Senior Pupil Council Minutes 7.9.12
Present: Becky Irving, Rosalind Burns, Grace Dillett, Marcus Alsaedi, Kelsey Patterson
Apologies: Joseph Reid
Homework Club
Mrs McNaught attended the meeting to tell us about the issues around the lack of attendance at homework club. We discussed different ways we could try and boost attendance. Homework Club does have many benefits on offer to students and should be used more. It will be advertised to students more by posters and mentioning it at assemblies and through the Pupil Bulletin. Mr Donnelly suggested that snacks could be offered before the club starts to act as a break at the end of the day before pupils begin working again. The target audience is S1-S3 and a questionnaire will be given out during Enrichment to get pupils’ views about improving uptake.
Matters Arising- Previous Meeting
●At the Non Uniform at the end of last term a total of £500 was raised. £250 was sent to the Royal National Institute for the Blind and another £250 was sent to the children’s ward at the NHS.
● We will speak to Joseph Reid about the Pupil Council Facebook page to find out how well it is being used.
● Pupils have been complaining about the strict boundaries that have been placed on the school’s internet filter system. We will speak to Mr Boyd about it.
Study book service
A notice has been put into the pupil bulletin to inform pupils about the upcoming study book sale on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13thSeptember. It will take place in the assembly hall at break as usual and books can be sold for up to 50% of their original price. Marcus Alsaedi will organise promotion for the event.
There will be an election held on the 21stSeptember to elect three new 1st years, three new 3rd years, one new 5th year and one new 6th year. Rosalind Burns and Becky Irving will speak at assembly to inform pupils about the upcoming elections. All nominations must be in for the 18th September. Senior Pupil Council members will meet at Mr Donnelly’s office at 08:45 on Friday morning and will go round the classrooms to collect the votes. Nomination forms are available from the library, the office and senior staff’s offices.
School Website
The new school website has been launched. A pupil group will be set up to look at and develop the website.
P.E: Girls
We will ask again for a questionnaire to be given to senior girls about options in PE.