Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc. - Houston Chapter

Volunteer’s Creed

“MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Become a Volunteer”

The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc. - Houston Chapter encourages active participation by all members and, therefore, we need your help. Chapter governance and administration requires a number of Volunteer members to serve as Committee Members, Committee Chairs,Officers, and Governorsand in various volunteer support roles.

Volunteering is a rewarding experience. All of those involved in the relationship must have respect for one another and a desire to cooperate in meeting the needs of the organization. In addition to the rightsand rewards you have as a volunteer, there are accompanying responsibilities.

Whether you are evaluating an invitation to serve the Chapter or are considering volunteering your services, we ask that you carefully consider the following commitments.

What IIA -Houston Chapter Expects from Volunteers

Volunteer Responsibilities:

  1. Become thoroughly familiar with the mission and the goals of the IIA - Houston Chapter and of the committee(s) in which you are involved.
  2. Be considerate, respect the ability of other volunteers, and work as a member of the team.
  3. Carry out assignments in good spirit and seek the assistance of your assigned Committee Chair, Officer, and/or Board members, as applicable, in any situation requiring special guidance.
  4. Be prompt and reliable in reporting for scheduled volunteer work efforts or assignments.
  5. Communicate and give notice in advance to your Committee Chair, Officer, and Board members, as applicable, if you cannot show up for a volunteer opportunity that you are committed to or if you are unable to volunteer assist and/or work as scheduled.
  6. Provide feedback, suggestions, and recommendations to your Committee Chair, Officer, and Board members, as applicable, if these might increase the effectiveness of the committee.
  7. Conduct yourself in an ethical and professional manner. Given that we collectively hold ourselves out to the business community at large as experts in internal audit, governance, controls, and/or risk management, we should invest no less care in the conduct of the Chapter’s business and governance affairs than we would expect to render to our employers, customers, and/or our clients. Therefore, we should hold ourselves to the highest standards and perform exemplary work to the benefit of the organization and to the membership.
  8. Honorary positions with the Chapter are so designated in the title. All other positions are working positions and all working positions carry defined minimum responsibilities.
  9. Members who accept positions of volunteer responsibility (i.e., all positions except honorary positions) need to recognize that Chapter leadership, and ultimately the membership, will hold you accountable for your performance.
  10. Formality and order is achieved through a comprehensive reporting structure with appropriate content and deadlines within the position or committee upon which you serve. Guidance should be obtained from the Committee Chairperson or Officer to whom you report.
  11. Accept the right of the Board of Governors to dismiss any volunteer for poor performance, including poor attendance.

Volunteer Responsibilities (continued):

  1. Be tolerant and appreciative of the efforts of others and, if you have suggestions, offer them respectfully and with kindness.
  2. Become familiar with and respect Chapter policies and/or procedures, including, but not limited to Conflicts of Interest.
  3. Maintain confidentiality in the work that you do on behalf of the organization.
  4. Be a reflection of the values and standards set by the organization and feel comfortable with its policies and procedures.

What IIA -Houston Chapter Commits to Its Volunteers

  1. We will be respectful of your time and recognize that your input and your time are valuable to us.
  2. We will provide a welcoming environment in which you can work.
  3. We will provide resources and tools for the projects or tasks you are working on.
  4. We will provide a support network for you in your activities.
  5. We will help you understand the amount and types of work required for a given volunteer opportunity.
  6. We will be accommodating and understanding.
  7. We will accept and respect your limitations and time constraints.
  8. We will support, encourage, and recognize our volunteers. Please note that this maynot always happen timely. Therefore, please know that we do appreciate your volunteer efforts and do not get discouraged.

What IIA - Houston Chapter Volunteers Get in Return

  1. Opportunity to work with professionals in aninternationally-recognized and well-respected organization.
  2. Learn about the organization and the profession through direct volunteer work.
  3. Receive support and feedback from professional peers.
  4. A chance to network with others who share your professional interests.
  5. Opportunity to choose from and experience a variety of volunteer and professional activities.

Volunteering for the IIA -Houston Chapter involves responsibility, but it provides rewards and pleasures that may become among the most gratifying experiences of your professional life.

I, ______(please print) have read and understand these Volunteer commitments. I look forward to serving the Chapter and its members.

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