Accepted by Department council 11.09.2015

LECTURES – 1.TUESDAYS - 09.30-11.00, 2nd AU and 2.THIRSDAY - 12.00-13.30, 3rd AU - on the dates mentioned below



Nervous system, sensory organs andtopography of the head

2ndyear dental students, winter semester 2016/2017

Credits – 7,7

Week / Lectures – 2 + 1 hours
Prof. Stefan Sivkov, MD, PhD / Practical exercises - 3 + 2 hours
15-17.09 / 1. Introduction to morphology of nervous system. Development of nervous system.Spinal cord. Spinal nerves.Formation, characteristics.
2. Brain. General description. Medulla oblongata. Pons. / 1. Spinal cord. Meninges of spinal cord. Blood supply.
2. Brainstem – medulla,pons.External and internal structure.
19-21.09 / 1.Midbrain. Cerebellum. / 1. Midbrain. Cerebellum. ІVth ventricle.
2. Spinal cord, spinal ganglion, peripheral nerve – microscopic structure.
26.09-30.09 / 1.Diencephalon. Thalamus.
2. Diencephalon. Hypothalamus, subthalamus.ІІІ-ventricle. / 1. Diencephalon. ІІІrdventricle.
2. Telencephalon. Gross brain. Brodmann’s areas. White matter.
3-7.10 / 1. Forebrain – brain cortex, white matter,basal ganglia. / 1. Basal ganglia.Rhinencephalon. Limbic system.
2. Cerebral and cerebellar cortex – microscopic structure.
10-14.10 / 1. Meninges, ventricular system and blood supply of CNS.
2. Rhinencephalon. Limbic system. / 1. Practical and theoretical quiz.
2.Lateral ventricles.Meninges. Blood supply.
17-21.10 / 1. Pathways in CNS. / 1.Eye and ear – macroscopic structure.
2. Sensory organs – eye, ear – microscopic structure.
24.10–28.10 / 1. Eye. Visual system.
2. Ear. Auditory and vestibular systems. / 1. Cranial nerves – ІІІ, ІV, VІ, VІІ, ХІІ.
2. Cranial nerves– V, ІХ, Х, ХІ.
31.10-4.11 / 1.Cranial nerves. / 1.Practical and theoretical quiz.
2. Head. Regions of the head. Blood and nerve supply. Anastomoses between the extracranial and intracranial veins. Regional lymph nodes of the head.
7–11.11 / 1.Cranial nerves.
2. Autonomic nervous system. / 1. Epicranial region. Temporal region. Muscles of facial expression.
2. Superficial (lateral) regions of the face (withoutparotideomasseteric region).
14-18.11 / 1.Topography of the head. Regions. Blood and nerve supply, lymph drainage.Epicranial region. / 1. Infratemporal region.Temporomandibular joint. Muscles of mastication.
2. Parotideomassetericand buccal regions.
21-25.11 / 1. Temporal region, parotideomasseteric region, buccal region.
2. Infratemporal region, orbital region. / 1. Oral region. Parts. Oral Cavity. Palate, floor of the mouth, fauces. Tongue. Sublingual region.
2. Oral region – microscopic structure.
Histological sections:
1. Tongue –Н-Е
1.1. Filiform papillae
1.2. Vallate papillae
2. Salivary glands
2.1.parotid gland
2.2. submandibular gland
2.3. sublingual gland
28.11-2.12 / 1. Oral region. Tongue, salivary glands. Sublingual region. / 1. Oral region. Teeth. Anatomy, functional groups, tooth numbering, occlusion, types of occlusion. Blood and nerve supply, lymph drainage.
2.Oral region – microscopic structure of tooth.
Histological sections:
1. Lip –Н-Е
2. Uvula - Н-Е
3. Embryonic tooth –Н-Е.
4. Adult(permanent) tooth.
4.1 Decalcinated tooth –Н-Е
4.2 Thin Section (Schliff)
5-9.12 / 1. Oral region. Tongue, salivary glands – microscopic structure.
2. Oral region – microscopic structure of the tooth. / 1. Nasal region. Paranasal sinuses.
2. Orbital region.
12-16.12 / 1.Nasal region. Peripharyngeal space. / 1.Practical and theoretical quiz on the head topography.
2. Discussion on the dissection preparations.
19.12 – 23.12 / 1. Peripharyngeal space.
2. Regions of thehead – a review.

emestrial exams

Theoretical: 2x 20pts.

1 x 40 pts.

Practical quizzes: 2x 20pts.

1 x 40 pts.

Discussion on the preparations: 20 pts.

Total: 180 pts.


170-180 -6,00

159-169 -5,50

148-158 -5,00

137-147 -4,50

126-136 -4,00

115-125 -3,50

108-114 -3,00

< 108 -2,00

1st semester + 2nd+3rd semesters or 100+180+180=460p total ; 80% of 460 = 368 points or more you exemptfinal practicalexam!!!



MCQs in anatomy, a self-testing supplement to human anatomy – All System (For Dental Students), S.S.Novakov, Y.A. Koeva, A.V. Fusova, F.A. Popova, ed S.T. Sivkov, Med Publ House “Lax Book”, Plovdiv, 2014

A Practucum – Organ Histology, P. Atanassova, I. Koeva, e. Petrova et al.

Romanes GJ. Cunningham’s manual of practical anatomy. Head and Neck and Brain. Oxford University Press. New York, 1996

Patrick W. Tank. Grant's Dissector (Tank, Grant's Dissector). 14th Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008.

Chaurasia BD. Human anatomy. Regional and applied. Third edition. CBS Publishers & distributors. New Delhi, India, 1998.

Central Nervous System.Vankov’s Anatomy by M. Vankova, 2012.


Sobotta. Atlas of Human Anatomy, 13th edition, Urban & Fischer, 2001.

S.Delchev, S.Novakov, R.Ivanova. Photographic atlas of human anatomy, 2016, Plovdiv.

CD atlas on CNS, Department of Anatomy, Plovdiv