- Article title:
- General evaluation:
a)Publish as submitted
b)Publish with minor corrections or additions as noted (the final decision on publishing is made by the Editor)
c)Major changes and a second review are required
d)Reject the article
- Type of the paper: ______
(recommended in:
- Review comments (please, use additional pages if necessary)
-Necessary corrections:
-Suggested corrections:
-Other comments:
-Minor comments are included in the paper: YES / NO
- Information on the referee:
First and last name:
Academic title:
Institutional affiliation:
Referee (signature):*:
Place and date:
*By signing the review form the referee agreestocooperate with the journal Knjižnica (Library), to take on the role of a referee, to respect the anonymity of the review process and not to use the results of the paper before its publishing.
Each paper submitted is first reviewed by the Editor for general suitability for publication.Ifit meets the accepted standards, the paper is sent out for the blind peer review. Editorial decision making is based on referees’ opinion. It is decided if a paper 1) will be published as submitted, 2) needs minor corrections and will be accepted at the editor's discretion, 3) major revision of the paper and peer re-review is required or 4) will be rejected and not published. The referee submits the Review form where the content, methodology, structure and layout of the paper are judged. The review process must be completed no later thanwithin one month.
The referee evaluates the importance and interest of the topic to journal readers (the originality of the article, its contribution to the existing knowledge and professional practice). It also reviews the quality, structure of the paper, relevance of references, clarity of research goals, adequacy of research method and accuracy of data analysis, presentation and interpretation of findings, inferences and conclusions. Comments on length, writing style, clarity of ideas may be incorporated, too. Minor comments can be included directly in the paper.
The referee also suggests the type of the article using the typology of documents for bibliography management in the Slovenian cooperative bibliographic system COBISS available at:
By signing the review formthe referee agreesto cooperate with the journal Knjižnica (Library), to take on the role of a referee, to respect the anonymity of the review process and not to use the results of the paper before its publishing.
All the referees are listed in the first issue of the next journal’s volume. Each referee is asked to submit the personal information: full name, academic title, institutional affiliation, postal address and e-mail address.
The signed review form should be sent as print version to the postal address: Revija Knjižnica (Library, journal of library and information science), ZBDS, Turjaška 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, or by fax +386 1 42 57 293 or send the scanned document to: .