Please return the completed form by e-mail to
Please note: Fields with orange background will be filled in by the Danube Strategy Point!
Basic Strategic Project (SP) DataFull SP title: / [Full project title; provisional title for project ideas]
Short project title:
(acronym) / [Project acronym (if applicable)] / Project logo: / [Image (if available)]
Project website: / [Hyperlink (if available)] / Project ID: / [PA1AXXX (e.g.: PA1A003]
Need and added value for EUSDR: / [Describe the initial situation for the project and its need together with the added value / relevance for the Danube Region]
Objective(s) of SP: / [What shall be achieved during the project's duration?]
Planned SP activities: / [Foreseen measures / activities to achieve the defined objective(s)]
Deliverable(s) of SP: / [What are the tangible things that the project will produce to enable the objectives to be achieved?]
Macro-regional dimension: / [How many and which Danube countries are cooperating for the project? On how many and which Danube countries the project would have impact on?]
Transboundary impact: / [Which region / countries will be affected by the project and how will they be affected?]
Type, Status and Time Frame
Type of SP[1]:
(please tick a box) / Singleproject
Group ofprojects / Preparatory project
Investment project
Current phase of SP1:
(please tick a box) / Planning/preparatory phase
Implementation phase
Project start date: / [DD.MM.YYYY] / Project end date: / [DD.MM.YYYY]
Notes: / [Any important information on status and time frame of the project, e.g. delays]
Strategic Project Implementing Body
Body: / [Name of organisation / country]
Contact person: / Name: / [First and last name]
Organisation: / [Full legal name of organisation]
Address: / [Street, street number, city, country]
Phone: / [Phone number]
E-Mail: / [E-mail address]
Website: / [Hyperlink]
Strategic Project Team
Project leader: / [Name of organisation / country]
Project partner(s): / [Name of organisation / country]
Contact person from project leader’s team: / Name: / [First and last name]
Organisation: / [Full legal name of organisation]
Address: / [Street, street number, city, country]
Phone: / [Phone number]
E-Mail: / [E-mail address]
Website: / [Hyperlink]
Strategic Project Beneficiary
Body: / [Name of organisation / country]
Contact person: / Name: / [First and last name]
Organisation: / [Full legal name of organisation]
Address: / [Street, street number, city, country]
Phone: / [Phone number]
E-Mail: / [E-mail address]
Website: / [Hyperlink]
(please tick a box) / Yes Partly No
Total budget of SP: / [Total budget in EUR, estimation for projects in planning/preparatory stage1]
Source(s) and amount (potential source(s) and amount(s)forSP in planning/ preparatory stage):
(please tick a box and provide further info) / National/regional funds: / [Name of source] / [Amount in EUR]
EU funds: / [Name of source, e.g. Structural Funds, IPA, ENPI etc.] / [Amount in EUR]
IFI loans: / [Name of source i.e. loans by IFIs, e.g. EIB, EBRD] / [Amount in EUR]
Private funds: / [Name of source] / [Amount in EUR]
Other: / [Name of source] / [Amount in EUR]
Notes: / [In case of partly approved financing for the SP, provide additional explanations and further information as relevant]
[In case of SP with fully approved financing, provide as annex to the Project Data Sheet the approved financing plan(s) for each source]
[In case of SPwithout approved financing, provide as annex to the Project Data Sheet the latest available financing plan(s) for each source]
EUSDR Compliance
Compliance with EUSDR Target: / [To which EUSDR Target the SP is contributing]
[How the SP contributes to this Target]
Compliance with EUSDR Action: / [To which EUSDR Action the SP is related]
[How the SP relates to this Action]
Relation to otherEUSDR Target(s): / [To which other EUSDR Target(s) the SP is contributing]
[How the SPcontributes to this Target(s)]
Relation to otherEUSDR Action(s): / [To which other EUSDR Action(s) the SP is related]
[How the SPrelates to this Action(s)]
Other Relevant Issues
SP requirements: / [What is/will be needed for successful SP completion? Any critical issues?]
Support for the SP: / [How many and which Danube countries are officially supporting the SP?]
Follow-up project: / [Is a follow-up project planned? If so, please provide project description (need, added value, objectives, macro-regional impact etc.) and potential sources of financing]
Any other issues: / [Other relevant information]
Links with other EUSDR Priority Areas
Relation to other Priority Areas of EUSDR:
(please tick a box) / PA1a: To improve mobility and intermodality of inland waterways
PA1b: To improve mobility and multimodality – Road, rail and air links
PA02: To encourage more sustainable energy
PA03: To promote culture and tourism, people and people contacts
PA04: To restore and maintain the quality of waters
PA05: To manage environmental risks
PA06: To preserve biodiversity, landscapes and the quality of air and soils
PA07: To develop the knowledge society through research, education and information technologies
PA08: To support the competitiveness of enterprises, including cluster development :
PA09: To invest in people and skills
PA10: To step up institutional capacity and cooperation
PA11: To work together to promote security and tackle organised and serious crime
[How the project relates to this (these) Priority Area(s) ]
Meta Data
Dated created / by: / [DD.MM.YYYY / First and last name (organisation)]
Date of last update / by: / [DD.MM.YYYY / First and last name (organisation)]
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[1]See concept paper for EUSDR Strategic project