CRITERIA/POINTS / Excellent-all points awarded / Good / Fair / Poor
Overall Problem
10 points / Contains all 5 problems that are highlighted in the presentation, along with a general idea of how the earth is affected / Contains 5 - 3 problems with a very vague description of how the Earth is affected
Less 7 points / Contains 5 problems with no description
Less 5 points / Was not addressed
0 points
Description of problem associated with the 5 categories
50 points / Full descriptions of the problem with statistics/numbers / Full descriptions but did not include statistical numbers
Less 37 points / Descriptions is very vague
Less 25 points / Was not addressed
0 points
15 non-winning competitors (10pts each)
150 points / Contains the names of the scientist, their science field of expertise, and a description of the technology they proposed/invented / Contains ½ of the information about the scientist
Less 112 points / Contains 1/3 of the information about the scientist
Less 75 points / Contains <1/3 of the information
Less 76-150 points
5 Winning projects (30pts each)
150 points / Contains the names of the scientist, their science field of expertise, and a complete description of the technology they proposed/invented, background information, how it worked, problems that were encountered, and other scientist that contributed to the solution / Contains ½ of the information about the winning project
Less 112 points / Contains 1/3 of the information about the winning project
Less 75 points / Contains <1/3 of the information
Less 75-150 points
Reasons the 5 technologies won (5pts each)
20 points / Contains 3 reasons and carbon savings / One criteria missing
Less 5 points / Two criteria missing
Less 10 points / Three or more criteria missing
Less 11-0 points
Pros/Cons of each project support YOUR CHOICE, not Dr. Kamen’s choice
30 points / Pros/Cons Listed along with scientist and technology / Contains ½ of the information
Less 8 points / Contains 1/3 of the information
Less 15 points / Contains <1/3 of the information
Less 16-30 points
Researched Technology solution of an environmental problem
80 points / Contains all information (scientist name, background and field of expertise; technology invented; environmental problem address; how it works; cost involved; pros and cons; 3 interesting facts) / Contains ½ of the information
Less 20 points / Contains1/3 of the information
Less 30 points / Contains <1/3 of the information
Less 29-0 points
10 points / No grammatical errors, no spelling errors, report typed or neatly written / One criteria missing- Less 2 points / Two criteria missing- Less 4 points / Three criteria missing- Less 6 points
Total = 500