Conference Registration Form
Closing date for registration is 1st April 2009.
Please ensure all the boxes have been completed correctly and clearly and return with full payment to:
MMU Venues for Events, Cavendish Building, Cavendish Street, Manchester M15 6BG, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 161 247 1565 Fax: +44 (0) 161 247 6887 Email:
Web: http://
Details provided below will be used for your delegate badge and all correspondence.
Preferred Title and Full NameInstitutional affiliation
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
Special requirements / Dietary, disability, access etc
Conference Fee:
Registration Fee: Students £15; BSHP members £35; Others £45(payable by all conference delegates) / £
Conference Delegate Rate for all three days 15-17 April £130
(includes coffees, teas, buffet dinner and wine reception on 15 April, lunch, and conference dinner on 16 April) / £
Day Delegate Rate Wednesday 15 April £40
(includes afternoon tea, buffet dinner and wine reception) / £
Day Delegate Rate Thursday 16 April £35
(includes morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea; excludes conference dinner) / £
Day Delegate Rate Friday 17 April £15
(includes morning coffee) / £
Conference Dinner Thursday 16 April £40 / £
Late registration fee (after 1st April 2009) £15 / £
Total / £
Please note: Unfortunately we cannot raise invoices and payment must be sent with the booking form.
We are unable to accept registrations submitted without the appropriate payment.
Please tick / Payment OptionsI enclose a cheque for / £ / (payable to Manchester Metropolitan University
Please charge / £ / to my credit card (all except Diners Club/American Express)
Please charge / £ / to my debit card (switch/delta visa only)
Card Number:
Cardholders Name / Cardholders Signature
Issue No: / Security Code (last 3 digits on signature strip):
Valid from: / Expiry Date:
Cardholders address (if different from previous page):
Alternatively you can pay by Bank transfer. Please ensure you add any bank charges.
Our Bank details are:
Barclays Bank PLC
Barclays Business Centre
North West Larger Business Team
PO Box 228
51 Mosley Street
Manchester M60 3DQ
Account name: Manchester Metropolitan University
Account Number: 50 60 35 70
Sort code: 20-55-34
IBAN: GB07BARC20553450603570
Please supply the following information:
Name of Your Bank / Address of Your Bank / Your Bank Reference Number / Date of Transfer / Bank Charge / Total amount £Confirmation of Registration
A confirmation that we have received, accepted, and processed your registration will be sent via email. If you have not received this email within two weeks of sending your registration to us, please contact us to check we have received your form.
Buffet dinner
This will be a finger buffet with wine. Wednesday 15th April 2009 at 6.15pm.
Conference dinner
This will be a three course seated dinner with wine. Thursday 16th April at 7.30pm. Dress is smart casual.
Joining Instructions
Joining instructions will be sent to you closer to the date of the conference. If you have not received these two weeks before the conference, please contact us.
A refund of fees will be paid less £15 for cancellations received in writing by 1st April 2009.
Refunds will not be made after this date.
Data Protection
We will be making available to conference participants a list of participants and their organisations and email addresses. If you do not want to be included on the list please tick the box below:
I do not want my name and organisation to be included in the participants list: □