Canterbury Girls High School

Learning Support Plan - Mental Health

Date first developed: 3.2.15

Reviewed: 8.9.16

Updated: 14.2.17

Name: Evelyn Hayes

Assessment results: Depression in remission and anxiety

Therapeutic team: Dr Dodd (GP); Dr M Gray, Headspace; Prof J Russell, R Horcroft (psychologist), Rivendell

Participants in LSP development: L Fox, E Hayes, R Murphy (mother), 2015 teachers, 2016 teachers, 2017 teachers

Areas of Concern:

In 2013 Evelyn had markedly impaired sleep which impacted on her school attendance, concentration and mood. Sleep problems were successfully treated and resolved. In 2014 Evelyn was being treated for depression and anxiety. Evelyn is being helped with medication monitored closely by Rivendell team. Family is still working on replacing maladaptive coping strategies with positive coping strategies.

Evelyn reported that she has difficulty engaging at school, is easily distracted and has blocks getting started and has to fight ‘I can’t be bothered’ self-talk. Evelyn has difficulty getting organised.

Issues regarding eating discussed with team. Issues with committing to keeping appointments have decreased. Evelyn has difficulty meeting all school commitments - truancy and assignment completion, especially in physics. Evelyn needs to develop skills to seek help from teachers.

Expected Long Term Outcome

Complete HSC

Short Term target/s

Improve attendance aiming for 90%. Eliminate truancy. Develop confidence in ability.

Home and whole school adjustments:

Inform of opportunites as they present

Will check in with Ms Fox during Learning Centre Week A Mondays Pd 4

Reengaged with Rivendell and making good progress - Ms Fox will continue liaising with Rivendell

Mother will liaise with school if mental health is deteriorating

Sit large assessment tasks and exams with whole cohort

Include on NCCD

Consider support provided at tertiary institutions through psychiatric consultants

Classroom adjustments:

Will try to consciously turn negative thinking around to help with motivation and getting started

Give gentle reminders to keep on track as Evelyn can lose focus

Gentle reminders to limit doodling

Check that Evelyn is aware of assessment due dates and is spacing her work commitments well.

Uses binder to keep track of work – doesn’t use diary

As Evelyn is a visual learner the use of diagrams, visuals and mind maps will help.

Recording of one or more of the above adjustments in a systematic way needed to help with disability adjustment auditing.

NCCD Adj: Extra time for homework negotiated; scaffolds and models; use of visuals; extra tuition; track deadlines; seated at front; missed work supplied


Evelyn has good analytical skills. She has leadership potential which Evelyn will develop. Enjoys hands on activities. Evelyn enjoyed soccer with a club outside school which provided good exercise and is very social. Has joined a gym and formed a band. Once started on a project Evelyn is determined and focused and work is detailed and well written. Evelyn has a great interest in numbers and often incorporates number sequences into her artwork and shows aptitude in Mathematics although she performed at the year average in NAPLAN numeracy. Evelyn shows natural musical ability and guitar playing is one of her hobbies.

Evelyn also has a natural flair for storytelling.


Evelyn settled in well to CGHS at a difficult time in her life when she started in Year 8. Evelyn experienced a period of mental ill health towards the end of 2014, has had relatively good years in 2015 and 2016 and is optimistic about the year ahead. Evelyn has a solid friendship group at CGHS and interests with gym and guitar. Evelyn will work hard to achieve her attendance goal and eliminate truancy which will stand her in good stead to reach her potential in her subjects as she endeavours to apply herself in her final year.




Date: 8.9.16