Class Participation Agreement

Students in Law/Public Safety/Corrections/Security courses may be required to participate in practical application of skills that require physical contact between students/instructors such as handcuffing procedures, DWI testing and arrest, search and seizure. The application of these skills is vital to a full understanding of material in each of these fields. Students will be instructed on proper procedure, and will refrain from making any physical contact in an inappropriate manner. Students agree to participate at their own risk and will not exhibit any behavior that might cause injury to themselves or others. If such behavior occurs, the student will be removed from the exercise and appropriate discipline will be initiated.

If you do not wish for your student to participate in these activities, they may complete an alternative assignment in lieu of the practical application.

[ ] My student may participate in these activities

[ ] I do not wish for my student to participate in these activities

Students in Law/Public Safety/Corrections/Security courses may also be subjected to verbal, visual or simulated materials that are graphic in nature. The following materials are only used when necessary to support or enhance student’s understanding of a topic or activity. Such materials may include, but are not limited to, graphic subject matter including violence, graphic images or language. Examples of items that may be used for educational purposes are photographs from DWI/traffic accidents, video clips from Frontline (PBS), TruTV, Forensic Files and song lyrics.

If you do not wish for your student to participate in these activities, they may complete an alternative assignment in lieu of the graphic materials.

[ ] My student may be subjected to occasional use of graphic materials

[ ] I do not wish for my student to be subjected to graphic materials

I have initialed the appropriate boxes above giving or declining my student’s participation in physical activities and the use of graphic materials. By my signature below, I agree that I have read the above agreement and have documented accordingly my student’s ability to participate. I further understand that I have the right to make changes to my decision at any time.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Class Rules and Behavior Contract

I have read and discussed the Code of Conduct for LPSCS classes at Weatherford High School with my student and acknowledge receipt of the instructor’s contact information.

Student’s name (printed) date

Parent/guardian signature date