

In Attendance / Apologies / Absent
Cllr D Ashcroft / ü 
Cllr Mrs S Bennett / ü 
Cllr Miss J Clay / ü 
Cllr J Dingle – Chairman / ü 
Cllr G Earney – Vice Chairman / ü 
Cllr R Irwin / ü 
Cllr Mrs M Irwin-Brown / ü 
Cllr J Liddle / ü 
Cllr Mrs M Palmer / ü 
Cllr N Palmer / ü  / Arrived late
Cllr P Ravenscroft / ü 
Cllr M Smith / ü 
Mrs H Bassett - Clerk / ü 
1. / Chairman Cllr J Dingle and Vice Chairman Cllr G Earney were not present. Cllr D Ashcroft proposed Cllr J Liddle as Chairman for the meeting, seconded by Cllr Miss J Clay agreed unanimously.
To receive and accept apologies for absence.
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr J Dingle, Cllr G Earney, Cllr R Irwin and Cllr P Ravenscroft for personal reasons. Cllr N Palmer also gave his apologies for his late arrival. Cllr Mrs M Palmer advised that she had taken advice and she was not required to declare an interest in item 6.1.
2. / To receive and note any declarations of interest relevant to the agenda.
Cllr D Ashcroft declared an interest as a District Councillor in all planning items. Cllr Mrs S Bennett declared an interest in item 7.
3. / The Chairman to sign as a correct record the minutes of the Selborne Parish Council meeting held on 09 July 2014.
This was deferred until the September meeting.
4. / To open the meeting to members of the public.
There were 7 members of the public present.
1 gentleman spoke about the Appeal for the Under the Hill development and that he would be providing a statement.
7.35 Cllr N Palmer arrived.
1 gentleman spoke about the footpath yet again being closed for public access at the Under the Hill site.
1 gentleman expressed his wish to speak on item 6.2 which was deferred until that point on the agenda.
5. / Chairman’s Announcements.
The Chairman announced that a noticeboard had now been erected at Ketchers Field fulfilling one of the actions from the Village Plan.
The Chairman advised of an informal meeting that Cllr J Dingle, Cllr J Liddle and Cllr D Ashcroft attended at the invitation of Chawton and Farringdon Parish Councils with regard to the potential for undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan together.
The Chairman also commented that he had attended an EHDC public consultation meeting regarding Headley, Grayshot, etc etc outlining potential sites for future development.
The Chairman also commented that it was the Clerk’s last meeting and thanked her for her hard work and organisation, presenting her with a bouquet of flowers.
6. / Planning.
To consider the following planning applications.
6.1 / SDNP/14/03395/HOUS
Burhunt Cottage Sotherington Lane Selborne Alton GU34 3LP
Two storey side extension.
The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION to this application but were concerned about maintaining the integrity of the trees associated with the sunken lane. Proposed by Cllr Mrs M Palmer and seconded by Cllr Miss J Clay 7 voted for and 1 abstained (Cllr D Ashcroft).
6.2 / 1 gentleman was invited to speak on this application deferred from the public speaking section and spoke in support of his application.
21876/050 Oakhanger Farm, Oakhanger Road, Bordon, GU35 9JA
New equestrian building
The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION to this application with the proviso that hedging should be of native indigenous species, and that the equestrian building use remains linked to the main dwelling, and is retained for equestrian use. Proposed by Cllr Mrs M Palmer and seconded by Cllr J Liddle, 7 voted for and 1 abstained (Cllr D Ashcroft).
8pm Two members of the public left the meeting.
6.3 / SDNP/14/03601/TCA St Mary's Church High Street Selborne Alton Hampshire GU34 3JQ
Sycamore - Lop branches which overhang path back to the trunk.
The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION to this application. Proposed by Cllr N Palmer and seconded by Cllr Miss J Clay, 7 voted for and 1 abstained (Cllr D Ashcroft).
6.4 / 21876/051 Oakhanger Farm, Oakhanger Road, Bordon, GU35 9JA
Change of use from mixed class A1, B1 and B8 to Class A1 only.
The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION. Proposed by Cllr J Liddle and seconded by Cllr N Palmer, 7 voted for and 1 abstained (Cllr D Ashcroft).
6.5 / SDNP/14/03288/HOUS Coneycroft House, Gracious Street Selborne Alton GU34 3JF Demolition of existing pool house and construction of new pool house building.
The Parish Council had NO OBJECTION to this application but the Parish Council wished to express its concern over the lighting scheme as suggested in the application plans. If the planning authority were minded to approve this application then the Parish Council would request that a condition was added to protect the Dark Sky policy of the South Downs National Park. The Parish Council also requested that a S106 agreement be entered into to ensurie that the pool house remains ancillary to the main dwelling. Proposed by Cllr Mrs M Palmer and seconded by Cllr Miss J Clay, 7 voted for and 1 abstained (Cllr D Ashcroft).
7. / 8.20pm Cllr Mrs S Bennett went to sit in the public gallery.
APP/Y9507/A14/2220580 To agree a response and a representative for the Barnfield, Under the Hill planning application Appeal.
Cllr Mrs M Palmer referred to her prepared response which had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and was distributed to the members of the public present. It was RESOLVED to amend the paragraph relating to the school numbers and amend the paragraph relating to 100% affordable housing. It was also RESOLVED to send the response along with the original objection letter, a letter from Blackmoor estates and an e-mail from the school. Proposed by Cllr J Liddle and seconded by Cllr N Palmer, agreed, with one absentention (Cllr D Ashcroft).
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Mrs M Palmer would speak on behalf of the Parish Council at the Appeal hearing.. Proposed by Cllr J Liddle and seconded by Cllr J Clay, agreed y, with one absentention (Cllr D Ashcroft).
It was also RESOLVED that Cllr Miss J Clay would be in reserve to attend the Appeal if Cllr Mrs M Palmer was unable to attend for any reason. Proposed by Cllr N Palmer and seconded by Cllr J Liddle agreed, with one absentention (Cllr D Ashcroft).
The amended response was to be sent to the Clerk for onward transmission to the Planning Inspectorate. / HB
8. / To receive an update on the Village Design Statement
The verbal report from Cllr J Liddle was received. A group comprising Cllr J Liddle, Cllr Miss J Clay and Cllr Mrs M Palmer had met to identify members of the community who might be able to contribute. Cllr Mrs S Bennett also confirmed her involvement.
The Chairman advised that subsequent months’ agendas would also have an update on the VDS until the document was complete.
The Chairman also requested that the possibility of undertaking a Neighbourhood Plan should be included on the September agenda.
9. / To consider EHDC’s Call for Sites – Gypsy & travellers and travelling show people sites.
The Parish Council considered the request but concluded that there were no suitable sites in the parish. However, they they would consult with local land owners.
Cllr M Smith proposed that item 11 be moved up on the agenda, seconded by Cllr J Liddle agreed unanimously.
11. / To consider grant request for Victim Support.
It was RESOLVED to award a grant of £100 to Victim Support under Section 137 of the Local Government Act. Proposed by Cllr J Liddle and seconded by Cllr M Palmer agreed unanimously.
10. / Finance.
To agree the finance report and schedule of expenditure.
The invoice from Selborne Recreation Ground for water was queried. The Clerk advised she would raise this with the Recreation Ground and request that the invoice re-issued with the waste water charge excluded. Cllr N Palmer advised that he would look at installing a water meter solely for the allotment water useage.
Cllr D Ashcroft requested that EHDC be contacted to inquire if they would cut the grass on the Recreation Ground for no charge, as occurred elsewhere.
The other items on the schedule of expenditure were agreed unanimously. The bank balance at the 31 July 2014 was £59,923.76.

12. / To agree quote for works to the Plestor Sycamore and annual tree inspection.
It was requested that other quotes be sought.
13. / To agree Selborne War Memorial repairs.
The Selborne War Memorial repairs were AGREED at £426. Proposed by Cllr D Ashcroft and Cllr J Liddle agreed unanimously.
The Clerk was requested to inquire into the balance remaining of the Memorial funds that had been donated by members of the public and given to the Parish Council in 2007.
14. / To acknowledge the BDO audit report for 2013-2014 and agree actions.
The audit report from the external auditor BDO was acknowledged and the Clerk confirmed she had responded to the 3 questions raised.
15. / To agree quote for redesigning the Parish Council logo.
The quote for Robert Updegraff was AGREED for up to £300 to undertake the redesign of the logo.
16. / Parish Matters
To formally adopt the Hamilton-Baillie traffic project and agree any further actions.
The final amendments to the report were agreed and the report was RATIFIED by Council. Proposed by Cllr Miss J Clay and seconded by Cllrs Mrs M Palmer, 7 voted for and 1 against.
Councillors suggested that Cllr Miss J Clay be invited to attend the HCC Highways meeting with the Chairman and Vice Chair later in the month, subject to the Chairman’s approval.
17. / To appoint a replacement Clerk.
Mrs Philippa Penfold was RATIFIED as the new Clerk and RFO. Proposed by Cllr N Palmer and seconded by Cllr D Ashcroft, agreed unanimously.
It was AGREED that Mrs Penfold would be employed on a 15 hours a week basis but would be offered a temporary increase to 20 hours a week to enable her to complete CiLCA training, which would be for up to six months and reviewed at her regular appraisals. Proposed by Cllr N Palmer and seconded by Cllr D Ashcroft, 7 voted for and 1 against.
18. / To agree commissioning a Housing Needs Survey for the parish.
The Parish Council AGREED to commission the questionnaire for the parish, subject to the questions being tailored appropriately for each of the villages. Proposed by Cllr Mrs M Palmer and seconded by Cllr N Palmer, 7 voted for and 1 against. The committee agreed to work on the questionnaire included Cllr D Ashcroft, Cllr Mrs M Palmer, Cllr Mrs S Bennett and Cllr N Palmer.
19. / To agree draft lease for the Oakhanger playarea land from HCC and Veolia grant landowner consent form.
The draft lease for the land and the Veolia grant landowner consent form were AGREED proposed by Cllr J Liddle and seconded by Cllr N Palmer, agreed unanimously.
Cllr M Smith requested that the Parish Council’s interest in the land be registered with the Land Registry.
20. / To consider response to the Parish Pulse 2014 survey.
It was AGREED that Cllr J Liddle would respond to the consultation on behalf of the Parish Council. Agreed unanimously. / JD
21. / To consider a response to the EHDC Polling consultation.
It was AGREED that Cllr J Liddle would respond to the consultation on behalf of the Parish Council. Agreed unanimously. / JD
22. / To receive reports.
Cllr D Ashcroft commented on his attendance at the Neighbourhood Plan meeting with Chawton and Farringdon Parish Council. He stressed the EHDC requirement for a 5 year land supply. He advised that other areas were being heavily developed. He requested Butts Bridge and its possibly listing be on the September meeting’s agenda.
23. / Date of next meeting. To note the date of the next full council meeting as Wednesday 10 September 2014 at Selborne Village Hall.

The Chairman closed the meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 10.30pm. During the course of the meeting there were 0 members of the press present and approximately 7 members of the public present.

Signed Chairman:______Date: ______

SPC Council Minutes 13 August 2014