AttachmentELetter of explanation in case of default
Potential Fire Hazard – Property Address: xxxx xxxxxx
I advise thatauthorised Council staff recently undertook an inspection of the abovementioned property in order to assess the potential fire risk, in accordance with the provisions of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005. Following this visit, it was determined that the condition of the land may in fact pose a fire risk in view of which a Notice has been issued by the Council under section 105F(5) of the Act.
The attached Notice, which is issued in accordance with the Act, outlines work which needs to be undertaken to mitigate the risk and I advise that you have 21 days from the date of this letter <insert date of letter> to complete the prescribed work. You are entitled to appeal against a requirement of this notice. Further details are provided in Note 5 of the Notice.
If the work is not completed by the date specified in the notice, section 105J(6) of the Act entitles Council to take compulsory action to reduce the potential fire hazard without further notification to you and sections105J(8) and (9) allow for the collection of reasonable costs (including inspection and administration fees) as a debt against your property. In addition you may also be issued with an expiation notice attracting a fee of $315.00, for failing to comply with the Notice.
Please be advised that it is your responsibility to ensure that the property is kept in a condition that won’t be deemed to be a potential fire risk for the duration of the fire danger season. Failure to do so mayresult in further legal action against you.
Your immediate attention to this matter will avoid any further action by Council. Should you have questions please contact the undersigned on 8XXX XXXX.
Yours sincerely,
Fire Prevention Officer