Parking Policy


This policy outlines the vehicle parking regulations on campus property to help maintain a safe campus environment. Morningside College recognizes the use of motor vehicles as a privilege and is not obligated to provide unlimited parking for all vehicles entering campus. It will, however attempt to provide reasonable parking spaces to properly registered vehicles within the scope of resources and available sites.


Morningside College has developed set parking regulations in order to provide adequate and safe parking conditions for all. The College requires vehicles operated on campus property to comply with all college parking regulations. All vehicles must have a valid license plate and properly displayed valid campus parking permit.


This policy applies to all Morningside faculty, staff, and students along with visitors who drive vehicles and park on campus.

Terms and Definitions

Parking Regulations: provides detailed information about the vehicle registration fees, parking areas, violations, appeals process, and other information about parking on campus. Visit the Campus Safety and Security web site and click on Parking on Campus.

Parking Committee: this is a committee comprised of faculty, staff, and students who meet to review appeals for parking violations.

Motor vehicle: includes all vehicles such as mopeds, cars, trucks, motorcycles.

Vehicle Registration: All vehicle registrations are done online through the Campus Safety and Security website. It requires a person’s name and vehicle information.

Vehicle Permit: pre-numbered sticker that is assigned to the registered vehicle which should be displayed on the rear window in the lower left-hand corner on the outside. Permits are non-transferable between vehicles.

Procedures and Guidelines

All faculty, staff, and students with vehicles on campus must obtain a permit.

Students may register their vehicle any time starting August 1st each academic year. They can pick up their permitwhen they arrive on campus for the semester.

The permit free will be billed to the student’s account.

All students will pick up their vehicle permits in the Campus Safety and Security Office located in the Olsen Student Center. Identification may be required to ensure that the permit is being handed out to the right person.

Parking regulations will be emailed to all faculty, staff, and students. Posters will also be posted around campus in the residence halls and academics buildings. It is up to each individual to review the parking regulations.

Faculty and staff should register for their permits when they get a new vehicle or first start employment. Faculty and staff permits are good for 3 years.

Each vehicle should have a valid permit. No vehicle should share one permit.

Handicap permits for campus only may be obtained through the Director of Safety and Security in the Learning Center. A medical statement is required for the permit. State issued handicap permits are acceptable for use in designated parking areas on campus.

Vehicle Permits have designated parking areas depend on the permit classification. Vehicle operators should check the Parking Regulations for parking areas assigned for the type of permit issued to them. The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator. Improperly parked vehicles are subject to campus citations and/or towing at the owners expense. The College assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents or liability for damage to a persons or property for any parked or moving vehicle on campus. Persons must comply with city regulations when parking on the city street adjacent to college property.

Parking Citations will be issued for the following violations:

  • Parking in the visitor’s lot during restricted times
  • Parking in reserved parking areas
  • Failure to have a permit
  • Permit displayed improperly
  • Altered permit
  • Forgery/illegal transfer of permit
  • False Registration
  • Failure to move during snow removal
  • Failure to park in a parking stall
  • Parking in a restricted area
  • Parking on the grass
  • Parking in a No Parking area
  • Parking in a lot with No Overnight Parking
  • Parking in a Handicap with no placard
  • Parking in a fire lane

Citations and Appeals Process

Parking Citations must be paid in the Business Office located in Lewis Hall within 7 days of issuance. Failure to pay tickets within this time from will result in tickets being doubled and billed to faculty, staff, and student accounts.

Students, faculty, and staff may appeal parking citations with the Director of Safety and Security within the first 7 days of issuance.

If a student, faculty, or staff member is not satisfied with the appeal of the Director of Safety and Security they may appeal the citation to the Parking Committee. This appeal must be in writing and turned into the Payroll Administrator/Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Business and Finance.

The Parking Committee will convene during the semester and hear appeals for citations. They will decide each appeal and the Payroll Administrator/Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Business and Finance will notify each person of the Committee’s decision.

Any adjustments to a student, faculty, or staff member’s account will be forwarded to the Business Office.

Other Considerations in the operation of motor vehicles.

The active cooperation of all motorists on campus is needed for these regulations to be effective in establishing and ensuring safe driving conditions and orderly parking on Morningside’s campus. Those owning and driving motor vehicles are expected to know and comply with Morningside’s Parking Regulations and local and state laws.

Confidentiality and Record Retention

All vehicle registrations and citations are kept with Campus Safety and Security. Any questions concerning vehicle registration and citations may be address with the Director of Safety and Security or by calling 712-274-5234.