(A Government of IndiaEnterprise)

IT Dept, Manali, Chennai 600 068.




Ref: BL/LC/MAN/UPS/LT/201718/0080 Date :29/07/2017

Due date: 12.08.2017



All Eligible Suppliers

Dear sir

Supply of 30 No’s of 42 AH x 12 V SMF Exide or Amaran Quantabattery

We indent to procure 30 No’s of 42 AH x 12 V SMF battery for our UPS located at our office at Leather Chemicals - No 32 Sattangadu Village, Manali Chenni - 600068

The detailed specifications of the battery :

Brand:Exide / Amaran Quanta brand only

Features:42 AH x 12 V

Materials:Connecting Inter cables

Warranty :Two Years warranty

Buy Back Existing

Batteries : 30 No’s 40AH x 12 V Tubular Batteries.

The agency should quote rate for the as per format enclosedconsisting of batteries / Interconnect cables the cost should be inclusive of transportation, installation, taxes, etc. the net price after buy back so quoted shall be considered for the awarding the contract.

The offer should be strictly conforming to our specification failing which we shall reject your offer.

Payment: Our standard payment terms are 100% against supply and installation

Delivery : Please indicate earliest delivery period


Guarantee/Warranty for the battery is to be provided for a minimum period of Two years from date of installation/commissioning.

Scope of Installation & commissioning:-

You should depute/send your service engineer for Installation at our site on free of cost with prior intimation to us.


Your offer should be kept valid for 45 days from the date of opening the tender.

Due date

Kindly send us your most competitive offer in a sealed envelope superscribing “Quotation for replacement of Batteries - Leather Chemicals”so as to reach the undersigned on or before 12 th August, 2017at the above address.

LD Clause:- Material /equipment shall be delivered to us as per our delivery schedule without fail. Any delay in delivery as per our schedule will be liable for imposition of LD @ 0.5% of the total order value per week subject to a maximum of 10%.


If any dispute arises between the supplier/seller as to the interpretation of the terms of the contract the same shall be referred to an arbitrator of Balmer Lawrie & Co.Ltd and the award/decision of the arbitrator shall be firm and binding on the parties. The arbitration shall be governed by the provision of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.

Any tender/contractor may be rejected if a conflict of interest between the bidder and the Company is detected at any stage.

The company reserves the right to change the order quantity or cancel any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. Also to add further terms and conditions in the Purchase order/Work order placed on the successful tenderer besides what are slated above.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

For Balmer Lawrie & Co.Ltd

P Suresh babu

Manager (IT)


(In Official letter pad)

Ref: BL/LC/MAN/UPS/LT/201718/0080 Dated 29/07/2017

Item:UPS batteries

Supply of 30 No’s of 42 AH x 12 V SMF Exide or Amaran Quanta battery only

We indent to procure 30 No’s of 42 AH x12 V SMF battery for our UPS located at our Leather Chemical Unit at No 32 Sattangadu Village, Manali Chenni - 600068

The detailed specifications of the battery :

Brand:Exide / Amaran Quanta brand only

Features:42 AH x 12 V

Materials:Connecting Inter cables

Warranty :Two Years warranty

Buy Back Batteries : 30 No’s 42 AH x 12 V SMF Batteries.

Battery Basic Price :

(30 No’s Battery)

GST Tax - As applicable:

Installation Charge :

GST on Installation: :

Transportation :

GST on Transportation :

Gross Price :


Buy back of 30 No’s

40AH x 12V Battery :

Tubular battery

Net Price after buy back:


with office seal