Physics Syllabus

Teacher: Anne Watson
What you’ll need for class:
Binder with
Folder to hold hand outs and returned work
Writing Implement
Late Sign-In Sheet – If the class is working on something or if I’m already addressing the class, then you’re late and so you should sign the Late Sign-In Sheet. Put your name, and the Date. If you’ve got a good excuse get a note from Kim within 24hrs and I’ll mark it as excused. Otherwise I’ll mark it as Unexcused and what number Tardy it is. If you’re late 3 times you get a pink slip and your folks get a call. The third time after that you get to have a meeting with me, your folks, and Jen Wall, where you make your case about why I shouldn’t kick you out of class.
Leaving the Room – Ask to leave. Sometimes I’ll ask you to wait depending on what we’re doing.
The Dinosaur Stamp of Timeliness – I don’t accept late work. Period. If the work is turned in on time and you’ve at least tried every problem, then you get a dinosaur stamp. Anything with the dinosaur stamp can be re-submitted any number of times for full credit. But if you’ve got nothing to show when the assignment is due, don’t expect me to be lenient.
Grading Point Distribution –
Homework or Classwork: 30%
Projects or Labs: 30%
Tests: 30%
Participation and Organization 10%
Plagiarism - Any time individual work is collected, your answers must be your own work even if you worked in a group. You must have answers in your own words. All sources must be sited (including pictures!)
If things go awry–
Typical consequences for discipline issues include a call to your folks, detention during your lunch to clean my room, expulsion from my class.
Class Website -
*Don’t Whine. Sometimes my class will be fun, sometimes it won’t be. You’ve been forewarned so don’t whine.
Units, Homework, Labs, and Projects

Unit / Homework / Labs / Projects
Patterns & Intro / Intelligence reflection / Lab Report / -
Velocity/Newton’s 1st Law / WS 1 - 4 / Dry Ice Lab, three-legged race / Physics Philms
Acceleration/Free Fall / WS 1 - 3 / Ball Toss / Rockets
Projectile Motion / WS 1 / Penny Drop, Angle and Range Lab / Physics War
Newton’s 2nd Law / WS 1-6 / Air Track Lab / -
Newton’s 3rd Law / WS 1 / Push – of – war / -
Friction / WS 1-3 / Kinetic and Static Friction labs / Sledding Project
Uniform Circular Motion / WS 1 / Lasso lab / -
Conservation of Energy / WS 1-4 / Hooke’s Law Lab / Egg Bungee Jumping
Electricity, Magnetism, Circuitry / WS 1-4 / Parallel & Series labs / House wiring
Transfer of Energy / WS 1 / - / Root Cellar Project
Renewable Energy / WS 1 / Wind-mill building / Build a Bicycle Generator
Waves, Sound, Optics / WS 1-4 / Refraction Lab, thin lens lab / Optical Maze
Topics in Modern / Notes / - / Poster/ppt Presentation