Nathaniel Askew
Project Manager, Business Systems, Florida Virtual School
Telephone: (407) 317-3326 ext. 4661
Fax: (866) 728-2193
SUBMISSION DUE: September 8, 2006 at 5 PM EST
September 8, 2006
Nathaniel Askew
Project Manager, Business Systems, Florida Virtual School
Suite 301
445 W. Amelia Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
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Table of Contents
Section 1.0 Introduction 3
Section 2.0 Help Desk Solution Criteria 5
Section 3.0 Selection and Contract Negotiation 5
Section 4.0 Instructions to Proposer 6
Section 5.0 General Term and Conditions 7
Section 6.0 Evaluation of Proposals 8
Section 7.0 Qualitative Information to be Submitted 8
Section 8.0 Disclosure of Potential Conflicts, Litigation and Regulatory Matters 9
Appendix A RFP Selection Criteria 10
Appendix B Checklist of Items to be Submitted 13
Appendix C Intent to Respond 13
Section 1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background: Florida Virtual School (FLVS) is an Internet-based school that offers curriculum online with no face-to-face components. The school is a world leader in virtual high school and middle school curriculum and is a nationally recognized e-Learning model. The FLVS motto, “Any Time, Any Place, Any Path, Any Pace,” is indicative of the school’s necessary flexibility. Florida Department of Education funding supports the school financially; the school is not-for-profit. The purpose of the school is to put the student at the center of learning – surrounded by a wealth of instructional resources. Florida Virtual School currently serves approximately 50,000 enrollments in grades 7 through 12. The 2006-2007 school year is expected to grow to 100,000 enrollments and future years potentially doubling each year.
1.2 The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to solicit proposals from firms (the “Firm(s)” or “Proposer(s)”) that provide a Help Desk software solution that will facilitate FLVS’s tracking, statusing and reporting of Help Desk issues. A supplementary request is to have asset management functionality. Proposals can be submitted for the full suite of services outlined in section 2 or components as specified in section 2.
1.3 FLVS’s current Help Desk solution provides tracking, statusing and reporting via a Lotus Notes interface. It is web enabled and supports approximately 20 users.
1.4 Any questions by the Proposers concerning this RFP should be made to Mr. Nathaniel Askew, Project Manager, Business Systems, at (407) 317-3326, ext. 4661 or by fax at (866) 728-2193 or by email . In order to provide consistent information to all Proposers, FLVS requests that all communication regarding this RFP, until the recommendation is made, be directed to Mr. Askew. Any contact with any employees of FLVS other than Mr. Askew or the members of the Board of Trustees of FLVS during the pendency of this RFP regarding this RFP shall be grounds for immediate disqualification, unless that employee is specifically designated by Mr. Askew in writing in this RFP or an addendum.
1.5 No employee of Florida Virtual School other than Nathaniel Askew is authorized to interpret any portion of this RFP or give information as to the requirements of the RFP in addition to that contained in the written RFP document. Interpretations of the RFP or additional information as to its requirements, where necessary, shall be communicated to Proposers by written addendum only.
1.6 Requests for additional information or clarification must be made in writing no later than August 11, 2006. The request must contain the Proposer’s name, address, phone number, and facsimile number. Electronic facsimile will be accepted at 866 728-2193 or by email to . Facsimiles must have a cover sheet which includes, at a minimum, the Proposer’s name, address, number of pages transmitted, phone number, and facsimile number. Email inquiries must include, at a minimum, the Proposer’s name, address, phone number, facsimile number and email address.
1.7 FLVS will issue responses to inquiries and any other corrections or amendments it deems necessary in written addenda issued prior to the Proposal Due Date. Proposers should not rely on any statements or explanations other than those made in this RFP or in any addendum to this RFP. Where there appears to be a conflict between the RFP and any addenda issued, the last addendum issued will prevail. Addendums will be posted on the FLVS RFP website at and a notification email will be sent to all Proposers who have turned in their intent to respond form at the time of the addendum.
1.8 The Board of Trustees strongly encourages active minority/women business enterprise participation on all contracts, proposals and bids to provide professional services and other goods and services.
Section 2.0 Help Desk Solution Criteria
2.1 Appendix A details the criteria for selection of the Help Desk partner. Each criterion table lists features that have been identified as mandatory or desirable by Florida Virtual School. As you progress through Appendix A, check-off the features that match those in your solution in the Yes column. If your solution does not currently offer the asked-for feature, check No. If your solution will have that feature in the future, provide the planned date of the offering. All items are considered to be mandatory unless otherwise indicated. There are also several discussion items at the end of this appendix. Please answer those questions to further provide Florida Virtual School with needed information. Provide any comments that may help clarify answers in these sections.
2.2 At the end of Appendix A, answer the discussion items to further provide Florida Virtual School with needed information.
Section 3.0 Selection and Contract Negotiation
3.1 The firms selected may have access to live student data. The final contract will contain language that will require firms to comply with FLVS student security requirements.
3.2 FLVS intends to have a committee review the proposals and select a Firm for recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
3.3 FLVS may select some or all of the Proposers for oral interviews and demonstrations with the committee.
3.4 FLVS will negotiate with the selected Firm to create a contract for approval by the Board of Trustees. If FLVS is unable to reach acceptable terms with the highest ranked Firm, FLVS may seek to reach acceptable terms with the next highest ranked Firm and recommend a contract with that Firm. See Section 5 of this RFP for more details.
3.5 During the evaluation of each proposal, every Help Desk solution will be evaluated separately. FLVS may award a contract for only part of the proposed solution set from each Proposer, based on their ability to provide services as prescribed in this RFP.
Section 4.0 Instructions to Proposer
4.1 All Proposers will submit an Intent to Respond (Appendix C) by facsimile copy to Nathaniel Askew at fax (866) 728-2193, with a follow-up email to , no later than 5 PM EST on August 18, 2006.
4.2 Appendix B is provided to ensure Proposers complete all necessary items for the proposal. Optional items are also listed
4.3 Four copies plus the original, for a total of five (5) proposals, are to be submitted in a sealed envelope that bears the name, address and phone number of the Proposer and of the Proposer’s designated contact person. The envelope should be clearly marked “Proposal for Help Desk.” One electronic copy (.doc, .rtf, .txt, or .pdf format) is to be submitted to . No additional copies are to be submitted unless specifically requested by the FLVS representative. All hard-copy proposals are to be sent in sealed envelopes to:
Nathaniel Askew
Project Manager, Business Systems, Florida Virtual School
Suite 301
445 W. Amelia Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
4.4 All proposals must be received no later than 5:00PM on September 8, of this year. Proposals received after this time will be returned unopened to the Proposer. Proposals in-route in the U.S. Mail or other medium of transportation will not constitute receipt. Proposals delivered to a location other than as specified in Section 4.3 will not constitute receipt. It is the sole responsibility of the Proposer to ensure that proposals are received by the specified time.
4.5 Responses to specific requests for information from FLVS to the Proposer are to be grouped into a special section of the proposal. The responses must be referenced to the specific subsection of the RFP and in the same numerical sequence.
4.6 The proposal must be signed by an officer of the company who is legally authorized to enter into a contractual relationship in the name of the Proposer with Florida Virtual School. The following statement shall be repeated in your proposal and signed by such officer:
“I agree to abide by all conditions of this RFP and certify that all information provided in this proposal is true and correct, that I am authorized to sign this proposal on behalf of {FIRM NAME}, that {FIRM NAME} is in compliance with all requirements of this RFP, and that {FIRM NAME} will immediately notify Florida Virtual School if any conflict of interest or litigation event that would be described in Section 8.0 of this RFP occurs following selection of {FIRM NAME} as the provider for Help Desk.”
Section 5.0 General Term and Conditions
5.1 FLVS may, at its sole and absolute discretion, reject any and all, or parts of any and all proposals; re-advertise this RFP; postpone or cancel, at any time, this RFP process; or waive any irregularities in this RFP or in the proposals received as a result of this RFP.
5.2 All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of proposals to FLVS, or any work performed in connection therewith, shall be borne by the Proposer. No payment will be made for any responses received, or for any other effort required of or made, or expenses incurred, by the Proposer prior to commencement of work as defined by the approval by the Board of a contract.
5.3 FLVS may require Proposers to give oral presentations in support of their proposal or to exhibit or otherwise demonstrate the information contained therein. Proposers will be notified of the date(s) and time(s) of any such oral presentations if they are required.
5.4 Following the selection of the successful respondent, all responses to this RFP will be available for public inspection in compliance with Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, popularly known as the “Government in the Sunshine Law.”
5.5 Nothing in this agreement shall be construed as conferring upon the Firm any right or interest in Florida Virtual School’s intellectual property or in their registration or in any designs, copyrights, patents, trade names, signs, emblems, insignia, symbols and slogans or other marks used other than as provided in this agreement.
5.5 FLVS reserves the right to enter into compensation negotiations with the highest ranked Proposer(s). If FLVS and the first selected Proposer cannot negotiate a successful compensation arrangement, FLVS may terminate said negotiations and begin negotiations with the next selected Proposer. This process will continue until appropriate compensation has been agreed upon or all Proposers have been rejected. No Proposer shall have any rights against FLVS arising from such negotiations.
5.6. This RFP and the related responses of the selected Firm will constitute the basis of the formal agreement between the Firm and the Board of Trustees.
5.7 By submitting a proposal, the Firm agrees that all contracts resulting wherefrom or as a function of the provision of services contemplated hereby, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida with a venue of Orange County, Florida.
Section 6.0 Evaluation of Proposals
6.1 A review and evaluation of the responses to this Request for Proposals and other information submitted will be the sole basis for the selection of the Firm judged to be the best qualified to act as the provider for Help Desk for FLVS.
6.2 Upon receipt, the proposals will be evaluated in a qualitative manner. The qualitative evaluation will compare the responses in the following areas:
Section 7.0 Qualitative Information to be Submitted
Section 8.0 Disclosure of Potential Conflicts, Litigation and Regulatory Matters
Appendix A RFP Selection Criteria
FLVS’s evaluation committee may determine, in its sole discretion, that in certain cases, particular conflicts/litigation/regulatory matters would disqualify a firm from further consideration.
Following the qualitative evaluation, FLVS will begin negotiating with the recommended Firm and subsequent Firms in the event terms cannot be reached with the initial Firm.
Section 7.0 Qualitative Information to be Submitted
7.1 All responses must provide the following information, abiding by the limitations as to number of pages for each response set forth at the end of the question. One page is meant to mean 8 1/2 by 11 single sided (minimum 10 pitch), two pages may be two front sheets or one double sided, etc. To ease review and evaluation, please provide the information in the following order, indicating the number of the question at the beginning of each response.
7.2 Provide the name, title, office location, phone number and fax number of the individual(s) who will serve as the primary contact(s) with FLVS and, if different, office locations and addresses where service will be performed. Provide the relevant credentials and qualifications of the primary person(s). Include a list of references for which the Firm has served as the provider Help Desk during the past five (5) years. Identify the Firm’s key support personnel and provide a brief resume. Discuss the availability to FLVS of all such personnel. (3 pages)
7.3 Indicate whether your firm has been certified by an identified government entity as a minority/woman-owned and operated business enterprise. (1 page)
7.4 Indicate all types of businesses performed by your Firm, your other current Florida clients and the role of your Firm with those clients. Based upon the information already provided in 7.4, demonstrate the basis for considering your Firm as the provider for Help Desk. Is there any conflict between FLVS and any of your current clients? (2 Pages)
7.5 Provide any additional information you feel would assist FLVS in evaluating your proposal. Summarize the reasons you believe your firm is best suited to serve as the provider for the on-line development and delivery tool. Discuss the unique attributes of your firm and the individuals assigned to the project. Be specific and relate this discussion to how FLVS will benefit from the involvement of your firm. (2 Pages)