14th Annual SAGE World Cup Manila, Philippines - 2016

We have tried to answer/anticipate as many questions as possible in this letter. Please feel free to ask any questions that aren’t covered here.


Belmont Hotel Manila, Philippines

(Students and Advisors)

Newport Boulevard, Newport City 1309 Pasay NCR(phone + 63 63 318 8888).

Marriott Hotel, Manila, Philippines

(Judges and Country Coordinators)

10 Newport Boulevard, Newport City Complex Pasay City

+63 2 988 9999

Henann Regency Resort, Boracay, Philippines

(All Guests)

Station 2, Beachfront 5608 Boracay

(036) 288 6111

La Carmela de Boracay Hotel, Boracay, Phillippines(TRIS Only)

Station 2, BalabagBoracay Island, Malay AklanBoracay·

+63 36 288 5423

The competition will be held in the Marriott Hotel.Students and Advisors will be lodging in the Belmont Hoteland while Country Coordinators and Judges will be in the Marriott Hotel while in Manila.All guest will be in the Henann Regency Resort while in Boracay.TRIS attendees should reserve at La Carmela de Boracay.

All guests (official and unofficial) are responsible for booking their own accommodations at the Belmont Hotel& Marriott listed above; please ask to be reserved in the SAGE block of rooms. You will be required to hold the rooms with a credit card confirmation and be sure to note the hotel’s cancellation policy. You will not have to book the Borcay rooms, The Belmont Hotel/Marriott Hotel will book the same rooming reservation for you for the Boracay dates at the Henann Regency Resort.

Please note daily meals will be served in your respective hotel except for Special Occasions like the Opening Ceremony.

Tentative Agenda for the 2016World Cup Competition in Manila, Philippines:

  • This is the tentative agenda for the 14th Annual SAGE World Cup:

Thursday, 11 August
ALL DAY / Arrival of International Teams
Check into Rooms; Unpack
18:00 – 19:30 / Dinner – Manila Ballroom – Marriott Hotel
19:30 – 22:00 / Rehearsal/Technical Run Through of Cultural song/dance
Friday, 12 August
06:00 – 07:30 / Breakfast– Manila Ballroom – Marriott Hotel
07:30 – 16:00 / Cultural Outing: Corregidor Island
16:00 – 17:0L0 / Set up booths for Cultural Night
18:30 – 22:00 / Cultural Night. Opening Ceremony. Marriott Grand Ballroom – Marriott Hotel
22:00 – 22:30 / League Drawings
Saturday, 13 August
06:30-08:30 / Breakfast– Marriott Grand Ballroom – Marriott Hotel
08:30-09:30 / Judge’s Briefing
(SEB & SRB – 2 Leagues, 4 Teams each)
09:30-10:05 / Presentation 1 (SEB& SRB Leagues) Rooms TBA
10:05-10:40 / Presentation 2 (SEB & SRB Leagues) Rooms TBA
10:40-10:50 / BREAK
10:50-11:25 / Presentation 3 (SEB & SRB Leagues) Rooms TBA
11:25-12:00 / Presentation 4 (SEB& SRB Leagues) Rooms TBA
12:00-13:30 / Lunch& Announcement of Finalists – Marriott Grand Ballroom – Marriott Hotel
(SEB & SRB – 2 Leagues, 4 Teams each)
14:00-14:35 / Presentation 1 (SRB Leagues) Rooms TBA
14:35-15:10 / Presentation 2 (SRB Leagues) Rooms TBA
15:10-15:20 / BREAK
15:20-15:55 / Presentation 3 (SRB Leagues) Rooms TBA
15:55-16:30 / Presentation 4 (SRB Leagues) Rooms TBA
16:30-17:00 / Judge’s Deliberation
18:00-19:00 / Dinner– Marriott Grand Ballroom – Marriott Hotel
19:00-22:00 / Trade & Investment Opportunities
Sunday, 14 August
06:00-07:30 / Breakfast– Manila Ballroom – Marriott Hotel
Morning / Fly to Boracay Island; Check-in at Henann Regency Resort
12:00-13:30 / Lunch
Afternoon / Free time to snorkel, sail, play, shop, enjoy the sunset
18:00-22:00 / Dinner. Beach Party. Fellowship Night.
Monday, 15 August
06:30-08:30 / Breakfast – Sea Breeze Cafe – Henann Resort
08:30-10:30 / National Coordinators Meeting
All Day / Boracay Escapade
12:00 – 13:30 / Lunch
18:00 – 23:00 / Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony – Grand Regency Ballroom – Henann Resort
Tuesday, 16 August
06:30-08:30 / Breakfast – Sea Breeze Cafe – Henann Resort
Depart / Fly to Manila
Noon / SAGE World Cup Ends
Turning Risk Into Success (TRIS) Workshop Agenda
Tuesday, 16 August
14:00-18:00 / TRIS – Training Session #1 and #2 – La Carmela de Boracay Hotel
Wednesday, 17 August
09:00-12:00 / TRIS – Training Session #3 and #4 – La Carmela de Boracay Hotel
12:00-14:00 / BREAK
14:00-17:00 / TRIS – Training Session #5 and #6 – La Carmela de Boracay Hotel
Thursday, 18 August
09:00-12:00 / TRIS – Training Session #7, #8, and # 9 – La Carmela de Boracay Hotel
12:00-14:00 / BREAK
14:00-17:00 / TRIS – Training Session #10, #11, and #12 – La Carmela de Boracay Hotel
Friday, 19 August
09:00-12:00 / TRIS Business Plan Presentations and Certificate Ceremony
Depart / Fly to Manila
Noon / TRIS Workshop Ends

Short description of various events on the 2016 SAGE World Cup Program:

  • Thursday, 11 August 2016
  • Arrival: Delegations arrive at hotel, check in with SAGE Philippines Staff, check into rooms at front desk, unpack and relax, go on informal excursions if you feel up to it.

(Any delegations arriving earlier than Thursday will be on their own for the beginning of their stay.)

  • Dinner: All delegates eat dinner.
  • Friday, 12 August 2016
  • Breakfast: All delegates eat breakfast.
  • Cultural Excursion: Meet in the front lobby of the hotel and load into buses to go on cultural excursion. If delegations are to unload from the buses at anytime, there will be a designated pick up area to meet back at and load back onto buses to head back to the hotel. Leaders of each delegation will be responsible for making sure all members of their delegation are accounted for before departure.
  • Cultural Fair: Meet in the front lobby of the hotel to be escorted to the Cultural Fair location. Each country will be assigned a table to set up country booths (bring country flag, items to represent your country’s culture, etc.); once your country’s booth is set up feel free to visit other country’s booths (please make sure one representative is manning your booth at all times). This is a time for you to mix and mingle with other members of other SAGE teams from countries all over the world. Competing countries will give a 5 minute presentation (dance or song only) showcasing their country and its culture. You will only be allotted a maximum of 5 minutes, in order to keep the event on schedule. Please give any PPTs/music you may need for your presentation to Jonathon Gomez, SAGE World Cup Creative Director, and bring a laptop if needed.
  • League Drawing: League time slot drawings for the Semi-Final leagues.At the conclusion of the drawing, all delegates will head back to the hotel.
  • Dinner: All delegates eat dinner.
  • Saturday, 13 August 2016
  • Breakfast: All delegates eat breakfast.
  • Judge’s Briefing: The judge’s briefing will start at 08:30 sharp. After judges are briefed on scoring, protocol, etc., league coordinators will be introduced and will escort judges and observers to their designated rooms where the Semi-Final rounds will take place.
  • SEB & SRB Semi-Final Round: There will be 4 SEB leagues and 4 SRB leagues, with up to 4 teams competing in each league. There will be 4 presentation time slots for each league, with a 10-minute break in between the first 2 presentations and the last 2 presentations. At the end of the presentations, judges will score each league with a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place vote. All scoresheets will be collected and tallied immediately following the Semi-Final Round, and the winners of each league will be announced at lunch.
  • Lunch: All delegates eat lunch & announcement of finalists.
  • Final Round: There will be 1 SRB league and 1 SEB league, with up to 4 teams competing in each league. There will be 4 presentation time slots for each league, with a 10-minute break in between the first 2 presentations and the last 2 presentations. At the end of the presentations, judges will score each league with a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place vote. All scoresheets will be collected and tallied immediately following the Final Round, and the winners will be announced at the Gala Dinner on 15 August.
  • Dinner: All delegates eat dinner.
  • Trade & Investment Opportunities: Conference with speakers from the industry, and this is the venue for Judges and other professionals from participating countries to learn and explore possible business in the Philippines.SAGE Moscow team will do an exhibition presentation for the guests.
  • Sunday, 14 August 2016
  • Breakfast: All delegates eat breakfast.
  • Inter-Island Flight: We will be travelling to Boracay.
  • Lunch: All delegates eat lunch.
  • Free Time: Enjoy various activities at your own expense
  • Dinner: All delegates eat dinner. Beach party & fellowship night.
  • Monday, 15 August 2016
  • Breakfast: All delegates eat breakfast.
  • National Coordinator Meeting: All National Coordinators meet.
  • Boracay Escapade: Free time to enjoy beautiful Boracay
  • Gala Dinner & Announcement of Winners: All delegates will convene for the gala dinner, announcement of award winners (see list of awards later on in this Program), and the announcement of the SEB & SRB 2016 SAGE World Cup Champions. Both Championship teams present one final time for all to see.
  • Tuesday, 16 August 2016
  • Breakfast: All delegates eat breakfast.
  • Depart: All countries will check-out at the front desk of the hotel where they checked-in, and fly to Manila.

(Any delegations staying later than Tuesday at 12:00 noon will be on their own for the remainder of their stay.)

  • Wednesday, 17 August 2016 – Friday, 19 August 2016
  • TRIS Seminar: SAGE Global Founder, Dr. Curtis L. DeBerg, will be giving a seminar on his Turning Risk Into Success lesson plans for all teachers, advisors, observers, and national coordinators.

Depart: All countries will check-out at the front desk of the hotel where they checked-in, and fly to Manila.(Any TRIS attendees staying later than Friday at 12:00 noon will be on their own for the remainder of their stay.)


  1. Grossman Family SAGE World Cup Awards for Best Social Enterprise Business (SEB) and Best Socially Responsible Business (SRB)

The Grossman Family (Ken Grossman and Katie Gonser of Chico, CA) has established three special awards to be presented at the International SAGE competition each year.

SAGE World Cup judges will select the top three awards. The awards will be as follows:

US $2,000 for the first-place team

US $1,000 for the second-place team

US $ 500 for the third-place team

  1. SAGE International Awards for Best Social Enterprises Addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The SAGE Global Home Office has established seventeen special awards to be presented at the SAGE World Cup competition in 2016 (sponsored by the Ken Grossman Family of Chico, CA)

  • One award will be given for each of the seventeen goals to a SAGE team participating in the SAGE World Cup competition; the team must have successfully developed and launched a business and/or social venture that best meets the targeted SDG Goal.
  • Members of the SAGE staff will select the top award in each category.
  • The award for each category is $100 USD per SDG.
  • The prize money must be used by the winning teams to defray the expenses associated with attending the international competition and/or be invested in their business ventures.
  • The winning teams will also receive certificatesto be displayed in their schools.
  • The winning teams will be featured on the web sites maintained by SAGE.

Judges will base their decisions on the following criteria:

  • Did the team clearly indicate which SDG they are targeting by their project/activity/venture? (10 points)
  • Did the project have a clear statement of goals and objectives before they were undertaken? (20 points)
  • How creative and innovative was the project? (20 points)
  • How sustainable is the project? (20)
  • How did the SAGE team measure social impact? (20 points)
  • How well did the students utilize their media outlets to create awareness of this activity and the importance of their intended message(s)? (10 points)

The categories are:

  • Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

  • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

  • Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning

  • Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

  • Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

  • Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

  • Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

  • Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

  • Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

  • Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

  • Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

  • Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources

  • Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

  • Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

  • Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development


You can turn in a hard copy, or turn in an electronic version of your submission to Liz by e-mail at:


Payment for All Delegates

  • If a country has two teams competing (one SRB and one SEB), the country may have up to 20 “official delegates” (i.e., 7 representatives for the Socially-Responsible Business (SRB) category and 7 representatives for the Social Enterprise Business Category (SEB); one national coordinator and one assistant to the national coordinator; and 4 accredited judges). Maximum: ten hotel rooms per country per night for countries with two delegations.
  • If a country has one team competing (one SRB or one SEB), the country may have up to 11 “official delegates” (i.e., 7 representatives for the Socially-Responsible Business (SRB) category or 7 representatives for the Social Enterprise Business Category (SEB); one national coordinator and one assistant to the national coordinator; and 2 accredited judges). Maximum: five rooms per country for countries with one delegation.
  • It is understood that up to four of the official delegates will be accredited judges, if the country fields two SAGE teams, or up to two of the official delegates will be accredited judges if the country fields just one SAGE team.
  • SAGE Global will determine if a judge meets the criteria of an accredited judge. See criteria below.
  • Unofficial delegates are welcome, but will be charged a fee of $2,000 USD for a single room, $1,600 USD for a double. Funds must be wired to SAGE Global prior to the event. This fee entitles the delegate to meals, admission to all SAGE events, interisland airfare between Manila and Boracay, and SAGE outings.
  • Meals and lodging will be provided for one person from “observing” countries. These solo guests may be paired with another conference attendee of the same gender in lodging accommodations or if they wish a single room will pay a premium of $400 USD.
  • There will be no pro-rations per day.
  • Forms of payment and other payment information will be given to you by the SAGE Global Staff when they send the summary invoice to the Country Coordinator.
  • Any additional questions regarding payment/additional fees owed, please contact Carol Furtado, SAGE WIT at: .
  • Logistics: Regarding time, attendees are responsible to be present for departures to offsite venues, transfers to the airport, etc. If a guest is not present at the time of departure, they will need to make their own arrangements or forego the activity.

Additional Nights

  • If your delegation chooses to arrive before or stay after the event please reservation accommodations directly with the hotel of your choice


  • SAGE will not be responsible for ANYincidentals which can be charged to your hotel room (i.e. long distance phone calls, room service, movies/games ordered through the television, consumption of water bottles, etc.). If you would like to be able to charge any of these services to your room, you will be required to provide your personal credit card information upon check-in, and you will be individually charged for all incidentals acquired during your stay at the hotel.

Meals and Snacks

  • SAGE will provide:
  • Dinner on Thursday,11 August
  • Breakfaston Friday,12 August
  • Breakfast, lunch & dinner on Saturday, 13 August
  • Breakfast, lunch dinner on Sunday, 14 August
  • Breakfast, lunch & dinner on Monday, 15 August
  • Breakfast on Tuesday, 16 August
  • You are responsible for the cost of any other meals/snacks your entire delegation may have before, during, and/or after the event.

Ground Transport

  • All participants are responsible for their own transportation to and from the airport to the hotel. To arrange free shuttle for the Belmont Hotel use the following link:
  • Transportation will be provided for Special Outings

Alternate Lodging

  • If you are looking for alternative lodging options for any persons from your delegation, please note you are responsible for your own arrangements and are also responsible for arranging transportation to/from any World Cup events.

Inter-island Flights

  • In order to arrange for inter-island airfare we require a scanned, legible copy of each attendee’s valid passport. The name on the passport will be the name used to reserve your seat. You must submit this by 21:00 Pacific Time, (California, USA time) on July 15th. If you do not meet this deadline, you will be responsible for your own inter-island travel.
  • Additionally, we will be matching the passport scans to the hotel rooming lists. Any discrepancies will not have interisland airfare reserved. (for example, we have a passport scan, but that person is not on the rooming list, no flight is booked, OR a room is reserved but the passport scan doesn’t arrive by the cut off time, no flight is booked)
  • The final verification will be July 15th, 21:00 Pacific Time, (California, USA time).
  • Official and unofficial delegates will return to Manila on 16 August unless attending the TRIS workshop. TRIS workshop attendees will return to Manila on 19 August. If any official delegate, unofficial delegate, or workshop attendee chooses to stay beyond the designated date listed previously, it will be at their own expense and they will need to make their own arrangements for alternate plans.

TRIS Workshop