AP Physics 1 Class Guidelines
Julie Shehata - 306832-484-4269 / Jacqui Pluckhahn - 302
832-484-4253 / Merrill Willgrubs - 313
Welcome to AP Physics 1! APPhysics is an inquiry-based class where we will conduct laboratory and field investigations, use the scientific method, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. We will study a variety of topics. We will learn and understand concepts using practice, experimental design, and interpretation. We will work together to develop critical thinking skills. It is a rigorous course that will require time outside of school in addition the use of provided instructional time in order to be successful.
Textbook:Etkina, Eugenia, Michael Gentile, and Alan Van Heuvelen. College Physics. San
Francisco, CA: Pearson, 2014.
Online Textbook Link available on Blackboard
AP Physics I Course Topics:
- Translational & Rotational Kinematics
- Translational & Rotational Dynamics
- Circular Motion & Gravitation
- Work, Power & Energy
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Translational Momentum & Impulse
- Rotational Momentum & Impulse
- Mechanical Waves & Sound
- Electrostatics
- Current & Circuits
Materials:All materials should be brought to class daily.
- A 3-ring binder with paper dedicated to this class only.
- A composition-style notebook for LABS ONLY
- Something to write with – NEATLY
- Your school issued tablet
- Suggested Supplies – graphing paper, protractor, red pen
Calculators are provided in the classroom, but you may use your own calculator in class (except for tests).
Check Blackboard daily for announcements, updates, work done in class, and additional information.
Class Rules:In addition to adhering to those regulations in the current KISD Student Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct, students will be responsible for the following rules:
- Be prepared. Bring all materials to class daily and have everything ready before class begins.
- Be respectful. I expect you to exhibit courtesy and respect toward all teachers, peers and school property at all times. This includes not being disruptive to other student’s work and learning.
- Be responsible. You are responsible for your actions and decisions at all time.
You are responsible for knowing and abiding by all Laboratory Safety Rules, which will be covered in class.
A note on electronic devices: At times, you may be allowed to use personal electronic devices in class for data collection. They should not be out at any other time. Flash drives are not permitted at any time in the class.
If you CHOOSE to break a rule:The district’s policies on discipline are listed in the KISD Student Handbook. Some behaviors will warrant an immediate Disciplinary Referral.
Tardies: If you are not in the classroom, a pass will be required for entry. You obtain tardy passes from a Tardy Station.
Attendance and Make Up Work:If you are absent for anything other than a school-sanctioned activity, you MUST come to class with a blue admission slip from attendance. If you do not have it, you will be required to go to attendance to get one and take a tardy. You have as many days as you were absent to make up any missed work.It is YOUR responsibility to inquire about any missed work or assessments, regardless of the reason for your absence.If you miss a test, you must schedule a time to make it up upon your return. You will receive a zero for any work you do not make up. An unexcused absence voids all make-up privileges. If you are going to be out for school related activities, I expect you to request work before you leave.
Grading:Each six weeks will be based on the following split:
- Tests and major projects70%
- Labs; quizzes; class work & homework30%
Assignments:Class work is given to strengthen and enhance your understanding. Any work not completed in class should be completed at home. Late work can be turned in for partial credit until the cutoff date for each marking period. Assignments turned in late will lose 10% per day late, up to 50% (max score is 50-90%, depending on number of days late).
Quizzes can (and will) be given at any time, and do not have to be announced. Be prepared! Bring your notebook every day and pay attention in class, and you will be successful.
If a second-chance opportunity is offered for a minor (quiz) grade, the manner and amount of recovery will be determined by the AP Physics 1 PLC team.
NOTE: We DO NOT accept assignments that are written in any color other than blue or black ink, or pencil.
Tests:Tests will be given on Tuesdays and Fridays unless special circumstances arise. I will notify you about a week in advance of each test.
Second-Chance Testing may be available for tests on which you earn less than a 70%. At the end of each marling period, you will take a cumulative test covering that marking period’s content. This will also serve as your second-chance testopportunity for the marking period’s previous assessments. For each unit covered, you can earn a higher test grade based on the portion of the cumulative test questions you correctly answered over that unit. For example, imagine you get a 56% on Unit Test 1. Then, on the cumulative MP exam you get 13 of 15 questions over Unit 1 correct. I will then change your Unit 1 test grade to a 70% (13/15 * 100 = 86.67%, maximum second chance value is 70%). This will apply to all tests for the marking period. In order to be eligible, you must have all work turned in prior to the cumulative test.
Group Work:When working on a group project, all members are responsible for all portions of the final product. It is recommended that all group members work together on all parts to ensure that what is being submitted is up to everyone’s expectations. Some groups may choose to subdivide responsibilities, but everyone is still held accountable for all parts. It is the expectation that anything subdivided is reviewed by all group members before submission. Any plagiarism or inadequate portions of an assignment or project will count against the ENTIRE group – not any one individual within the group.
Tutoring: Tutoring is available before school Tuesday-Friday, and after school Monday-Thursday. You need to come prepared with specific questions.
Academic Dishonesty:If you are involved in an academic dishonesty (cheating) incident, you will receive a zero for the work and are subject to a P or U in conduct. You will also be referred to the assistant principal for possible disciplinary action. Please note that talking or using an electronic device during a test or quiz is considered academic dishonesty, and will result in the above consequences. Please see the KISD Student Handbook for further information.