SCFC Meeting Minutes

Thursday,December 3, 2015 2-3PM UC Alumni Boardroom


Voting Members:Non-Voting Members:Voting Members:Non-Voting Members:

Nathan AndersonValerie CrepeauIsaac L’aaMatt Riley

Josef CrepeauBarb Seekins

Christian Decan

Chuck Harris

Martin Horejsi

Stephen Kalm

Jennifer Mills

Jesse Neidigh

Wyatt Smith

Approve minutes from 11/22/15 SCFC meeting. – Approved

Minutes from the 11/12/15 SCFC meeting were approved

Review Law School Port Subsidy request and follow up visit. – Approved

Discuss comments on expense proposal submission process.

The SCFC discussed expense proposal submission process and agreed on the following.

*Representative from the submitting department will be asked to attend the meeting in which the expenditure proposal is discussed for the purpose of answering questions regarding the proposal.

*Field will be added to the request form for a description of what the machines will be used for, including software that will be installed on the machines.

*Timeline will be set for proposal submission and communicated to recipients of SCF funds. A monthly timeline was agreed upon to give departments the ability to submit expenditure proposals throughout the year. This timeline was tentatively set at one week before a scheduled meeting with the understanding that the SCFC meeting times may change by semester as class schedules change for student and faculty SCFC members.

Discuss revision of the SCF funds allocation process and review draft proposal for changes in FY16 and FY17.

Wyatt Smith will put a draft proposal for changes in the SCF funds allocation in Box for SCFC review before the SCFC meeting next week.

Port Subsidy discussion:

*Review Port Subsidy eligibility for consistency

The SCFC agreed to move forward with discussions on consistent guidelines on what constitutes a SCF subsidized port.

*Plan for an audit of current subsidized ports.

The SCFC agreed that an audit needs to be done of current subsidized ports this summer. The SCFC also agreed that a message should be included in the Spring SCF allocations memo regarding the audit and potential changes.

*Discuss creation of a document for port subsidy management to be posted on SCFC website.

The SCFC is in agreement that information on post subsidy qualification be posted on the SCFC website as soon as possible.

SCFC website and on-line forms suggestions.

The following suggestions and issues regarding the SCFC website and on-line forms were discussed.

*Adding a field the request form to include a description of what the machines will be used for, including software that will be installed on the machines

*Concern was expressed that anyone can log in with their Net ID and submit a proposal without going through the proper approval process.


Barb Seekins asked for clarification of her role as ADA representative and whether this role is still necessary. The SCFC agreed that the role is to represent special student needs and that is an important role however, the representative does not need to attend every meeting. The agenda and minutes can be reviewed in Box and comments submitted or a substitute may be sent if Barb cannot attend a meeting.

It was suggested that the SCFC should meet twice per month rather than once per month. There is a meeting next week and then it will be difficult to set up a schedule until the January meeting. Valerie asked that members come to the January meeting prepared to share their Spring Semester schedules.

The following question was discussed:


Valerie - Can you check on whether or not SCF is subsidizing the ports in M306, that appear to be now unused because it seems they’re using wireless with the laptops now?


There are 11 ports in MA-306. 10 are billed to MIT643 and 1 is billed to MMAI01.


Chuck Harris agreed to visit Math 306 to find out if these ports are currently being used and if they should continue to receive SCF subsidy.