10 October 2012 29
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
The President takes the Chair at 9.30 a.m.
390 MR TEE —To move —
That this House —
(1) notes that in 2011 there were 1,100 Domestic Building Claims lodged at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) and that in 2010-11 the Building Practitioners Board reprimanded, fined or cancelled a registration on only 64 occasions;
(2) notes that there have been numerous complaints about the effectiveness of the dispute settlement processes in the domestic building industry, which often involve disputes about the construction of the family home, cause emotional and financial stress over an extended period of time, and are often not resolved to the satisfaction of either the builder or the home owner;
(3) notes that the Victorian Government has announced that they will be introducing changes to the operation of the building industry dispute resolution mechanisms; and
(4) requires the Environment and Planning References Committee to inquire into, consider and report, no later than 1 December 2012, on the domestic building industry, and in particular —
(a) the role and effectiveness of VCAT, the Building Commission, Consumer Affairs Victoria and the Building Practitioners Board in investigating and acting on domestic building industry disputes and consider if recommendations are necessary to improve the effectiveness, oversight and independence of these bodies in regulating the domestic building industry;
(b) work with the Department of Planning and Community Development to ensure that any changes being made by the Government will both improve dispute resolution mechanisms in Victoria and, where appropriate, incorporate the views of stakeholders, including consumers and builders;
(c) consider recommendations that will set, promote and enforce high standards of work and behaviour in the domestic building industry;
(d) consider whether the current regulatory structure promotes independence between the regulators and the industry; and
(e) consider legislative and policy changes to strengthen consumers’ rights in the domestic building industry.
[Notice given on 16 August 2012 — Listed for 9 days].
449[*] MS PENNICUIK —To move —
That this House takes note of the Petition bearing 706 signatures tabled in the House on 1 May 2012 from certain citizens of Victoria requesting the Legislative Council follow the Governments of Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland and permanently ban the recreational shooting of Australian native waterbirds in Victoria.
[Notice given on 9 October 2012 — Listed for 1 day].
440[(] MR VINEY —To move —
That this House requires the Legal and Social Issues Legislation Committee to inquire into, consider and report on the following departmental annual reports, together with the estimates of expenditure, for 2012-13 that are to be tabled in the coming weeks —
(1) Department of Education and Early Childhood Development;
(2) Department of Health;
(3) Department of Human Services; and
(4) Department of Justice;
and calls on the Committee to write to the respective Departmental Secretaries to invite them and other relevant senior staff to give evidence at public hearings at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesdays of a sitting week throughout October, November and December 2012 in the completion of its inquiries.
[Notice given on 13 September 2012 — Listed for 2 days].
445*Ø MS PULFORD —To move —
That this House requires the Economy and Infrastructure Legislation Committee to inquire into, consider and report on the following departmental annual reports, together with the estimates of expenditure, for 2012-13 that are to be tabled in the coming weeks —
(1) Department of Business and Innovation;
(2) Department of Primary Industries;
(3) Department of Transport; and
(4) Department of Treasury and Finance;
and calls on the Committee to write to the respective Departmental Secretaries to invite them and other relevant senior staff to give evidence at public hearings at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesdays of a sitting week throughout October, November and December 2012 in the completion of its inquiries.
[Notice given on 9 October 2012 — Listed for 1 day].
452*Ø MS TIERNEY —To move —
That this House requires the Environment and Planning Legislation Committee to inquire into, consider and report on the following departmental annual reports, together with the estimates of expenditure, for 2012-13 that are to be tabled in the coming weeks —
(1) Department of Premier and Cabinet;
(2) Department of Sustainability and Environment; and
(3) Department of Planning and Community Development;
and calls on the Committee to write to the respective Departmental Secretaries to invite them and other relevant senior staff to give evidence at public hearings at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesdays of a sitting week throughout October, November and December 2012 in the completion of its inquiries.
[Notice given on 9 October 2012 — Listed for 1 day].
451*Ø MR BARBER —To move —
That this House requires the —
(1) Legal and Social Issues Legislation Committee to inquire into, consider and report on the 2011-12 reports, together with the estimates of expenditure for 2012-13, of the —
(a) Country Fire Authority;
(b) Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board; and
(c) Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission;
(2) Economy and Infrastructure Legislation Committee to inquire into, consider and report on the 2011-12 reports, together with the estimates of expenditure for 2012-13, of —
(a) VicForests;
(b) the Port of Melbourne Corporation;
(c) V/Line;
(d) the Transport Ticketing Authority;
(e) the Linking Melbourne Authority; and
(f) Transport Safety Victoria;
(3) Environment and Planning Legislation Committee to inquire into, consider and report on the 2011-12 reports, together with the estimates of expenditure for 2012-13, of —
(a) the Environment Protection Authority;
(b) Southern Rural Water;
(c) Places Victoria; and
(d) Parks Victoria;
and calls on each of the Committees to write to the respective heads of those bodies to invite them and other relevant senior staff to give evidence at public hearings at 8.00 p.m. on Wednesdays of a sitting week throughout October, November and December 2012 in the completion of their inquiries.
[Notice given on 9 October 2012 — Listed for 1 day].
orderS of the day
1 GOVERNMENT JOBS PLAN — Motion noting loss of jobs and government priorities and calling for the Government to focus on measures that will deliver real jobs (Mr Lenders).
[Listed for 7 days].
2 AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY — Motion calling on the Government to support strategic co-investment to the Victorian automobile industry (Mr Somyurek) — Resumption of debate (Mr Leane)
[Listed for 7 days].
3 PUBLIC HOUSING PROVISION — Motion condemning the Government for poor performance in relation to the provision of public housing (Ms Pulford) — Resumption of debate (Mr Elsbury).
[Listed for 11 days].
345[(] MR TEE — To move —
That this House requires the Minister for Planning to table in the Legislative Council by 12 noon on Tuesday, 23 October 2012, a copy of the Coastal Climate Change Advisory Committee Report that, according to the Department of Planning and Community Development website, was submitted in December 2010.
[Notice given on 22 May 2012 — Listed for 20 days].
347 MS PULFORD — To move —
That this House notes that —
(1) the Baillieu-Ryan Government has now confirmed it will cease funding to Labor’s regional development programs in 2012-13;
(2) these funding cuts directly contradict undertakings made by the Minister for Regional and Rural Development in Budget Estimates hearings in 2011, that the Regional Growth Fund represents additional funding for regional Victoria, not just rebadging; and
(3) the 2011-12 Budget provided for $182.3 million in regional and rural development whereas the 2012-13 Budget provides $175.2 million, demonstrating that the Government’s rhetoric does not match its actions in regional and rural Victoria.
[Notice given on 23 May 2012 — Listed for 19 days].
348 MS PENNICUIK — To move —
That this House calls on the Government to establish a body that is independent of Victoria Police and is transparent and open to public scrutiny, to investigate deaths and serious injury of persons as a result of police contact and complaints against police that involve allegations of human rights abuses by police.
[Notice given on 23 May 2012 — Listed for 19 days].
349 MR LENDERS — To move —
That this House notes, in relation to the L.E. Giles abattoir in Trafalgar, that —
(1) Mr Gary Blackwood, MP, Member for Narracan, was handed a petition on 21 March 2012;
(2) the petition has more than 3,300 signatures;
(3) the petition calls for a review of PrimeSafe;
(4) the petition has not been tabled by Mr Blackwood; and
(5) Mr Blackwood has not made any statements regarding the matter in the Legislative Assembly.
[Notice given on 24 May 2012 — Listed for 18 days].
350 MR LEANE — To move —
That this House notes that —
(1) the Diploma of Auslan course currently offered by Kangan Institute includes intensive language learning from qualified experienced Deaf teachers, as well as formal grammar and the history and culture of the Deaf community in Australia;
(2) there is no other course on the East coast of Australia that delivers this standard of Auslan teaching, and a number of students come to Victoria from South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales to undertake the course;
(3) there has been no commitment to or consideration of Vicdeaf and the Deaf Society of New South Wales duplicating the Diploma level of training, which is essential for students to be able to work successfully in the Deaf community or go on to become Auslan interpreters;
(4) Vicdeaf and the Deaf Society of New South Wales had only discussed collaborating so that Vicdeaf could sometime in the future run part-time Auslan courses that were part of the Certificate III in Auslan and would be complementary to the part-time courses run at Kangan Institute;
and calls on the Victorian Government to change its position on the future of this course and ensure that adequate funding is available to retain the Kangan Institute Diploma of Auslan course in its current state.
[Notice given on 24 May 2012 — Listed for 18 days].
351 MS TIERNEY — To move —
That this House condemns the Baillieu Government for breaking its commitment to provide street-by-street crime statistics to Neighbourhood Watch groups.
[Notice given on 24 May 2012 — Listed for 18 days].
352 MR LENDERS — To move —
That this House notes with regret the long-term damage being done to the prospects of rural and regional Victoria by the failure of The National Party Ministers in the Baillieu Cabinet to stand-up for their communities, demonstrated by the —
(1) savage cuts to the Department of Primary Industries and the consequent loss of jobs and population in regional Victoria and the ability to deliver key services designed to grow regional Victoria;
(2) savage cuts to TAFE and the consequent loss of jobs, population and opportunities;
(3) lack of a jobs plan despite the retrenchment of hundreds of manufacturing jobs, particularly in food processing; and
(4) scrapping of the cash grant designed to encourage young people to stay in regional communities and build their own homes there and the consequent loss of construction jobs and upward pressure on the rental market.
[Notice given on 24 May 2012 — Listed for 18 days].
353 MS TIERNEY — To move —
That this House —
(1) notes that the Baillieu Government has failed to consult with and inform the parents and students of Nelson Park special school in the relocation of year 10 to 12 students to the mainstream Northern Bay College;
(2) strongly condemns the Baillieu Government for its appalling treatment of Nelson Park special school students and their families;
(3) notes that the treatment by this Government has caused some parents so much distress that they are considering taking their children out of school and home schooling them; and
(4) condemns the Baillieu Government for informing students of the special school of the situation before their parents had been formally notified.
[Notice given on 24 May 2012 — Listed for 18 days].
354 MR VINEY — To move —
That this House —
(1) notes that in an answer to a question without notice asked by Ms Hartland on 22 May 2012, the Minister for Higher Education and Skills advised that —
(a) Deaf Society of New South Wales and Vicdeaf have an agreement for the delivery of Auslan progams in Victoria, which are expected to be delivered by the Deaf Society of New South Wales; and
(b) the Victorian Government has approved a contract with the Deaf Society of New South Wales to deliver Auslan programs in Victoria;
(2) notes Ms Hartland’s statement to the House on 23May 2012 that the CEO of the Deaf Society of New South Wales, Sharon Everson, knew of no such arrangements existing between her organisation and the Minister or his department;
(3) notes that the Minister did not take the opportunity to correct the record by way of a statement or personal explanation; and
(4) calls on the Minister to immediately explain his misleading statement to the House.
[Notice given on 24 May 2012 — Listed for 18 days].
355 MS BROAD — To move —
That this House —
(1) notes the announcement by the Baillieu-Ryan Government on 8 May 2012 of the closure of Department of Primary Industries (DPI) offices in rural Victoria which will have a significant detrimental impact on the Victorian agriculture industry and the communities in which these offices are located;
(2) calls on the Government to reverse their decision to close the Ouyen DPI office which will have significant impact on DPI staff, other tenants of the office and the community who utilise the facility and the services provided;
(3) urges the Government to support the Victorian agriculture industry and the rural communities affected by this decision by continuing to have staff based in rural Victoria at small offices; and
(4) condemns the Member for Mildura, Mr Peter Crisp, MP for failing to list the petition lodged in the Legislative Assembly in his name of 355 petitioners in support of retaining the Ouyen DPI office as an Order of the Day for the next day of meeting when he was present in the House.