To the Director
via Bonomea, 265
34136 - TRIESTE
Selection procedure for the appointment of anassociate professor according to art. 18 par. 1 of Law 240/2010
Competition sector 05/F1 Experimental Biology of Area 05Biology, scientific disciplinary sector BIO/13 Experimental Biology, at the Neuroscience Area of SISSA.
The undersigned
SURNAME ......
NAME ......
ITALIAN TAX CODE ………………………………………………………………………………………
PROVINCE ...... ZIP CODE ......
ADDRESS ......
hereby applies to the aforesaid selection procedure and to this end, according to Presidential decree 445/2000 and aware that false declarations are punishable according to articles 483, 495, 496 of the penal code and the special laws on this matter, declares the following:
b)For Italian citizens:
to be registered in the electoral roll of the municipality of......
not to be registered in any electoral roll for the following reasons:......
For non-Italian citizens:
to have civil and political rights in …………………………… (country) or not to have civil and political rights for the following reasons: ………………………………………..
c)to have a clean criminal record and not to be aware of any criminal charge against them and/or to have been charged with the following criminal offences (if any): ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
d)For Italian citizens: current position with regard to the military service:
e)not to have been dismissed from a Public Administration for consistently poor performance, nor from a job in the civil service as provided by article 127, section (d) of the Consolidated law for the regulationsgoverning the status of the civil servants approved with Presidential decree 3 dated 10 January 1957.
f)To possess the following requisites (please tick as appropriate):
candidates qualified according to art. 16 of law 240/2010 for the competition sector 05/F1 Experimental Biology, or for one of the competition sectors included in the same macro sector;
candidates qualified according to law 210/1998 for the position referred to in this announcement (the qualification must be currently valid) in the scientific disciplinary sector included in the competition sector or in oneof the competition sectors belonging to the same macro sector;
associate professor working in the followingItalian University: …………………………...……… for the competition sector…………………………………….;
academic regularly engaged in research or teaching activities abroad at university level in a position equal to the one offered in this announcement, according to the tables of correspondence established by the Ministry (Ministerial decree 236 dated 02 May 2011) in the following University: …………………………….. with the following position ………………….
g)Not to have a degree of kinship, or affinity including the fourth degree, or a conjugal relationship or cohabitation with a professor belonging to the School Council, or with the Director, the Secretary General or with a member of the Board of Directors of SISSA;
h)For foreign citizens: to have adequate knowledge of the Italian language - not required for the research and teaching activities that will be held in English;
i)To be physically fit for the position referred to in this announcement.
The undersigned requests that all communications regarding the procedure shall be sent to the following address:
PLACE ......
PROVINCE ...... ZIP CODE ......
ADDRESS ......
Telephone: ...... - fax. ……………………………………………….. - mobile ………………………………………..
The undersigned encloses to this application the following documents:
- a copy of a valid identity document (front and back side) and copy of the Italian tax code(for foreign candidates only if already possessed);
- a C.V. listing all research and teaching activities, their degrees and all other qualifications, dated and signed, and submitted through the form of the dichiarazione sostitutiva di atto di notorietà (document in which candidates undersign that what is stated is true) using the attached Annex B;
- a numbered list, dated and signed, of the publications to be submitted following the procedures described in Art. 4 of this notice, indicating eventual websites from which the publications can be downloaded;
- a maximum number of 12 publications, (in the case of publications issued in copy, attach the dichiarazione sostitutiva di atto di notorietà - Annex B);
- a numbered list, dated and signed, of all the qualifications which are thought to be useful for selection purposes, as well as the qualifications themselves.
- USB Key/CD containing all the attachments to this application.
The undersigned undertakes to promptly notify the School by registered mail of any change of address for the delivery of communications relevant to the selection procedure.
The undersigned declares to be aware that SISSA shall not be deemed responsible for the loss of correspondence due to an incorrect address indicated by the candidate or due to a late, or lack of communication of change of address, mistakes by third parties in delivering correspondence by post or telegrams, unforeseeable events or force majeure.
The undersigned agrees that the personal data submitted shall be treated according to Legislative decree 196 dated 30.06.03 for the purposes of the selection procedure.
Date: ......