Braille Challenge

2013 Preliminary


Reading Comprehension – Passage 1

The Many Jobs of Being a Mother

Every mother (whether you call her mother, mom, mama, ma, or mommy) wears many hats when she takes care of her children. Most mothers love and nurture their babiesinstinctively from the moment they are born. That's lucky for us, since a squalling hungry baby with a dirty diaper is not always the most loveable creature. Life doesn't necessarily get easier as children grow up. In fact, moms discover that they are busy with new jobs all the time.

Mothers are nurses when they clean our cuts and scrapes, apply Band-Aids, and dry our tears. Occasionally, they have to serve as ambulance drivers when they rush us to the emergency room for stitches. Moms are psychologists who help us deal with all kinds of problems, from bad dreams to bullying. They also act as refereesand peacemakers when we fight with our brothers and sisters.

Mothersspend many hours as chauffeurs. North, south, east, and west, they drive us to all parts of town for school activities, sports, music lessons, and play dates. How they must long for the day when we will be old enough to drive ourselves or take public transportation! (On the other hand, maybe it makes them more worried to imagine all the dangers we will face when we drive or travel independently.)

Moms are often mealplanners, although lots of dads like to get involved, too. They wash, dry, iron and mend our clothing, and help us with our homework. Moms try to teach us to do these chores ourselves, so we can contribute to family life. If we are not cooperative or "forget" to do what we were asked, moms are there, quietly insisting that we accept our responsibilities. Mothers don't give up on us. They persevere until we do our best.

Moms are our greatest fans and strongest advocates. They clap enthusiastically when we score a goal in soccer or play in the school concert. They also sing the loudest at our birthday parties. (This can be quite embarrassing!) Moms always believe in us, even when we make mistakes. They listen to us, encourage us, and love us, no matter what.

I never see my mother asleep. Do you?


Questions for “The Many Jobs of Being a Mother”

1. Which is an example of a mother advocating for her son?

a. She sends a note to the teacher saying that her son will be absent due to a


b. At the IEP meeting, she insists that her son receive his textbooks in braille

on time.

c. She accompanies her son on a field trip with the sixth grade.

d. When her son has a problem at school, she tells him not to worry.

2. From the writer's literary voice, you can tell that he or she is probably _____

a. a young child.

b. an older child.

c. a mother.

d. a teacher.

3. According to the passage, when might mothers worry about their children?

a. when they play contact sports

b. when they refuse to do their chores

c. when they learn to drive or travel independently

d. when they fight with their brothers and sisters

4. What parenting role is NOT mentioned in the passage?

a. chauffeur

b. disciplinarian

c. nurturer

d. psychologist

5. What does the phrase "mothers wear many hats" mean in this passage?

a. Mothers need perseverance to raise their children.

b. Mothers love to go shopping.

c . Motherswear different hats for different occasions.

d. Mothers often play many different roles in the lives of their children.

6. According to this passage, being a good mother requires _____

a. unconditional love.

b. attending as many sports events and concerts as possible.

c. planning healthful meals for the members of their family.

d. being careful not to say or do things that would embarrass their children in

front oftheir peers.


7. What is an important lesson that moms try to teach their children as they grow


a. how to drive a car or travel independently

b. how to study and earn good grades in school

c. how to accept responsibility and contribute to the family

d. how to cook and do laundry

8. What is the meaning of the word "persevere" as used in the first paragraph?

a. persist

b. keep trying

c. continue

d. all of the above

9. Why do new mothers love their babies?

a. They have a natural tendency to bond with them.

b. They think the babies are cute.

c. They know it is their responsibility to love their children.

d. They find that parenting is challenging.

10. Why is the word "forget" written inside quotation marks in paragraph 4?

a. to add emphasis to the word

b. to show that someone is speaking

c. to show that the children don't really forget, they just don't want to do their


d. to show that the children haven't forgotten about their chores and will do

them later


Braille Challenge

2013 Preliminary


Reading Comprehension – Passage 2

The Medal of Honor

The Medal of Honor is the highest military awardgiven by the United States government. It is presented by the President in the name of Congress to members of the United States Armed Forces who distinguish themselves through "conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States." Many Medals of Honor are awarded posthumously due to the extremely dangerous situations in which the recipients earn them. Since 1941 when the U.S. entered World War II, more than half the medals have honored military personnel who died in combat. Nineteen people have received more than one Medal of Honor.

Recently, a 25-year-old U.S. Army staff sergeant from Iowa became the first living recipient of the Medal of Honor from the war in Afghanistan. President Obama awarded the nation's highest medal of valor to Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta, a specialist serving with the Airborne 503rd Infantry Regiment on his second tour of duty in Afghanistan when his unit was attacked. Giunta was honored for braving intense enemy fire and rescuing a member of his squad. However, he was uncomfortable about being recognized as a hero. "If I’m a hero, every man that stands around me, every woman in the military, everyone who goes into the unknown is a hero,” he said. He insisted that the other members of his squad were equally heroic during the deadly attack.

The president noted that Giunta is the only Medal of Honor recipient since the Vietnam era who survived the actions that earned him the commendation. Three previous recipients from the war in Afghanistan, four from the Iraq war and two from the Somalia campaign in 1993, all died in action.

Members of all branches of the armed forces are eligible to receive the Medal of Honor, and there are three versions: one for the Army; one for the Air Force; and one for the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.

Questions for “The Medal of Honor”

1. When an award is bestowed posthumously, it is given _____

a. after the death of the award recipient has occurred.

b. at an award ceremony in front of the recipient's family and friends.

c. by the members of the United States Congress.

d. immediately after a battle during wartime.


2. What criteria define who is eligible to receive the Medal of Honor?

a. The recipient can be a member of any armed service division of the United


b. The recipient must be a member of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air

Force, or National Guard.

c. The recipient should be a service man or woman who has shown great

courage under extreme circumstances during a war action.

d. Both a. and c.

3. Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta recently received this prestigious award from

President Obama.

Why was this award ceremony so unique?

a. He was a survivor of the war actions and able to receive the award from

the President himself.

b. He was only 25 years old when he received the award.

c. He was still fighting in Afghanistan at the time of the award ceremony.

d. His parents and family were invited to the White House to see him receive

the honor.

4. The phrase, "beyond the call of duty" means that the soldier _____

a. acted bravely in the face of danger.

b. did more than he or she was expected to do in the situation.

c. completed the task he or she was assigned to do.

d. completed his or her training with the highest rank in the platoon.

5. How many recipients of the Medal of Honor have died in action since 1993?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 9

6. A recipient of the Medal of Honor could rightly feel ______of his


a. humbled and proud

b. courageous and envious

c. respectful and amused

d. confident and indignant


7. Which statement is NOT true about the Medal of Honor?

a. Staff Sgt. Giunta was the first living recipient of the Medal of Honor since

the Vietnam War.

b. Since World War II, less than half the Medal of Honor recipients were killed

as they engaged in the military action that earned them the award.

c. Nineteen people have received the Medal of Honor more than once.

d. Since the Somalia campaign in 1993, only one living person has received a

Medal of Honor.

8. Which group of conflicts and wars is in chronological order by starting date?

a. World War II, Somalia, Vietnam, Afghanistan

b. Vietnam, World War II, Somalia, Afghanistan

c. Somalia, World War II, Vietnam, Afghanistan

d. World War II, Vietnam, Somalia, Afghanistan

9. Instead of being recognized as a hero, Staff Sgt. Giunta might have preferred

that _____

a. his entire squad be recognized for bravery.

b. no one knew about his attempt to save the life of a fellow squad member.

c. the Medal of Honor be discontinued.

d. eligibility criteria for the Medal of Honor be less strict.

10. Which group contains one word that does not belong with the others?

a. gallantry, intrepidity, bravery

b. intrepidity, cowardice, heroism

c. valor, heroism, gallantry

d. fearlessness, courage, daring