IFAS Guidelines for the International Section

of the UF Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion Packet

In accordance with UF's strategic goal to internationalize the campus across all mission areas, faculty are provided an opportunity to document their international activities and recognitions in the international section of the Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion packet. International teaching, research, and extension efforts should be documented using the pattern described below in each section of the document. Please distinguish between international activity and international recognition separating accomplishments in the USfrom those in foreign countries.


International activity typically refers to tasks initiated by individuals to foster or enhance international components of their career or to develop or strengthen collaborative links with colleagues at foreign institutions.

International recognition generally includes honors, accolades, and invitations that reflect the individual’s significant contributions to their discipline.

Examples of international activity could include the following:

  1. Sabbaticals taken abroad or research collaboration visits to foreign countries
  2. Presenting volunteered papers at international conferences
  3. Organizing international conferences
  4. Mentoring international students and/or visiting scholars
  5. Publishing in or learning a foreign language
  6. Developing cooperative agreements with foreign institutions
  7. Receiving grants for international work
  8. Publishing papers with co-authors based in foreign institutions
  9. Mentoring students involved in study abroad or student exchange programs

Examples of international recognition could include the following:

  1. Receiving international awards
  2. Service on editorial or advisory boards of international journals and organizations
  3. Invitations to give lectures or chair sessions at international conferences or workshops
  4. Invitations to investigate problems or serve on expert committees in foreign countries
  5. Invitations to review international grants
  6. Invitations to evaluate faculty or examine students at foreign institutions
  7. Invitations to teach classes or advise students at foreign institutions
  8. Adjunct faculty status at foreign institutions

Note: International information described in detail in other parts of the document should only be summarized in the section headed “International Activities.”

An example is shown on the next pageINTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES (2005 to 2009)

† Accomplished in the US* Accomplished in a foreign country

  1. International activity
  1. Volunteered papers at international conferences(Details listed in Section xxx)
  2. 2009. FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Sustainable Improvement of Animal Production and Health. 8 to 11 June 2009. Vienna, Austria (2 papers)*
  3. 2009. XVth International Silage Conference. Madison, WI (3 papers)+
  4. 2009. Joint Meeting of the American and Canadian Societies of Animal Science, MontrealCanada (5 papers)*
  5. 2008. Caribbean Food Crops Society 44th Annual Meeting, Miami FL (3 papers) †
  6. 2006. XIV International Silage Conference, Belfast, UK (1 paper) *
  7. 2005. XX International Grassland Congress. Dublin, UK (1 paper)*
  1. Research collaboration visits
  2. Jan, 2009University of Wales, Aberystwyth and Institute of Food Research, Norwich, UK*
  3. June, 2007WageningenUniversity, and Nizo Food Research, The Netherlands*
  1. International conferences organized
  2. The XVth International Silage Conference, Madison, WI, 2009†
  3. The 44th Caribbean Food Crops Society Conference, Miami, FL, 2008†
  4. International visiting scholars mentored (Details listed in Section xxx)

Eleven visiting scholars from eight countries have been trained in Dr. Smith’s program (see page xxx for listing) †

  1. Cooperative agreement

Dr. Smith has managed the Cooperative Agreement initiated between UF and University of Ibadan (UI), Nigeriasince 2005. Key activities are as follows:

  • Dr. Smith visited UI in 2005 to initiate the agreement. The UI Director of Distance Education visited UF later that year to formalize the agreement with senior IFAS and UFIC administrators*.
  • Dr. Smith hosted the President, Provost of the Medical School, and Vice President Academic of UI at UF in 2008 and organized meetings with the UF President, Vice Presidents and other senior administrators to discuss collaboration and capacity building†.
  • Dr. Smith facilitated a successful grant application to the US Society of Research Administrators in 2008 to allow a senior administrator from UI to shadow the UF Director of Sponsored Programs for 3 months in 2009 and set up a similar office at UI. The grant was awarded and Dr. Smith hosted the UI administrator during her tenure at UF in 2009†.

  1. Service on committees
  2. Chair-Elect of the IFAS International Programs Advisory Team (IPAT)+
  3. Department of Animal Sciences liaison for international issues†.
  4. Represented the IFAS Director of International programs at the African Higher Education Round Table meeting organized by the National Association of State and Land Grant Universities, Washington DC, May 2007†.
  1. International publications with co-authors in foreigninstitutions (Details listed in Section xxx)

Thirteen of Dr. Smith’s peer reviewed journal publications were co-authored with colleagues in foreign institutions†.

  1. International recognition
  1. Editorial board of international journals/conferences
  2. ANIMAL – The International Journal of Animal Biosciences (2007 to 2009). This is the premier animal science journal in Europe†.
  3. The XVth International Silage Conference, Madison, WI, 2009 (23 papers) †.
  4. The 44th Caribbean Food Crops Society Conference, Miami, FL, 2008 (6 papers) †.
  1. Invited lectures at international conferences or workshops(Details listed in Section xxx)
  2. XVth International Silage Conf. Madison, WI, July, 2009†.
  3. International Symposium on Forage Quality and Conservation. Sao Paulo, Brazil. Oct. 2009*.
  4. Short Course on Silage Pathogenicity, University of Sao Paolo, Piracicaba, Brazil. Sao Paulo, Brazil. October 2009*.
  5. 31st Annual meeting of the Peruvian Association of Animal Production, Lima, Peru, Nov 2008*.
  6. International Short Course on Advances in ruminal microbiology and its relation to animal performance. 2008. Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru. October 2008*.
  7. Invited Graduate Seminar presented at the Departmentao de Zootechnia. University of Sao Paolo, Brazil. June 2008*.
  8. Invited Graduate Seminar presented at the SwedishUniversity of Agricultural Sciences. Umea, Sweden. November 2008*.
  9. Florida Int. Agriculture Conf. Trade Show. Ocala, FL. May 2006†.
  1. Invitations to serve on expert committees in foreign countries
  2. Invited to join the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded African Association of Agricultural Professionals in the Diaspora, which aims to ensure the success of projects funded by the foundation in Africa, 2009†.
  3. Invited by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas to join an international interdisciplinary consortium of researchers from several countries that are aiming to remediate degraded pastures and rangelands in the Middle East, 2009†.
  1. Invitations to review international grants
  2. Production Expert Scientific Advisory Committee for Dairy Farmers of Canada's research funding program, 2007†.
  3. The United States - Israel Binational Agricultural Research & Development Fund, 2005†.
  4. United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture Livestock Nutrition Research and Development program, 2003†.
  1. Invitations to evaluate faculty or examine students at foreign institutions
  2. Evaluated the quality of research outputs by a professor at the University of Pretoria for South Africa's National Research Foundation, 2008†.
  3. Examined a Ph.D. Dissertation at the SwedishUniversity of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Umea, Sweden, 2007*.