Sports Premium Action Plan 2017-18
Academic Year:2017/18 / Total fund allocated:
PE and Sport Premium Key Outcome Indicator / School Focus/ planned Impacton pupils / Actions to Achieve / Planned Funding / Actual Funding / Evidence / Actual Impact (following Review) on pupils / Sustainability/
Next Steps
Flixton Girls’ High School Sports Partnership:
- CPD training for staff
- Playground leader training
- Competitions
- Festivals
- Discount on schemes/equipment
- YST membership
- 5 a day Physical Activity online resources
1. the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles /
- Development of children's understanding and awareness of healthy lifestyles and choices.
- Increased participation of children taking part in physical activity options during the school day.
- increased participation of pupils in extra curricular activities.
- Children to develop leadership skills.
- C4L club
- Development of playground equipment – stationary goal, mini gym.
- Bitesizebootcamp
- Playground leader training.
- Mental health first aid course
2. the profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement / Role models - local sporting personalities so pupils can identify with success and aspire to be a local sporting hero.
Classes do demonstrate dance/gymnastics in achievement assemblies
Parent and student yoga sessions once a month.
Use of Skipping Workshop linked with Growth Mindset / Ascertain which local personalities the pupils relate to and invite them into school. / £600
3. increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport /
- Children receiving 2 hours of high quality school sport.
- Children developing skill levels.
- Clear progression and differentiation of children during lessons.
- P.E leader to attend subject leader days.
- Purchase of PE Passport and EYFS scheme.
- PE passport coach to team teach with Year 1 and 2 teachers to develop high quality teaching and use of assessment.
- Staff to attend CPD through School Sports Partnership.
(supply cover)
4. broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils /
- increased participation and enjoyment of curriculum and extra curricular activities.
- lacrosse coaches
- After school coaching – Trafford Leisure
- SiS specialist coach to deliver a variety of sports.
- Quidditch day
5. increased participation in competitive sport /
- All pupils given opportunities to play competitive sport.
- Transport to competitions.
- Staff/coaches to support intra-competitions
- Lostock Events and competitions programme
Equipment /
- Children are safe using equipment.
- Children experience using a range of sporting equipment.
- Football gloves and socks bought for school.
- New footballs
- Yoga mats
Total spend: / £12 308.01 As of January 2018
Completed by: Mrs E Tomlinson - P.E Coordinator
Review Date: 1.7.18