ASA Meeting March 12, 2013

Meeting Attendees:

Adam Maurer, Santiam Hospital Kevin Henson, MCFD #1

Randy Jackson, Keizer Fire Rick Sherman, Marion County Health Department Rod Calkins, Marion County Health Department Scott Shepherd, Jefferson Fire District

Shawn Baird, Woodburn Ambulance Sherry Bensema, Stayton Fire Department

Steve Brown, Salem Fire Department Aaron Monnig, Rural/Metro*

Dan Mullen, St. Paul Fire* Erik Anderson, Marion County Emer. Mang.

Gary Neperud, Rural Metro Jennifer Pratt, Salem Fire

Jim Trett, Idanha/Detroit Fire* Jon Remy, Turner Fire*

Mike Andrews, Rural/Metro* Mike Mayfield, Polk County Fire #1*

Patrick Wineman, MCFD #1* Toni Grimes, Woodburn Ambulance

Janette Cotton, Marion County Health Department**



I. Call to Order

II. Review of Minutes

III. Additions to Agenda

§  No Additions

IV. Report on ASA Application Process

§  Marion County has signed franchise agreements with everyone

V. ASA Advisory Committee Bylaws Update

§  Send out the Mutual Aid Agreement (Karen has it). Signed Ordnance and ASA Plan. Bylaws

VI. ASA #9 Status Report (Turner)

§  They are still counting on neighbors for back up, but less often

§  They are routinely covering over 30% of calls

§  Looking at bringing on a pool of part time employees

o  Looking at a model close to the one in Stayton or Lyons

§  Set Hours are M-F 8-4

o  There are also some other hours being covered

VII. ASA #7 Status Report (Idanha-Detroit)

§  Got some new people coming on

§  Got some first responders close to being done with training

§  Calls are coming in on the days that were not being covered

o  Covering W, F-S

o  Calls coming in on Monday and Tuesday and Thursday

§  Missed one weekend call, didn’t get tones from dispatch

§  Covered all but one call in December

§  About 50% in January covered calls

VIII. CCO Update

§  There is currently a lawsuit going on with Salem Hospital against the CCO

o  Dispute around payment

o  There will be new contracts starting April 1st

§  13 members

o  Both Counties

o  All Hospitals

o  Other agencies that put up capital

§  There is a strategy to identify the top ER utilizers

o  They are looking to decrease non emergency visits and ambulance rides

o  Working to identify medical emergency vs more appropriate care in a out patient clinic

§  They have started using non traditional health care workers to follow the high cost patients

§  The non traditional workers are helping the high utilizers get to out patient services and more appropriate care

o  We are working on ideas on how to have company’s share in the savings of less utilizer’s in the ER and ambulance.

o  Need to figure out how to put practices in place to safeguard everyone

o  The CCO needs to do proper member education on how to use emergency services appropriately

o  It would be a good idea to make contact with the non traditional healthcare worker to help with some education

§  There is a CCO Physician to call and triage if ER is not appropriate

§  Physician protocol to follow from the CCO

§  Need CCO to be responsible if the ASA follows all the procedures

§  Cover cost – Might not be a complete services. Need to find money for the service

§  Do some of the work of reducing cost by going out and visiting frequent flyers

·  Not all models will work for each agency. It is about finding what will work and be beneficial for the Agency and the CCO.

§  Have Dean come to a meeting

·  The committee will send an Invitation to Dean Andretta to brainstorm some ideas for services.

IX. Good of the Order

§  Maps

o  Handed out at the meeting

§  State Inspections have been going on

o  Most people have been completed

§  Legislative

o  House Bill 2969 introduced by Betty Comp. Which would require insurers to pay the ambulance services directly instead of sending the check to the patient

§  Senator Bates introduced one for hospitals for the same thing

o  House Bill 2848 is a State Farm bill around PIP Coverage. If you do not submit your claim for PIP within 60 days of service it will not be an eligible claim. The problem it present is that the ambulance service might not know within the 60 days if it is a PIP claim.

o  St. Paul is fighting a Toll highway to go from I-5 to Spirit Mountain

IX. Future Agenda Items

§  Vice Chair Voting

Next Meeting Location/Date

Tuesday March 12, 2013

9-11 AM

St Paul Fire Department

4233 NE Church Ave

St Paul, Oregon 97137