A-State CHOIR CAMP – 2018 – BON VOYAGE: Come Sail Away!
JUNE 24 – 28, 2018
$375 FOR ON-CAMPUS; $250 FOR COMMUTERS ($10 discount if paid by May 4)
2017 All-Region Choir members and A-State Staff/Faculty/Student receive $50 discount.
2018 All-State Choir members receive $50 discount.
______Private voice lessons available @ $75 for three lessons
•Housing will be in NORTHPARK QUADS, meals in the Student Center Acansa Dining Hall.
•Applications and $100 deposits are due by May 25. Key deposit of $75 will be collected at registration.
•Registration is on Sunday, June 24, from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. at the Cashier’s Window in the Student Center between Caraway & Dean St.
•Call Dr. Dale Miller at 870-972-3841or 870-897-6226 for further information.
Return this form with your campdeposit of $100 or payment in full. Thank You.
____ON CAMPUS: Total cost $375.00; provides tuition, room, board, music, activities and insurance.
____OFF CAMPUS: Total cost $250.00; provides tuition, music, lunch each day, activities and insurance.
Pleaseprint: Last Name______First______
Gender___ Grade Next Fall___ Telephone______Email______
Mailing Address______City______State_____ Zip ______
Name of School You Attend My Choir Director is______
Director’s Signature______I plan to stay in the dorm: ____Yes _____No
Voice Part: ___Soprano Discounts: ___2017 Jr. High All Region
___Alto ___2017 Sr. High All Region
___Tenor ___2018 All- State
___Bass ___ASU Fac/Staff/Student
___Early Registration
_____Senior High Camp: Any high school student entering 10th grade through 2018 graduates.
_____Junior High Camp: Students who will be in 7th, 8th and 9th grades in fall 2018.
My choice of roommate is:______From______
T-shirt (adult sizes): S M L XL XXL XXXL
A DEPOSIT OF $100.00 MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATON. Balance of fees must be paid on/before Sunday, June 25, during registration.Make checks payable to ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY CHOIR CAMP. This application must accompany the check AND the Choir Camp account number, 139901-250451-512999-0000, MUST be on all checks. Call Cashier Window 870-972-3847 to pay by credit card.
I hereby give approval for my child to enroll in the ASU Choir Camp and be treated medically while attending the camp. I further authorize treatment at one of the two local hospitals by physicians at that facility June 24 – 28, 2018.
**Mail application and deposit On orBefore May 25, 2018to: ASU Treasurer’s Office, PO Box 2640, State University, AR 72467
<Parent Signature>