28 JULY – 29 JULY 2012
I wish to register for the Tenth Workshop of Parliamentary Scholars and Parliamentarians, being held at Wroxton College, Wroxton, Near Banbury, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, on Saturday 28th July and Sunday 29th July 2012.
Name (including title):
Institutional affiliation:
Mailing address:
I enclose a cheque/international money order, drawn in sterling and made payable to ‘The University of Hull’ for:
Registration fee*_____
Accommodation/meals [see over]_____
TOTAL (enclosed)_____
Those wishing to pay by credit card/bank transfer, please contact
* £50 for parliamentarians and academics, £25 for research students
Please tick as appropriate:
[You may tick more than one. Equally, you may leave all blank.]
[ ] I am giving a paper
[ ] I am willing to chair a panel
[ ] I am willing to serve on the concluding panel [parliamentarians]
Please note that rooms available in College are limited in number. Early booking is therefore advisable.
I wish to book the following [please tick as appropriate]
Special residential rate
[ ] Weekend residential package, including all the below (Friday dinner through to
Sunday lunch/afternoon tea) (£155.00)
Part rate
[ ] Dinner on Friday 23 July (£15.00)
[ ] Accommodation in College for the evening of Friday 23 July (£50.00)*
[ ] Lunch on Saturday 24 July (£15.00)
[ [ Dinner on Saturday 24 July (£35.00, including wine)
[ ] Accommodation in College for the evening of Saturday 24 July (£50.00)*
[ ] Lunch on Sunday 25 July (£15.00)
* Price includes full breakfast
TOTAL (for accommodation and meals) £______
[ ] Partners. For those accompanied by a partner, double rooms are available (each comprising two single beds). Charges are per bed rather than per room. The special residential rate for two people is therefore £310. Please tick and add the appropriate amount to the total above.
For those arriving before Friday evening or wishing to stay beyond Sunday afternoon, the following may also be booked. Please tick the appropriate box and add the amount to the total above.
[ ] Accommodation in College for the evening of Thursday 22 July (£40.00, including breakfast)
[ ] Lunch on Friday 23 July (£11.00)
[ ] Dinner on Sunday 25 July (£13.00)
[ ] Accommodation in College for the evening of Sunday 25 July (£40.00, including breakfast)
Special dietary requirements (if any):
Please complete and return this form, no later than Monday 9 July 2012 to:
Gemma Brunsdon
Department of Politics and International Studies,
University of Hull,
United Kingdom.
Forms may also be faxed on +44 (0)1482 466208 or emailed () in order to ensure that reservations are made, though payment should be mailed in order to arrive by 9 July.