 1) and will make a commitment to ensure those users of this service have prompt access to these medicines.
The pharmacy will provide information and advice to the user, carer and clinician. They may also refer to the specialist palliative care advice line 01493 452804, 7 days a week from 9am-5pm. Out of hours (5pm-9am) 0800 5670909.
- Aims and Intended Service Outcomes
- To improve access for people to these specialist medicines when they are required by ensuring prompt access and continuity of supply.
- To support people, carers and clinicians by providing them with up to date information and advice, and referral where appropriate.
4.Service Outline
Prior to commencement of the scheme each pharmacist must ensure they have signed the Service Level Agreement.
The pharmacy holds the specified list of medicines required to deliver this service and will dispense these in response to NHS prescriptions presented. An appropriate CCG employee will be entitled to check the stock is availableas part of planned or unannounced visit or where there have been reports of failure to hold minimum stocks. The pharmacy will be expected to hold the minimum stock level unless there is evidence of drugs being dispensed and awaiting stock replenishment.
The pharmacy contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have relevant knowledge in the operation of the service, including locums.
The pharmacy contractor has a duty to ensure that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service are aware of and operate within the pharmacies SOPs relating to this service. As a minimum the SOPs will cover the need to monitor stock levels and check expiry dates. Locums must be made aware that if any of the drugs on the list is dispensed then they must ensure appropriate stock is re-ordered.
NHS Great Yarmouth & WaveneyCCG will agree with local stakeholders the medicines formulary and stock levels required to deliver this service. The CCG will regularly review the formulary to ensure that the formulary reflects the availability of new medicines and changes in practice or guidelines, and ideas for developing this are welcomed from pharmacists.
The pharmacy will maintain at least the minimum stock levels as indicated in the current list and display this list within the pharmacy.
The CCG will reimburse the pharmacy any purchased drugs which have expired within the SLA. The pharmacy should complete the relevant claim form (Appendix 2) and return to the CCG for reimbursement.
The CCG will disseminate information on the service to participating pharmacies, other pharmacy contractors and health care professionals in order that they can signpost clients to the service.
The responsible pharmacist will have a duty to ensure stock is available at all times. Should stock not be available due to a prescription having been dispensed that day then the responsible pharmacist will have a duty to contact other participating pharmacies to ensure the prescription can be dispensed.
- Funding and payment
A retainer of £120 will be paid to all pharmacies operating under this scheme. Any pharmacies joining the scheme part way through will receive a pro-rata payment.
The reimbursement of drug costs and remuneration for this service will be met through the normal route for NHS prescriptions.
The CCG will not reimburse any new pharmacies signing up to this service, for the cost of any date expired stock held prior to starting this agreement. Claims made for drugs expiring within 12 months of signing this SLA will require proof that they were not held in stock prior to signing this agreement.
6. Termination of Agreement
Should either party wish to terminate the agreement, threemonths’ notice will be given in writing.
7. Health and Safety
The pharmacy will be responsible for the provision and maintenance of a safe and suitable environment for clients and will comply with all relevant statutory requirements, legislation, Department of Health Guidance and professional Codes of Practice and all health and safety regulations.
8. Training and Development
Pharmacists, locums and staff must be adequately trained regarding operation of the scheme.
Pharmacists should access the CPPE training: Palliative Care (open learning) in order to fulfil their professional capability and meet GPhC professional standard 5 Develop your professional knowledge and competence.
Pharmacists may like to have access to our local Palliative Care Formulary, Anticipatory prescribing, a guide for equivalent doses for opioid drugs and a guide to safe initiation of strong opioids, using the following link:
- Confidentiality
All parties agree that access to records and documents containing information relating to individual patients treated under the terms of this SLA will be restricted to authorised personnel and that information will not be disclosed to a third party. The parties will comply with the Data Protection Act, Caldicott and other legislation covering access to confidential client information.
10. Indemnity
This agreement does not exempt the pharmacy or pharmacist from any of their professional duties or obligations and the CCG cannot be held liable for any action or inaction by a pharmacy or pharmacist arisingfromthis agreement that may lead to client harm.
11. Complaints
The pharmacy will effectively manage any complaints or incidents, keeping a record for audit purposes.
12. Incidents and Near Misses
Incidents and near misses must be reported to the National Patient Safety Agency, with CCG identifiable to inform both national and local learning and feedback.
Serious incidents can be reported directly to the CCG using the appropriate incident report form, emailed to . (Appendix 3)
All controlled drug incidents must be reported to the CSU’s Accountable Officer for Controlled Drugs, by the appropriate form by e-mail to and cc. (Appendix 4)
13. Professional support – palliative care telephone advice 24/7
Out of hours17:00 – 09:00
St Elizabeth Hospice Out-of-Hours Specialist Palliative Care Telephone Advice 0800 56 70 909 Monday to Sunday including Bank Holidays
In hours Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00
Existing James Paget In Hours Specialist Palliative Care Telephone Advice
01493 452804 / 453439
The above support is available to GPs, nurses and other medical professionals, health and social care workers and patients
For and on behalf of CCG (Commissioner)Signed______
Job title:
Date______ / For and on behalf of Pharmacy (Provider)
Job title:
Appendix 1:
Palliative Care Specialist Drugs Scheme - Drug Stock List
For general information regarding prescribing these drugs please refer to current BNF Prescribing in palliative care.
Please ensure that these minimum quantities are available and consider increasing quantity to meet demand and public holidays
Drug / Strength and form / QuantityCyclizine / 50mg/ml injection / 15 ampoules
Dexamethasone / 8mg/2ml injection / 10 ampoules
Diamorphine / 5mg/ml injection / 5 ampoules
Diamorphine / 10mg/ml injection / 20 ampoules
Diamorphine / 30mg/ml injection / 10 ampoules
Diamorphine / 100mg/ml injection / 10 ampoules
Diazepam / 5mg rectal tubes / 5 tubes
Fragmin syringes / 10000iu/0.4ml / 5
12500iu/0.5ml / 5
1500iu/0.6ml / 5
1800iu/0.72ml / 5
2500iu/0.2ml / 10
5000iu/0.2ml / 10
7500iu/0.3ml / 10
Glycopyrronium Bromide / 200mcg/ml (1ml ampoule) / 10 ampoules
Haloperidol / 5mg/ml injection / 5 ampoules
Haoloperidol oral liquid / 2mg/ml oral solution / 100ml
Hyoscine Butylbromide / 20mg/ml injection / 5 ampoules
Hyoscine Hydrobromide / 400mcg/ml injection / 5 ampoules
Levomepromazine / 25mg/ml injection / 10 ampoules
Lorazepam / 1mg tablets / 28 tablets
Midazolam / 10mg/2ml injection / 20 ampoules
Morphine sulphate / 20mg tablets standard release / 56 tablets
Oramorph® oral solution / 10mg/5ml oral solution / 500mls
Sodium Chloride 0.9% injection / 10mls / 20 ampoules
Water for injections / 10mls / 20 ampoules
Appendix 2
Palliative Care Specialist Drugs Scheme –Drug Stock list & Pharmacist Claim Form for Expired Drugs
Pharmacy Name and Address: ………………………………………………..
Drug / Strength and form / Quantity / Price*Cyclizine / 50mg/ml injection
Dexamethasone / 8mg/2ml injection
Diamorphine / 5mg/ml injection
Diamorphine / 10mg/ml injection
Diamorphine / 30mg/ml injection
Diamorphine / 100mg/ml injection
Diazepam / 5mg rectal tubes
Fragmin syringes / 10000iu/0.4ml
Glycopyrronium Bromide / 200mcg/ml (1ml ampoule)
Haloperidol / 5mg/ml injection
Haoloperidol oral liquid / 2mg/ml oral solution
Hyoscine Butylbromide / 20mg/ml injection
Hyoscine Hydrobromide / 400mcg/ml injection
Levomepromazine / 25mg/ml injection
Lorazepam / 1mg tablets
Midazolam / 10mg/2ml injection
Morphine sulphate / 20mg tablets standard release
Oramorph® oral solution / 10mg/5ml oral solution
Sodium Chloride 0.9% injection / 10mls
Water for injections / 10mls
*Based on current drug tariff price plus VAT (20%)
I certify that I am claiming for out-of-date drug costs under the palliative care drugs scheme.
Pharmacist Signature: …………………………………………
Date ………………………………..
Please return completed claim form to:
Sue Williams, Prescribing & Medicines Management, NHS Great Yarmouth & Waveney CCG, 1 Common Lane North, Beccles NR34 9BN or by email to
Appendix 3
CCG’s Untoward Incident Form
REVISED FORM JANUARY 20111. / Your Local Organisation SI Code
2. / Date of this report
3. / Name of Organisation
3a. / Name of Commissioner
4. / NPSA Category
5. / Your Name and Contact details / Name
Job Title
Tel No
6. / Name and Contact details for Correspondence / Name
Job Title/role
Tel No
Secure Email
7. / Date of Incident / (dd/mm/yyyy)
8. / Incident Category
Person 1. / Person 2.
9. / Details of Patient or other person(s) involved / Reference Code
Age (years) / Age (Months) / ######
Gender / DoB / 0.00
10. / Outcome in terms of patient, other persons, staff or service failure
Other, please specify
11. / Where did the incident occur? / Location
Eg. site, ward, in the home, etc / Speciality
12. / Staff Involved (designation only)
13. / Summary details of incident/issue: give a factual account, incl. a description of any medical devices, equipment and/or any medicines involved, and time of day if relevant.
If a data loss, incl. how many individuals are involved, if they have been notified, any safeguards in place around the data, DH level of severity.
If you have more information, please attach an additional Word document.
14. / Other information not in the public domain.
15. / Immediate Action Taken
16. / Legal Advice Taken?
17. / Has, or will information on this incident be reported to any other agency/body (specify e.g. Police, Information Commissioner,etc)
18. / Information about actual or likely media interest (local or national) and/or political interest or involvement (MP's, Ministers, etc)
19. / Lines to take. (Include local and suggested national lines if applicable).YOUR COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER should complete this section or provide you advice.
Appendix 4
Date of incident: / Name of Organisation:Address:
Post Code:
Service involved (GP surgery, Pharmacy, Community hospital etc):
Staff involved: / Patient name:
NHS Number:
Description of the incident
Type of incident:
Dispensing error Stock discrepancy Prescribing error Other
Contributory factors:
Follow up action
Staff involved :
Patient concerned :
Other :
List any immediate learning outcomes identified:
Any immediate changes to practice identified: / Additional comments:
Who else has been informed of this incident: (please tick all that apply)
Head Office Other ……………………………………….
Report prepared by: Telephone Number:
Designation: E-mail address:
Office use only Date received: Reference number:
Please return by e-mail to and cc October 2013 v4
Appendix 5 – Palliative Care Drug Prescription requirements
PCDS LES 2014-17Page 1