As of June 21, 2016
Fall 2016: August 15, 2016 – December 16, 2016Registration Appointments: Available June 27, 2016
Priority Registration Groups:
- July 5-6 CalWorks, DSP&S,EOP&S,Foster Youth, Active Duty Military and Veteranstudents
- July 7Student Representatives, under external/internal mandates: Athletes, Honors, SGA
- July 7-9College Proficient Students: Completed ENGL 101/103 andMATH 105+
- July 9-11College Ready 1 Students: Completed ENGL 92+ and MATH 094+
- July 11-12College Ready 2 Students: Assessed into ENGL 101*and MATH 105+
- July 12-14College Ready 3 Students: Completed ENGL 92+ or MATH 094+
- July 15-17College Ready 4 Students: Assessed into ENGL 101*or MATH 105+
- July 18Developmental Skills 1 Students: Completed ENGL 62, ESL 62W and MATH 90
- July 18-20Developmental Skills 2 Students: Assessed into ENGL 92/98, ESL 98W**and MATH 90/94/96
- July 21Developmental Skills 3 Students: Completed ENGL 62, ESL 62W or MATH 90
- July 21-24Developmental Skills 4 Students: Assessed into ENGL 92/98, ESL 98W**or MATH 90/94/96
- July 25Basic Skills 1 Students: Completed ENGL 61 (with no assessment) and MATH 50/51/55
- July 25Basic Skills 2 Students: Assessed into ESL 50/51/62WandMATH50/51/55/Recommendation
- July 25Basic Skills 3 Students: Completed ENGL 61 (with no assessment) or MATH 50/51/55
- July 25Basic Skills 4 Students: Assessed into ESL 50/51/62W or MATH50/51/55/Recommendation
- July 25Students with100+ units
- July 26-27Students with anAssociate degree or higher, excluding MSJC AA/AS
- July 27-28Students on Academic and/or Progress Probation(2nd consecutive term) or Dismissal (Spring 2016)
- July 28- Aug 3Non-matriculated students based on Educational Goal: (maintain certificate/license or personal development or 4 year student), as well as students who do not have any College Readiness indicators (no assessment, course completion, transfer work, or pre-req evals for Math and English).
First Time Student without an Ed Plan
- Aug 4-6Concurrently enrolled high school students
Late Registration; refer to late addcode policy
Office Hours; refer to Enrollment Services Website
*If a student assessed into ENGL 101 (OR ENGL 098 prior to May 1, 2016) they will be in College Ready 2 or College Ready 4 depending on their Math placement level.
**If a student assessed into ENGL 092 or 098 (OR ENGL 061 or 062 prior to May 1, 2016) they will be Developmental Skills 2 or Developmental Skills 4 depending on their Math placement level.