2013-2014PFO Executive Board
Nomination Application
For those volunteers interested in serving on the PFO Executive Board for the 2013-2014 school year, please complete this form in its entirety and return to the front office no later than Tuesday April 9th. If you have any questions, please email .
Phone #
Background check completed with KISD? Yes or No (please circle one)
Approximate number of volunteer hours contributed during the 2011-2012 school year?Time
Please list volunteer jobs that you have done in the past. These may include such jobs as homeroom parent, parent reader, fundraising, school activities, etc.
Are your PFO membership dues current? Yes or No (please circle one)
Have you ever served on an Executive Board for any PFO, PTO, PTA? If so please list when and where and in what capacity.
Please circle the position that you are interested in:
PresidentVice President
*See reverse side of this sheet for job description
Executive Board Job Descriptions
The elected officer’s duties are listed below but are not limited to the following:
- Preside at all PFO meetings
- Serve as member of the Budget Committee
- Coordinate the work of the officers and committees so that objectives are promoted
- Appoint chairpersons of standing committees, as necessary, subject to Executive Board approval
- Perform other duties as deemed necessary by the membership or by the Executive Officers
Vice President
- Assume duties as President in the event of the President’s inability to serve or resignation
- Solicit members and maintain a membership roll of the organization
- Perform other duties necessary by the membership or by the Executive Board
- Record the minutes of all meetings of the membership and of the Executive Board, and furnish a copy of such minutes to the President within one week following the meeting
- Coordinate all correspondence relating to the organization
- Preserve the official records of the PFO, including the articles of incorporation, bylaws, tax exemption letters, audited annual financial statements, minutes of all meeting
- Perform other duties necessary by the membership or by the Executive Board
- Be the financial officer of the PFO
- Present the annual budget for approval at the first regular meeting of the Executive Board and the first general meeting
- Receive and deposit all monies of the organization in the bank account designated by the Executive Board
- Keep accurate records of receipts and disbursements
- Pay out funds with proper vouchers in accordance with the approved budget
- Present a financial report at each PFO meeting
- Serve as a member of the budget committee
- Present accounts for annual examination by an outside auditor
- Prepare all required tax returns
- Perform other duties as deemed necessary by the membership or by the Executive Board
*Note: Your attendance at the monthly Executive Board meetings are not optional. They are mandatory!