Pack 958

Troops 290, 495, 95


This ceremony is designed for 3 Troops participating in the crossover.

Number of candles needed: 8 (4 for Winds, 3 for SPLs, 1 for CM)

The Bridge is centered in the front of the room. The Webelos crossing over are on the right side of the bridge (from the audience’s vantage point), their parents behind them. To the right of the Webelos stand the CubMaster and the Webelos Den Leader(s). To the left of the bridge is where the Boy Scouts will stand. The flag stands should also be behind the bridge on the left side.

(Turn off the room lights)

From the back of the room, the 3 Troops enter in the following order:

Troop 290:

Senior Patrol Leader leads with a lit candle.

Followed by a Boy Scout carrying the Troop Flag.

Behind the flag carrier are the remaining Boy Scouts, in rows by two.

Next, is the Scoutmaster.

Troop 495:

Senior Patrol Leader leads with a lit candle.

Followed by a Boy Scout carrying the Troop Flag.

Behind the flag carrier are the remaining Boy Scouts, in rows by two.

Next, is the Scoutmaster.

Troop 95:

Senior Patrol Leader leads with a lit candle.

Followed by a Boy Scout carrying the Troop Flag.

Behind the flag carrier are the remaining Boy Scouts, in rows by two.

Next, is the Scoutmaster.

After the Scoutmaster are the Leaders representing the Four Winds, each holding lit candles.

The four winds split up to take their appropriate positions in the four corners of the room, representing N, S, E & W.

The Boy Scouts proceed to the Bridge, post the flag of their Troop, then line up to the left of the Flag with the SPL and Scoutmaster at the left.

When everyone is in his or her place, the CubMaster lights his/her candle and holds it up.

The Boy Scouts then proceed into the room.

CUBMASTER: When the mighty chief Akela spoke, the braves of the tribe would form a council ring around the fire. Akela told of the law of the tribe, which all young braves had to complete certain requirements before they became a Scouting Brave. Only then, was it time to take their place in the tribe. You, too, have learned many things and it is now time to take your place in a Boy Scout troop. Listen to what the winds say.

NORTH WIND: I am the North Wind. People say I am cold, but to you I will always bring the warmest of winds because you have been loyal Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts and have lived the Law of the Pack.

SOUTH WIND: I am the South Wind. I wish you good scouting. Over the land I have carried stories of you and your experiences. As Cub Scouts and Webelos scouts you have been happy, willing and fair - a credit to your den and pack.

EAST WIND: I am the East Wind. I wish you well. I have spread the story of your fun and happiness in Cub Scouting with Pack 958 and of how you have lived up to the Cub Scout Promise and you were fair and helpful.

WEST WIND: I am the West Wind. I would like everyone to know that these graduating Webelos Scouts did not walk the Cub Scout Trail alone. Each had the wonderful help and guidance of his parents. (pause) Parents, continue to help your boys go and grow!

ALL WINDS: We will be with you forever. We wish you the best in your travels and experiences on the Scouting Trail.

(Blow out the candles)

(Turn on the room lights)

( TROOP 290 ************************** )

WEBELOS DEN LEADER: (the Den Leader calls out to the Troop)

Hello, Scouts of Troop 290!

SCOUTMASTER – Troop 290: Hello Webelos Scouts of Akela, what do you desire?

WEBELOS DEN LEADER: I have before me (mention Scout’s names), Webelos Scouts who have prepared themselves for the entrance into Boy Scouting.

Will Troop 290 accept these boys into its fellowship?

SCOUTMASTER – Troop 290: You have earned your passage from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting. Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 290, I present these Scouts to you for acceptance into Troop 290.

( TROOP 495 ************************** )

WEBELOS DEN LEADER: (the Den Leader calls out to the Troop)

Hello, Scouts of Troop 495!

SCOUTMASTER – Troop 495: Hello Webelos Scouts of Akela, what do you desire?

WEBELOS DEN LEADER: I have before me (mention Scout’s names), Webelos Scouts who have prepared themselves for the entrance into Boy Scouting.

Will Troop 495 accept these boys into its fellowship?

SCOUTMASTER – Troop 495: You have earned your passage from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting. Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 495, I present these Scouts to you for acceptance into Troop 495.

( TROOP 95 ************************** )

WEBELOS DEN LEADER: (the Den Leader calls out to the Troop)

Hello, Scouts of Troop 95!

SCOUTMASTER – Troop 95: Hello Webelos Scouts of Akela, what do you desire?

WEBELOS DEN LEADER: I have before me (mention Scout’s names), Webelos Scouts who have prepared themselves for the entrance into Boy Scouting.

Will Troop 95 accept these boys into its fellowship?

SCOUTMASTER – Troop 95: You have earned your passage from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting. Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 95, I present these Scouts to you for acceptance into Troop 95.

SENIOR PATROL LEADER – Troop 290: Boy Scouting will introduce you to new skills that lead to fun - hiking, rafting, camping and more. You will have an opportunity to continue to grow into a useful citizen because you will participate in civic activities and learn the thrill of helping other people by practicing the habit of doing a good turn daily. Parents of these scouts please continue to help your son.

SENIOR PATROL LEADER – Troop 495: The bridge before you is a symbol of your crossing from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting. The bridge is a structure carrying a pathway or roadway over a depression. It is a means of connection or transition from one side to another... as this bridge represents how your Pack is connected to our troop.

SENIOR PATROL LEADER – Troop 95:On the other side you will meet members of your new troop. There will also be scouts standing alongside the bridge to help you across so that you won't fall. This symbolizes the support you can expect from older scouts as you learn the ways of the troop.

CUBMASTER: You have all contributed much to your den and our Pack. We shall miss you and your parents as you move forward. Now that you are leaving the pack, parents please remove your son's neckerchief and slide. (Parents come forward and remove items, then step to the side)

SENIOR PATROL LEADER - Troop 290: Tonight you will receive a new neckerchief. It is the neckerchief that represents the beginning of new adventures for you in Boys Scouts.

SCOUTMASTERS (ALL): As Scoutmaster, we welcome you and your parents. As you cross this bridge from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting, look forward to the experiences that lay ahead of you.

CUBMASTER: (Repeat loudly for each Scout). To Troop (nnn), (Scout’s name)

(Each Scout should cross the bridge (do no run) and stop in front of their new Troop. Turn and face the audience.)

SENIOR PATROL LEADER – Troop 495: Boy Scouts, please present your new Troop member with his new Troop neckerchief.

(Boy Scouts remove their own neckerchief & slide, and put it on the new Scouts).

SENIOR PATROL LEADER – Troop 95: In Boy Scouting, you will have the Oath and the Scout Law to guide you. Follow the trail set before you and you will find the adventures of a lifetime while learning the skills so important to life. Follow the Eagle Trail to the highest heights.

TROOP 290: Welcome to Troop 290!

TROOP 495: Welcome to Troop 495!

TROOP 95: Welcome to Troop 95!

The Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader take turns shaking the hands of each new Boy Scout, welcoming them to the Troop.

SENIOR PATROL LEADER – Troop 290: Color Guard Attention!

Color Guard, retire the colors!

(The 3 Troops leave the center stage in the same order they arrived)