Senior School Improvement Officer
Liverpool School Improvement Partner
The key purpose of the roleis to contribute to the provision of an effective school improvement service by:
- working in partnership with Headteachers and schools;
- supporting and challenging the continuous development of educational provision;
- contributing to on-going improvement in educational outcomes – raising standards & closing gaps;
- contributing to developmental projects and/or otherpriority strands of school improvement work, as required;
- contributing to improvements in pupils’ future life chances.
Key responsibilities are:
- Provision of LSIP ‘universal service’ to assigned schools
- Provision of graduated intervention & support to assigned schools
- Other assigned aspects of teamwork
- Contribution to traded services to schools and settings
Salary:Soulbury 19 to 22; £53,499 to £ 59,328 (Plus up to 3 SPA points)
Based at:Toxteth Annexe, Liverpool L17 7BN
Responsible to:Principal Officer, Primary
The post is subject to enhanced DBS disclosure and checking
The post is designated with Essential Car User status
- Perform the Liverpool School Improvement Partner role to assigned schools
- Report to the Principal Officer on the standards and quality of primary education* across assigned schools and in other schools or schools clusters, as requested(*including nursery education and/or primary-special education, if required)
- For assigned schools, ensure the appropriate application of SIL’s Graduated Approach to school improvement, including statutory guidance for schools causing concern
- Develop the use of data to inform target-setting, pupil progress monitoring and self evaluation in schools
- Contribute to a programme of monitoring, challenge and support to primary schools, in order to improve the number of schools being awarded a good or outstanding Ofsted judgements and to minimise risks of schools entering inadequate categories
- Where required, raise ‘alerts of concern’ for assigned schools, analyse the causes and recommend a level of support and intervention
- Report in detail to thePrincipal Officer Primaryregarding the progress of assigned schools causing concern
- Contribute to SIL reviews and/or monitoring groups to support primary schools to improve further the quality of provision and the leadership of learning
- Assist in the development of school leadership and management at senior and middle levels
- Liaise with associated learning and quality improvement teams to ensure that support to assigned schools is appropriately targeted and its impact is evaluated
- Identify and disseminate effective school practice and strengths for sharing with other schools, contributing to a local knowledge base that supports effective commissioning of school-to-school support
- Represent the Director of Children’s Servicesduring Headteacher appointment processes in assigned schools, and other schools as required
- Attend and lead appropriate aspects of meetings with regional and national government and associated agencies, in accordance with assigned responsibilities
- Liaise with central government officers and national bodies on issues related to school improvement and school-to-school development
- Represent SIL at national, regional and local events
- Liaise with the Principal Officer Business Development to maintain the viability of traded services
- Contribute to productive and professional working relationships with Headteacher Associations and other stakeholder groups through meaningful consultation, effective communication and consistent professional behaviours
- Contribute to the coaching and development of the SIL staff team, as appropriate
- Carry out the commitment of SIL to equal opportunities and to promoting non-discriminatory practices in all aspects of work undertaken
It must be understood that every employee has a responsibility to ensure that their work complies with all statutory requirements and Financial Regulations to ensure that all work functions are undertaken in accordance with health and safety legislation and codes of practice.
This job description is not intended to be either prescriptive or exhaustive. It is issued as a framework to outline the main areas of responsibility.
Prepared by: Alison Green, Principal Officer (Primary)
Date:January 2015