/ First Name : Ehsan
Last Name : Yasrebi Naieni
Birth Date: 9/8/1977

Email: ، ,


Diploma / Mathematics/Physics / Malek Ashtar High School / ----
BSC. / Software Engineering / Tehran University / Implementation of web-based library system
MSC. / Software Engineering / Ferdowsi University of Mashhad / Design and implementation of central web-based data warehouse

Experiencesand Memberships:

  • Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University Of Ferdows (2003-2006)
  • The Head of Computer Department of Islamic Azad University Of Ferdows (2003-2005)
  • The president of Technical and Vocational Institute of Islamic Azad University Of Ferdows (2005-2006)
  • Faculty Member of Toos Higher Education Institute (2006-2011)
  • Research Manager of Higher Education Institute (2007-2009)
  • The Consultant of Research Section, the Member of Research Council, the Member of Education Council, the Member of Informatics Council, the Head of ICT Department and the Executive Council Member for Selection of University Members of Toos Higher Education Institute (2009-2011)
  • Faculty Member of Torbat Heydarieh Univetsity(From 2011)
  • The Member of Research Council, the Member of Education Council, the Head of Computer and ICT Department, the Member of Supervisory Board for AcademicJournals and the Executive Council Member for Selection of University Members of Torbat-e-HeydariehUnivetsity(2009-2011)
  • The Constant of Students Scientific Committee of ICT Department
  • The Member of technical committee of Robotics Scientific Festival in Islamic Azad University of Torbat-e-Heidarieh
  • The Member of Referee Committee of International Conference of Computer and Knowledge Engineeing (ICCKE2011 & ICCKE2012) in Ferdowsi University Of Mashad
  • The Member of Executive Committee of the Eighth Scientific and Research Festival in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (From 2012)
  • The Head of Computer Department of Torbat-e-HeydariehTechnical and Vocational Institute (2003-2005)
  • The Member of Referee Committee of national Congress of Electrical, Computer & Information Technology (CECIT2012) in Khayyam Higher Education Institute.


Title / Publication / Year / Role
Descriptive Solutions of exercises of Computer Algorithms / Behnashr / 2011 / Author
Sensors, Applications and Technology / Almas-e-Danesh / 2012 / Scientific Editor
Computer Algorithms, Analysis, Design and Performance Evaluation (Dr. Mahmoud Naghibzadeh) / Behnashr / 2011 / Collaborative

Accepted Papers in International Conferences:

Weighted Semantic Similarity Assessment Using WordNet / ICCIS2012 / Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia
Using WordNet to determine semantic similarity of words / IST2010 / Tehran/Iran
A binary approach for range-free localization / NCTT-MCP2008 / Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia

Accepted Papers in International Journals:

Semantic Similarity Assessment Using Weighted of Words WordNet / International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics / 2012

Accepted Papers in national Conferences:

Self-Encryption Method for Information Security in Cell Phones / Khayyam Higher Education Institute / 2012
Design of an Optimal Persian Keyboard using Genetic Algorithms / Islamic Azad University of Doroud / 2012
Design and implementation of Persian Web Browser / Islamic Azad University of Ferdows / 2007
Design and implementation of central web-based data warehouse / Islamic Azad University of Ferdows / 2005

Workshop Certificates:

Workshop Title / Workshop Place / Hours
Data Mining and Advanced Information Retrival / Islamic Azad University of Lahijan / 20
Office Automation / Torbat-e-heydarieh Univetsity / 6
The new methods in Teaching / Torbat-e-heydarieh Univetsity / 16
Higher Education Management / Islamic Azad University / 20
Research Methods / Islamic Azad University of Ferdows / 32
PHP / Ferdowsi University of Mashhad / 18

Scientific Lectures:

Data Mining and Advanced Information Retrieval in Software Engineering / Torbat-e-heydarieh Univetsity / 2012
Data Mining / Islamic Azad University of Torbat-e-Heydarieh / 2012


  • The excellent researcher of Torbat-e-heydarieh Univetsity(2012)
  • The excellent Professor of Torbat-e-heydarieh Univetsity (2011)
  • The second grade of Agriculture Robot in Robotics Scientific Festival in Islamic Azad University of Torbat-e-Heidarieh


  • Project Managements
  • Knowledge Managements
  • Data mining, Web mining, Text mining
  • Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Information Systems
  • Social Networks and Social Engineering
  • Semantic word similarity and Wordnet
  • Folksonomyandcommander systems
  • GISand Geo informatics