Summer 2014
Monday, July 7 – Friday, August 1, 2014 (11th Grade Only)
Friday, July 18 – Friday, August 1, 2014 (9th and 10th Grades)
The MSU College of Education Summer High School Scholars Program is a residential program on the campus of Michigan State University, offering a four-week college experience for current 11th graders and two weeks for current 9th and 10th graders. During this academic college preparation program, all travel, lodging, and meal expenses are covered for students selected to participate in the program. The program is open only to current 9th-, 10th-, and 11th-grade students and is intended to increase college readiness, as well as nurture an interest in careers in education. Students who participated in the 2013College of Education Summer High School Scholars Program are encouraged to re-apply for participation in the 2014 program.
Application is due by Thursday, May 1, 2014.
Date: ______
Student Name: ______
Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____ Age: ______Gender: ____ Male ____ Female
Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______
Home Address: ______
Phone:( ) _____ - ______E-mail Address:______
High School you currently attend: ______
Current grade level: ______Current high school grade point average:______
(You must attach a current copy of your high school transcript.)
PLAN Score (if taken): ______
Are you a member of a Young Educator’s Society (YES) club? YES NO
If yes, please provide the name of your YES club advisor: ______
Please rate your interest in attending Michigan State University. (circle one)
No Interest / Some Interest / Likely / DefinitePlease rate your interest in pursuing a career in teaching. (circle one)
No Interest / Some Interest / Likely / DefiniteHave you had any experiences in which you worked with a young person or with youth?
If yes, please describe:______
How did you hear about the program? (check all that apply)
___ 2013College of Education Summer High School Scholars Program Participant
___School Counselor
___ MichiganStateUniversity Representative
___College of Education Scholarship Website
___ Family Member
___ Other School Representative
___ Other (Please Specify) ______
ETHNIC/RACIAL GROUP (optional – check all that apply)
1. White/Caucasian Non-Hispanic
2. Black/African American Non-Hispanic
3. Chicano/Mexican American
4. Hispanic
5. American Indian/Alaskan native Tribal Affiliation
6. Asian/Pacific Islander (Asian American)
Please attach a written statement (300 words or less) in response to the following question:
“Why are you interested in attending the College of Education High School Scholars Program on the campus of Michigan State University?”
Required Signatures:
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
School Representative Signature:______
Please return all of the following application materialsby
Thursday, May 1, 2014:
___ Signed Application
___ Completed Recommendation Form
___ Copy of Transcript
___ Essay
Dr. Sonya Gunnings-Moton
Michigan State University
Erickson Hall
620 Farm Lane, Room 518
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 432-5093
Fax: (517) 353-6393
MSU College of Education
SummerHigh School Scholars Program
School Representative
The MSU College of Education Summer High School Scholars Program is a residential, academiccollege preparation program on the campus of Michigan State University (four weeks for current 11th-grade students and two weeks for current 9th- and 10th-grade students). All travel, lodging, and meal expenses are covered for selected students as part of program participation. The program is intended to increase college readiness, as well as nurture an interest in careers in education.
Students seeking to participate in the program are required to submit the following recommendation form as a part of their application. Upon completion, we request that you return this form to the student in a signed, sealed envelope to be included with all other application materials, which are due to the program coordinator by Thursday, May 1, 2014.Please return the completed form to student in time for mailing to arrive at MSU by that date.
Thank you,
College of Education
Summer High School Scholars Program
Name of Student:______
Name of School Representative:______
Title of School Representative:______
Phone: ( ) ____ - ______Email Address: ______
1. Knowledge of student (check all that apply):
___ Student in my class ___ Advisee ___ Other (please specify): ______
2. Considering all of the students with whom I have worked, this student academically is in the:
___ Top 5% ___ Top 10% ___ Other (please specify): ______
Participants in the Summer High School Scholars Program will be required to reside on the campus of Michigan State University and participate in substantive academic and social skill development activities. Given this expectation, please rate the student’s level of maturity to benefit from such an experience.
___ Above Average ___ Average ___ Below Average
Please describe notable attitudes, interests, skills, or experience of the applicant that you feel are relevant to the aims and goals of the Summer High School Scholars Program.
If applicable, please describe any reservations you have about the applicant’s ability to participate in the program.
Overall Recommendation:
___ I recommend the applicant without reservation as an excellent candidate for participation in the MSU College of Education Summer High School Scholars Program.
___ On the whole, I recommend the applicant as a good candidate for participation in the MSU College of Education Summer High School Scholars Program.
___ I have some reservations but feel that the applicant is a reasonable candidate for participation in the MSU College of Education Summer High School Scholars Program.
Signature Date