The Cassation Court of the Republic of Armenia and the Supreme Court of Latvia (hereinafter the Sides),

based on the norms of international right and national legislation,

respecting the sovereignty

recognizing the necessity of active participation of the Sides in provision of bilateral legal relationship,

realizing the importance of simplifying the implementation of the economic jurisdiction have agreed on the below mentioned:

Article 1

For the purpose of accomplishing the tasks for forming a united information space and creating a legal base for ensuring the courts with the operational, legal information, the Sides are obliged to present each other normative legal acts regulating their activities.

Article 2

The Sides, within the frame of obligations, provided in the article 1 of the genuine Memorandum, should provide legal acts on issues such as jurisdiction, measures and procedure of a payment of state fees during bringing the lawsuits, terms of lawsuit and executive statute of limitations, changes in the procedure of examining of civil cases, and execution of judicial decisions on these cases and on other issues.

Article 3

The Sides should inform each other on the practice of applying legislation and for this purpose exchanging general materials and analysis of judicial practice.

At the discretion of Sides they can send on mutual basis other materials concerning their activities.

Article 4

Legal information should be presented in English in possible short term and free of charge. For transfer of messages and materials the means of electronic communication can be used and also magnetic transmitters.

Article 5

Besides the exchange of legal information, the Sides should:

- conduct mutual consultations on issues such as preparation of new legislative and normative acts and also explanations of other documents determining the judicial practice;

- contribute to rapprochement and harmonization of legislations of the Sides;

- based on mutual agreement, to conduct meetings, conferences, scientific-practical conferences and seminars for the purpose of studying the experience of the work of courts, the practice of implementing the national legislation and production of joint approaches and solution of issues for rapprochement and harmonization of judicial legislation.

Article 6

The Sides cooperate directly with each other when they provide legal assistance.

Article 7

In case of necessity, the Sides can create consultative commission for production of united approaches on the more important and principal issues of forming the judicial practice and solution of joint issues of the activities of courts within the framework of cooperation.

Article 8

The current Memorandum enters into force from the date of its signature.

Article 9

Amendments and additions to this Memorandum can be introduced by reciprocal agreement of the Sides by signing of additional protocol by authorized persons.

These Amendments and additions enters into force in accordance with the article 8 of the current Memorandum.

Article 10

The genuine Memorandum discontinues its action on expiration of six months after the date of recept of renouncement by the other Side.

President of the Cassation Court
of the Republic of Armenia
HOVHANNES MANUKYAN / President of the Supreme Court
of Latvia