Andre O’Callaghan
July – August 2010
The views expressed in this document are not necessarily those of the Fasset Seta.
This self-assessment has been designed to allow you to test the understanding and knowledge that you have gained from attending the Fasset workshop on Building and Maintaining a Team. It comprises 25 multiple-choice questions and should take you about 20 - 30 minutes to complete. Note that in some instances multiple answers may be correct.
Section / Description1 / Introduction to Team Building and Team Maintenance
2 / Team Dynamics
3 / Team Functions
4 / Types of Teams and Their Purpose
5 / Team Stages
6 / Team-Building
7 / Maintaining Teams
8 / Team Leadership and Team Membership
9 / Change in Teams
10 / Future Trends
11 / Political Intelligence in Teams
12 / Team Reward and Recognition
13 / Diversity in Teams
Introduction to Teams
- Effective teams can:
- Be bought
- Not be faked
- Be created through trust and safety
- Exist without having a common goal
- A team can only be a team when:
- People know each other and willingly form a group
- The principle of consultative decision-making is applied
- They have a leader
- Team members are interdependent
- Conditions for effective teaming include:
- Adequate sharing amongst team members
- A common purpose
- Passion in the team
- Commitment to the team
Team Dynamics
- The key aspects of any team dynamic are:
- Personalities of team members
- Power games
- Leadership
- The climate in the team
- Key ingredients for accountability and engagement in a team are:
- Team members’ emotional intelligence
- Energy of team members and their attitude
- Clarity of individual goals
- The social networks in the team
Team Functions
- All teams should have the following functions:
- Inspecting
- Promoting
- Driving
- Compromising
Types of teams and their purpose
- the following are examples of team types at work:
- Social clubs
- Project teams
- Departments
- Head offices
Team Stages
- When a team is in its storming phase, the key leadership focus should be:
- Providing strong direction
- Facilitating interdependence
- Allowing people to vent frustrations
- Assisting with personal problems
- The behaviours/issues that you will see during the norming phase will include:
- Roles are not accepted and responsibilities are ignored
- Discussions are good and in depth
- People listen to each other
- People feel stuck
- In the first phase of group development, the forming phase the key tasks to complete include:
- Defining who is in charge
- Get to know the skills and resources in the team
- Confronting the hard issues
- Asking for feedback
Team Building
- Experiential team-building focuses on:
- Personal awareness and insights
- Team behaviours and team leadership
- Personal storytelling
- Key performance areas
- Key building blocks for any team building should include:
- Social get-togethers
- Playing as a team
- Defining a mission and vision
- Giving people the opportunity to relax together
- Effective teams:
- Play the politics better than other teams
- Have more power
- Never need to ask for help
- Do not tolerate failure
Maintaining teams
- One of the key traps in maintaining teams is:
- Micromanaging the team
- Delegation
- Allowing failure
- Having a team charter
- Delegation will be effective when:
- You only delegate routine tasks
- You delegate the tasks you don’t have the skills for
- New tasks
- You delegate responsibility and authority
- Innovation in teams are largely dependent on:
- The IQ’s of team members
- Personality types in the team
- The team culture
- Having clear rules
- When teams focus only on their own priorities and what is convenient for them, they fell into the trap of:
- Our world is the only world
- Poor communication
- A lack of new stimuli
- Reality distortion
- Toxic teams are the result of:
- Diversity
- Personality clashes
- Negative attitudes
- Poor structures
Team Leadership and Team Membership
- To motivate a team you need to:
- Know the theories of motivation
- Show unconditional trust
- Challenge the team
- Be known to staff
- When a team is in its storming phase, the appropriate leadership style should be:
- Validating
- Collaborating
- Structuring
- Resolving
Change in Teams
- The biggest factors impacting on how teams react to change include:
- Perceptions of loss
- Fear of the unknown
- Lack of emotional resilience
- Rumours
Future teams
- Research suggests the following changes/trends in teams:
- Team members will become increasingly older due to the quality of modern healthcare
- Sensitivity towards team members and the place of work will increase
- Teams will have short-term focus
- Remote teams will be a large part of any organisation
Political Intelligence in teams
- Political Awareness includes:
- Interpersonal influence
- Power positions
- Ability to network
- The ability to make deals and see trends
Team Reward
- Reasons why leaders often neglect reward and recognition in teams are:
- There is no time
- They feel embarrassed to do it
- They cannot afford it
- They don’t believe in recognition
Diversity in teams
- Diversity in teams are caused by:
- Religion
- The culture in the team
- Gender ratio’s
- Educational backgrounds
Question / Answer1 / b & c
2 / c & d
3 / All of the above
4 / b, c & c
5 / b
6 / a & b
7 / b, c & d
8 / c
9 / b & c
10 / b
11 / b
12 / c
13 / None of the above
14 / a
15 / d
16 / c
17 / d
18 / a, b & c
19 / b & c
20 / d
21 / a & b
22 / c & d
23 / a & c
24 / All of the above
25 / a, c & d
Building and Maintaining a TeamJuly - August 2010 /