August 2006doc.: IEEE 802.22-06/0064r0

IEEE P802.22
Wireless RANs

Down Selection Voting Procedure for TG1
Date: 2006-08-09
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
William Rose / WJR Consulting, Inc. / 3 Tunxis Road
West Hartford, CT 06107 / 860-313-8098 /

The procedure for the selection of a PHY and MAC for 802.22 TG1 shall be:

1)New Proposals

The deadline for submission of proposals for TG1closed prior to the beginning of the July 2006 Plenary session. Therefore, prior to being accepted for consideration in the downselection process, any new proposals will be subject to acceptance by a 75% majority vote.
Anyone wishing to submit a new proposal at the September interim session shall indicate their desire to do so in writing to the chairman of Task Group 1 along with their presentation detailing their proposal at least 1 week prior to the opening plenary meeting of the parent 802.22 WG at the September session in Melbourne. There shall be no changes to such a presentation after that date/time unless agreed to in advance by the chairman for procedural reasons. The chairman will ask for a show of hands by those voting members present if there is interest to hear the presentation. If a simple majority of those voting wish to hear the presentation, the chairman will schedule a 60-minute period during which time the proposer will present the proposal and answer questions. If there is no majority in favour of hearing the proposal, it is rejected and there will be no further consideration of the proposal.
If the proposal is heard, then immediately following the 60-minute presentation and question period, the chairman will hold a roll call vote to determine if Task Group 1 wishes to accept the proposal for formal consideration. A 75% majority will be required to accept a new proposal for consideration in the downselection process.

Due to the need for TG1 to progress its work, there will be NO consideration of new proposals beyond the September 2006 interim session.


Presentation of revisions and clarifications to proposals already under consideration by Task Group 1 and arising out of comments and discussions occurring between face-to-face meetings shall be limited to 60 minutes. Any such presentations shall be in the proper format and submitted to the Task Group 1 chairman and the 802.22 WG chairman for posting not later than the close of business (EDT/EST as appropriate) one (1) week prior to the opening plenary of 802.22. There shall be no changes to presentations after that date/time unless agreed to in advance by the chairman for procedural reasons.
If the presentation is completed prior to the expiration of the 60 minutes allotted, the remaining time may be used for discussion regarding the presentation. Any further discussions will be held following the last presenter and shall be limited to 30 minutes for each presentation.

3)Down Selection:

The vote to down select is not a vote to accept a proposal in its entirety. It is a vote to select a baseline proposal, which will then be edited by the entire task group prior to a confirmation vote.

Down selection shall be as follows:

a) Votes to down select shall be by roll call vote, to vote for one proposal or none of the above

b) The proposal (or proposals in case of a "tie") receiving the fewest votes is eliminated

c) The process continues with a vote as in "a" and "b" eliminating proposals

d) When two proposals are left, or in the case of a tie eliminating all but one proposal, there shall be a roll call vote to vote for one proposal or none of the above. A proposal shall be required to achieve a simple majority in order to be accepted and move forward through the drafting process and subsequently to a 75% confirmation vote. If the remaining proposal fails to achieve a majority, the members who voted "no" shall be requested to state why they voted no and what would be required to change their vote to yes. The proposer shall have an opportunity to respond to the concerns of the no voters, after which another roll call vote will be taken.

If at any time a proposer chooses to withdraw their proposal, that proposal is removed from consideration. If all proposals are withdrawn, a new call for proposals will be considered.

Presentations will be scheduled in advance by the Task Group chairman on a rotating basis (first presenter at one meeting will present last at the next, second presenter at one will be first at the next, etc.). If the proposer or their designee is not present at the allotted time, that presentation will not be rescheduled.

Submissionpage 1William Rose, WJR Consulting, Inc.