Building Atomic Models of Simple Molecular Compounds Name: ______

Draw the Lewis Structure for each of the following ATOMs and determine the number to bonds it will form:

H C N O Cl

___ bonds ___ bonds ___ bonds ___ bonds ___ bonds

Next NAME each of the following compounds and, using the atomic modeling kit, build each compound.

1) H2 - ______5) H2O - ______

2) Cl2 - ______6) CH4 - ______

3) O2 - ______7) NH3 - ______

4) N2 - ______8) CO2 - ______

Building Atomic Models of Simple Molecular Compounds Name: ______

Draw the Lewis Structure for each of the following ATOMs and determine the number to bonds it will form:

H C N O Cl

___ bonds ___ bonds ___ bonds ___ bonds ___ bonds

Next NAME each of the following compounds and, using the atomic modeling kit, build each compound.

1) H2 - ______5) H2O - ______

2) Cl2 - ______6) CH4 - ______

3) O2 - ______7) NH3 - ______

4) N2 - ______8) CO2 - ______

Building Atomic Models of Simple Molecular Compounds Name: ______

Draw the Lewis Structure for each of the following ATOMs and determine the number to bonds it will form:

H C N O Cl

___ bonds ___ bonds ___ bonds ___ bonds ___ bonds

Next NAME each of the following compounds and, using the atomic modeling kit, build each compound.

1) H2 - ______5) H2O - ______

2) Cl2 - ______6) CH4 - ______

3) O2 - ______7) NH3 - ______

4) N2 - ______8) CO2 - ______

NOTE: The modeling kits are color coded:

Yellow = Hydrogen atom Wooden connector = used for single bonds

Black = Carbon atom Metal springs = used for double & triple bonds

Blue = Nitrogen atom

Red = Oxygen atom

Green = (halogen) = Chlorine atom

NOTE: If your kit does not have the necessary number and type of atoms or connectors, please see your teacher for assistance. (Due to limited supplies, you may be required to make a substitution in colors).

NOTE: The modeling kits are color coded:

Yellow = Hydrogen atom Wooden connector = used for single bonds

Black = Carbon atom Metal springs = used for double & triple bonds

Blue = Nitrogen atom

Red = Oxygen atom

Green = (halogen) = Chlorine atom

NOTE: If your kit does not have the necessary number and type of atoms or connectors, please see your teacher for assistance. (Due to limited supplies, you may be required to make a substitution in colors).

NOTE: The modeling kits are color coded:

Yellow = Hydrogen atom Wooden connector = used for single bonds

Black = Carbon atom Metal springs = used for double & triple bonds

Blue = Nitrogen atom

Red = Oxygen atom

Green = (halogen) = Chlorine atom

NOTE: If your kit does not have the necessary number and type of atoms or connectors, please see your teacher for assistance. (Due to limited supplies, you may be required to make a substitution in colors).