Your Ref:This matter is being dealt with by: E Smith
Our Ref:7831Email:rect line: 01202 454721
Mr J Cooney
8th July 2015
DearMr Cooney
SubjectInformation Request – Freedom of Information Act
Further to your request for information received on 22nd June 2015 I am able to provide the following information with regards the Councils policies around vehicles contravening the notice displayed in bays marked “Cars and M’Cycles only, Park within marked bays” “no cooking,selling or overnight sleeping”.
There is no specific legislation banning sleeping or cooking. The type of vehicle parking in the location will determine whether a Penalty Charge can be issued under Traffic Management Act 2004 having regard to the Articles in the Borough of Bournemouth (Parking Regulation and On Street Parking Places) Consolidation Order (currently under review). The Council’s policy in the first instance would be to seek to move the vehicle.
In various places around the borough, sites have been identified at risk from overnight sleeping and or cooking and selling. These activities detract from the area and inconvenience others such as residents. In addition the activities can create additional problems with substances being deposited in drains and littering. Where, following observation,gathering evidence such as written statements supported by photographs where applicable, and in addition to speaking to the occupants when possible, an offence of lettering or other offence under Clean Neighbourhoods and Environmental Act 2005 has been committed, a Fixed Penalty Notice may be issued to the offender. Fixed Penalties may be issued by any member of Bournemouth Council staff trained to issued Fixed Penalty Notices, for example Environmental Enforcement Offices in Environment and Regeneration Services or Planning, Transport and Regulation Services.
There have been no convictions for offences identified in your request.
I hope that this deals with your request satisfactorily.
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Yours sincerely
Deputy Parking Services Manager.