James Coward, Year 11, 2008 Letter Justifying Techniques Geography, RGM
After viewing a video, I have been informed of one of the many management strategies which are currently being developed to reduce the impact of global warming. I personally believe that global warming is a big enough to problem to justify the implementation of such strategies and it is an imperative for the future that the issue of global warming is addressed. I found this video to contain very useful information relating to, one of the many techniques which I believe can be used to reduce the damage which is currently being caused by global warming.
Reafforestation is a manageable technique widely used to reduce the impact of global warming on the world. It is an extremely viable option which I believe will be openly embraced in the future particularly as the damage being caused by global warming on the world becomes continuously more apparent. It is an important tool which can be used in the future to potentially reverse this damage which is currently being caused by global warming. This process can also reverse the damaging process of deforestation which is currently is areas of the world such as in the Amazon rainforest in South America.
As outlined in the video, reafforestation involves the specific repopulating of forested areas with more vegetation. This technique helps to address global warming because having more trees helps to reduce the amount of carbon in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide is absorbed by the vegetation. There are also other benefits of reafforestation such as helping to evolve vast and diverse ecosystems.
For the issue of global warming to be adequately addressed, techniques such as reafforestation need to be utilised in a proper context. As it has been stated in numerous scientific reports, global governments need to act now to address this problem to minimise the potentially catastrophic consequences that may occur in the future. As well as reafforestation, which has already been outlined in this video, this could be used in conjunction with other management techniques such as alternative power sources such as solar and nuclear power to help decrease the impact of global warming on the world.
Yours Faithfully
James Coward
James Coward, Year 11, 2008 Letter Justifying Techniques Geography, RGM