Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Sierra Vista Campus
6:00 p.m.
1.01Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Jane Strain, Board Chair, at 6:03 p.m.
Board Members Present:
Mrs. Jane Strain
Mrs. Jan Guy
Mr. Bob Nelson
Board Members Absent:
Mr. Juan Flores
1.02Pledge of Allegiance
1.03Adoption of Agenda
Prior to adopting the agenda, Mrs. Jane Strain and the Governing Board members presented Dr. Randall Groth a certificate recognizing his past service on the Governing Board.
The agenda was adopted as published.
1.04Citizen’s Interim
There was no request to address the Board.
1.05Standing Reports
1.05.1Representative to the AADGB
Mrs. Jan Guy reported that there were no meetings in July. The next ACCA, AADGB, and Presidents’ Council meetingswill be held next week in Sedona. Mrs. Guy will report in September.
1.05.2Senate Report
There was no Senate report.
1.05.3Student Government Association (SGA)
There was no SGA report.
1.05.4College President
Dr. Michelich reported in Dr. Nicodemus’ absence.
There are two significant upcoming College events: Convocation on August 16th and the College’s 40th anniversary celebration on August 26th.
Dr. Jeffrey Seybert, a national expert on college assessment and student outcomes, has been engaged as the Convocation keynote speaker. Mrs. Guy has agreed to present the employee awards in the absence of Mrs. Strain.
The second event is the College’s 40th anniversary. Offices will be closed and day classes have been cancelled. A private reception will be held in the morning and Governor Janet Napolitano will address the public during the afternoon ceremony. There are a number of activities throughout the day. Dr. Michelich thanked the planning committee for their hard work over the summer.
Mrs. Strain requested that the Board members be kept informed of the special guests who will be attending.
Dr. Bo Hall provided the enrollment report and explained that data for 2004 was collected two weeks prior to start of class versus 2003 data that was collected one week prior. Dr. Michelich will present an updated enrollment report at the next meeting.
1.05.5Monthly Financial Report
The Financial Reports for the months ending June andJuly, 2004, were submitted to the Board for its review. The financial reportswere accepted as presented. Summaries are attached.
Dr. Michelich reported that the June report was prepared by Dr. Michael Carter and the July report was prepared by Mr. David Gage. Revenues for FY04were slightly higher than original projections and expenditures were lower than budgeted.
The College will receive more funds in capital, equalization, and state aid than originally budgeted for FY05.
2.01Acceptance of Minutes, Regular Meeting, June 8, 2004
The Minutes of the June 8, 2004, Regular Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
2.02Acceptance of Minutes, Special Meeting, June 8, 2004
The Minutes of the June 8, 2004, Special Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
2.03Acceptance of Minutes, Special Meeting, July 15, 2004
The Minutes of the July 15, 2004, Special Meeting of the Cochise College Governing Board were approved and entered into record.
Dr. Michelich shared the following communications:
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Ms. Susan B. Fuerst, Auxiliary Scholarship Chairman and member of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of Arizona, making us aware of the generosity of our teachers, Leslie Clark, Roger Weller and Kerry Henrickson, who volunteered their time and expertise to judge the student applications for their Scholarship Program.
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Mr. Marco A. Lopez, Jr., Executive Director of the Arizona-Mexico Commission, thanking the President for her participation in Governor Napolitano’s trade/protocol mission to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
A card to Dr. Nicodemus from Dr. Kim Sheane on behalf of the Arizona Community College Association (ACCA) thanking the College for hosting ACCA meetings on June 9 and 10, 2004.
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Mr. Richard W. Besselman, Group Manager of Anteon Corporation, complimenting Liz Howard and her associates for their excellent efforts and success in coordinating the Cochise College Career Fair.
A letter to Dr. Nicodemus from Mr. J. Mark Davis, President of Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, informing us of a two-year college scholarship program granted to our CochiseCollege student Angela Bashaw-Adams.
3.02ACE (Achieved Classified Excellence) Awards
Ms. Irma Alejandro, Classified Association President, presented the ACE Award winners for 2004: Ms. Kathy Carrillo, Ms. Patricia Fuller, Ms. Ana Molina, and Mr. Tad Patton. The recipients are selected for their achievements and commitments to the College. The Board congratulated the award recipients.
3.03National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Awards
Dr. Michelich introduced the three 2004 NISOD Award recipients: Ms. Yolanda Anderson, Ms. Debbie Quick, and Mr. Randy Burns. The recipients were selected based on service to students, service to department, service to the College, and service to the community. The Board congratulated the award recipients.
3.04FY05 Cultural Events Grant Awards
The College received notification of two grant awards supporting the cultural events program that were coordinated by Dr. Macaela Cashman, the Western States Arts Federation (WESTAF) in conjunction with the National Endowment for the Arts to support a public performance of Jazz Harp at the Benson Center and three school residencies, and the Arizona Commission on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts to support the performing arts program.
3.05Notification of Department of Health and Human Services Grant Award
The College received notification from Congressman Kolbe’s office that the grant applicationcoordinated by Ms. Sue Macdonaldin support of Nursing Workforce Diversity activities has been awarded. Dr. Michelich informed the Board that out of 160 applications submitted nationwide, only 23 grants were funded.
The grant is aimed at increasing nursing educational opportunities for low-income and minority populations in Cochise and Santa Cruz counties. Twenty students will be selected to participate in the program initially, with 30 being admitted each consecutive semester over the three-year period. In the first three years, the college plans to enroll 170 students in the pre-nursing program. Students who previously were not considered for admission to the nursing program because they did not score high enough on the Nursing Entrance Test will be recruited.
The project also proposes one-on-one tutoring, a mentorship program, diversity seminars, and career and shadow programs with local and regional high schools that will serve as a pipeline to the college’s nursing program.
The pre-nursing program will provide students with the academic and social skills necessary to prepare them to gain acceptance into the nursing program and the program will offer classes to help students improve reading comprehension and basic mathematics skills.
3.06FY05 Prison Education Contract
The College received notification from the Arizona Department of Corrections that the contract with CochiseCollegeto provide educational services at ASPC-Douglas has been approved. Programs funded will remain the same.
3.07Continuation of Tech-Prep IGAs with Local High Schools
The President has executed Intergovernmental Agreements with the following local high schools to continue grant-funded Tech-Prep activities:
- Benson Unified School District No. 9
- Bowie Unified School District No. 14
- Douglas Unified School District No. 27
- San Simon Unified School District No. 18
- Sierra Vista Unified School District No. 68
- St. David Unified School District No. 21
- Tombstone Unified School District No. 1
- Valley Union High School No. 22-5
4.01Consent Agenda*
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
The following items were approved:
4.01.1*Classified; Appointment (Cosetti Durazo, Administrative Assistant)
4.01.2*Administrative Support; Appointment (Deb Hawkins, Online Advisor)
4.01.3*Nursing Faculty; Temporary, One-Year Appointment (Melba Travis)
4.01.4*Administrative Support; Interim Appointment (Shelli Echave, Director, Computer Systems)
4.01.5*Administrative Support; Interim Appointment(Debbie Chavez, Database Administrator)
Dr. Michelich introduced Ms. Melba Travis to the Board.
4.02Intergovernmental Agreement with CochiseCounty
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the President to execute the agreement between the Cochise County Board of Supervisors and the Cochise County Health Department agreement.
This IGA allows the College to work with the Cochise County Health Department to provide a Community Health Workers’ Certificate program for a cohort of up to 16 qualified students. The program will enable graduates to work in CochiseCounty screening and educating County residents about asthma, diabetes and obesity, and to assist County residents with appropriate self-management of these diseases. The College will award financial aid to cover the cost of tuition, fees, and books.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.03College Participation in the CountyAttorney’s Enhancement Fund – Legal Services
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the President to execute the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with the Cochise County Attorney’s Office.
Dr. Michelich stated that this is an annual contract for ongoing services and that costs have not increased.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.04Approval of Job Description – Assistant Dean for Workforce Training and Development
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the job description for Assistant Dean for Workforce Training and Development.
This position is an upgrade to the existing Coordinator, Workforce Training and Community Education position and will report to the Dean, Extended Learning and Workforce Development.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.05Approval of Job Description – Program Specialist, Workforce Training and Community Education
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the job description for Program Specialist, Workforce Training and Community Education.
This is a new position funded through Prop 301 that will develop and coordinate the implementation and delivery of training for business and industry, and serve as liaison on issues related to contracted training and community education.
Dr. Michelich explained that the two new positions related to Workforce Training and Community Education plan presented at the July Board meeting.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.06Approval of Job Description – Learning Coordinator
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the job description for Learning Coordinator.
This position is fully supported by Title V grant funds for mentoring and advising.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.07Approval of Job Description – Activity Coordinator
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the job description for Activity Coordinator.
This position is fully supported by Title V grant funds that will supervise the Learning Coordinator and coordinates the summer bridge program.
Mrs. Guy confirmed with Dr. Michelich that the position is fully funded by Title V.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.08Approval of Job Description - Director, Center for Southwest Studies
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the job description for Director, Center for Southwest Studies.
Dr. Michelich reminded the Board of the briefing given by Dr. Nicodemus at the last Board meeting. This position is a product of that briefing.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.09Administrative Support - Appointment
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the appointment of Director, Center for Southwest Studies.
Dr. Michelich informed the Board that, at the time of printing the Board packet, administration was completing the interview process for the Director, Center for Southwest Studies position.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.09.1Administrative Support - Appointment
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to appointment Ms. Becky Orozco, Director, Center for Southwest Studies.
This action item was added after the Board packet was completed.
The interview process has been completed and administration is now seeking approval to appoint Ms. Rebecca Orozco as the Director, Center for Southwest Studies. Ms. Orozco brings expertise with her extensive background and has been serving as a consultant to the College regarding the development of a Southwest Studies program.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.10Agency Agreement in Support of the College’s Medical Assistant (MA) Program
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the President to execute the Agreement with Dr. L. Michael Lesueur to provide clinical site education for the College’s Medical Assistant Program.
This agreement will provide students in the Medial Assistant Program a clinical site allowing 180 hours of hands-on experience needed to complete the program.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
4.11Agency Agreement in Support of the College’s Medical Assistant (MA) Program
Mrs. Guy moved and Mr. Nelson seconded a motion to approve the resolution authorizing the President to execute the Agreement with Dr. J. Carter Mayberry to provide clinical site education for the College’s Medical Assistant Program.
This agreement will provide students in the Medial Assistant Program a clinical site allowing 180 hours of hands-on experience needed to complete the program.
The Board unanimously approved. MOTION CARRIED.
Mrs. Guy had no comments.
Mr. Nelson requested that the next Board meeting be rescheduled, if possible. Ms. Raquel Harder will poll the Board.
Mrs. Strain had no comments
Mrs. Strain adjourned the meeting at 6:49 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Raquel A. Harder
Ms. Raquel A. Harder, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the President
Mr. Juan Flores, Secretary to the Governing Board