Dear [DISTRICT] parents and guardians,
It is with a heavy heart that I write this letter. The elementary school shooting in Connecticut earlier today is one of the most horrific scenarios I can imagine. When I heard of this morning’s tragic events my first thoughts, like I’m sure all of you, were of my own children. In light of the events in Connecticut this morning, I want to assure our families that the [DISTRICT] School District has strong security and supervision policies in place at all of our schools. Please know that we have a very specific set of security drills and protocols that we conduct at our schools on a regular basis to be as prepared as possible in the event of an emergency. Our staff and students know what to do in an emergency, and we practice regularly to reinforce concepts and routines. Additionally, all schools have emergency plans which are developed in cooperation with the [DISTRICT] Police and Fire departments as well as Washington State Patrol. It is very important that we have accurate emergency contact information in Skyward, our student data system. Parents, if you have secondary students, you have access to Skyward Family Access where you can log in and click on Student Information to view your emergency contact data. For elementary parents, you can contact your school office to verify the emergency contact information.
Nobody knows your child better than you do, so how you address this with him or her can certainly be tailored to your family’s needs. I do want to share some general guidelines below. It will be very important for our students here in [DISTRICT] to be reassured that our schools are safe and the adults in their lives, at home and at school, care about them and look out for them. The following are tips from the National Association of School Psychologists for parents to help their children cope with tragic news and events.
- Focus on your children over the week following the tragedy. Tell them you love them and everything will be okay. Try to help them understand what has happened, keeping in mind their developmental level.
- Make time to talk with your children. Remember if you do not talk to your children about this incident someone else will. Take some time and determine what you wish to say.
- Stay close to your children. Your physical presence will reassure them and give you the opportunity to monitor their reaction. Many children will want actual physical contact. Give plenty of hugs. Let them sit close to you, and make sure to take extra time at bedtime to cuddle and to reassure them that they are loved and safe.
- Limit your child’s television viewing of these events. If they must watch, watch with them for a brief time; then turn the set off. Don’t sit mesmerized re-watching the same events over and over again.
- Maintain a “normal” routine. To the extent possible stick to your family’s normal routine for dinner, homework, chores, bedtime, etc., but don’t be inflexible. Children may have a hard time concentrating on schoolwork or falling asleep at night.
- Spend extra time reading or playing quiet games with your children before bed. These activities are calming, foster a sense of closeness and security, and reinforce a sense of normalcy. Spend more time tucking them in. Let them sleep with a light on if they ask for it.
- Safeguard your children’s physical health. Stress can take a physical toll on children as well as adults. Make sure your children get appropriate sleep, exercise, and nutrition.
- Think hopeful thoughts for the victims and their families. It may be a good time to take your children to your place of worship, write a poem, or draw a picture to help your child express their feelings and feel that they are somehow supporting the victims and their families.
As an educator and a parent, I am horrified by the event which took place in Connecticut today. Give your loved ones an extra hug tonight and as we head into the Holiday break let’s be sure our thoughts are with all those families in Newton.