
1.1.1 The training of staff, including any part-time, temporary or agency staff, in Health and Safety matters, is essential in ensuring that they are aware of the risks to health and safety generated by their work and to enable them to take appropriate action to minimise such risks.

1.2This policy explains the provision of Health and Safety training and the arrangements which Kerrigan Reinforcing Ltd and our managers will put in place to ensure that appropriate training is delivered.

2.0Legal Requirements

2.1The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places a duty upon employers to provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to protect the health and safety at work of employees.

2.2The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations state:

Every employer shall ensure that his employees are provided with adequate health and safety training –

(a)on their being recruited into the employer’s undertaking; and

(b)on their being exposed to new or increased risks because of –

(i)their being transferred or given a change of responsibilities within the employers undertaking;

(ii)the introduction of new work equipment into or change in work equipment already in use within the employer’s undertaking;

(iii)the introduction of new technology into the employer’s undertaking, or

(iv)the introduction of a new system of work into or a change respecting a system of work already in use within the employer’s undertaking.

It also sets out that Health and Safety training shall –

(a)be repeated periodically where appropriate;

(b)be adapted to take account of any new or changed risks to the health and safety of the employees concerned; and

(c)take place during working hours.

3.0Kerrigan Reinforcing Health & Safety Policy

3.1The existing Kerrigan Reinforcing Ltd Health and Safety Policy confirms that the company will provide information, instruction, training and supervision in respect of Health and Safety. The Policy on Health & Safety Training will underpin this by developing health and safety competence through a proactive approach to training. Training and re-training requirements in respect of health and safety will be carried out through the assessment of training needs using job descriptions, personnel specifications, staff development review, and changes to role and activities, rather than simply as a result of reactive factors e.g. Learning from an accident.

4.0Training Responsibilities

4.1Kerrigan Reinforcing Ltd Health & Safety Policy places a general duty on all managers to ensure that persons reporting to them have received the necessary training to carry out their duties competently and safely. They can be assisted and advised in this by the Health & Safety Officer.

4.2Where training has been identified as necessary to minimise risks through a risk assessment process (e.g. working at height) then the manager must ensure that the training is provided and that staff attending the training have understood its content. The risk assessment and staff development plan should identify re-training/refresher training within a suitable period (normally of no more than 2 years).


5.1All new staff are required to complete the Kerrigan Reinforcing Ltd Induction programme which includes a briefing on the health and safety essentials.

5.2Training and Development will notify new employees of the date of their induction giving appropriate notice. This information will normally be included in the employees’ induction pack.

5.3Managers must ensure that their new staff are required to attend which should be within two months of commencement of their duties.

6.0The role of the Managers

6.1In accordance with the Kerrigan Reinforcing Staff Development Policy the line managers are responsible for individual or group health & safety training needs in accordance with their l development plan. Each manager should support any individual in meeting these needs and should liaise with the Health & Safety Officer or Staff Development in co-ordinating the most appropriate training solution(s).

Any such training programme should include as standard;

(a)Identification of the hazards, tasks or issues for which training is required.

(b)The persons who are required to be trained.

(c)A timetable for the provision of training.

7.0Staff Training Provision and Records

7.1Health and safety training will be provided by or through the Managers assisted where applicable by the Health and Safety Officer

7.2As part of this Policy, Kerrigan Reinforcing Ltd will have in place and publish for all staff a programme of available Health & Safety training courses as well as available training solutions such as self-assessment training where appropriate. The range of courses and training solutions will be kept under review and will be added to as will any specific hazard or specialist training which can also be arranged as required by the Health and Safety Officer.

7.3A training record should be retained by Kerrigan Reinforcing Ltd and this will also be recorded centrally by Health & Safety and Training & Development.

7.4The records should identify the person trained, the training course details, dates attended, the person delivering the training, and the date for refresher or repeat training as required.

8.0Health & Safety Training & Competency Matrix

8.1To assist all staff, the Health & Safety Officer will also produce a training competency matrix which will provide examples of the range of ways any individual may achieve competence through receiving information, instruction and training. This will be periodically updated to share understanding of new solutions as they become available.

This policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure it remains appropriate to Kerrigan Reinforcing Ltd and its activities.

Kerrigan Reinforcing Ltd. 87 Penycae Road, Port Talbot. SA13 2EN. 07872166075 or 07496808976