UAWG Subcommittee Chair Meeting Minutes
January 25, 2007
Attendees: Bill Bowes, Tim Carmody, Mark Conrey, Phyllis Dutton, Harald Flatoen, Andrea Fox, Paul Johnson, Jamie Moore, Kevin Pokorny, Maria Reiter, Mark Rohlfing, John Sing, Don Thorson
Recorded By: Andrea Fox
Topic / Discussion / ActionMeeting called to order / Don Thorson called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Approve December Meeting Minutes / December subcommittee chair meeting minutes were approved.
Contact Info Sheet / UAWG Contact Information sheet was reviewed for corrections.
Personnel Change / It was announced that Vickie Stevens has a new position with United Way and will no longer be the MRC Coordinator. Shawna Singhoff will now have this responsibility.
Follow-Up - OPPD / OPPD:
Don Thorson reiterated that the OPPD Investment Justification (IJ) was included for reasons previously stated. Technically, the UAWG has never voted on the OPPD project. There were concerns raised at the last meeting regarding the accuracy of the information OPPD provided. Phyllis Dutton read the subcommittee chairs a letter that OPPD provided explaining that the information they submitted was accurate, and that the concern stemmed from a misinterpretation of information on the OPPD website.
The OPPD IJ was approved and scored by DHS. Ultimately, NEMA will have final say.
If approved by subcommittee chairs, the OPPD project will go through the City bidding process (as happened in FY05).
Mark Conrey pointed out that in the FY05 UASI grant, only approximately $154,000 was spent on hardening critical infrastructure.
Tim Carmody pointed out that the BZPP grant has also been used on CI/KR.
Mark Conrey asked if the OPPD project could be approved, but not in $ amount since it has not gone out to bid yet. Concern arose over project cost being cheaper than allocated amount, and other projects that may need funding.
Jamie Moore requested that for now, a vote be taken, and the dollar amount be discussed later.
Harald Flatoen commented that if one power plant goes down, the other plant will likely not be able to serve the entire area. Alternate substations are a very critical component of our system.
A vote was taken to ratify the inclusion of the OPPD project. The vote was in approval of the ratification. / Andrea Fox: Send OPPD Letter to subcommittee chairs.
Follow-Up – Codespear / The Codespear project will cost approximately $458,000.
Paul Johnson informed the group that there will be periodic testing of the functionality of the system as the Codespear contact information is updated. This will happen more frequently than annually.
Paul Johnson also informed the group that Codespear was recently bought out by Federal Siren. This does not appear to cause any compatibility issues, even though the Tri-County area has sirens that are from Federal Siren’s main competitor.
Follow-up – COOP / It was discussed whether a COOP Plan should be an FY05, FY06, or FY07 project.
Discussion Points / FY07:
The Tri-County Omaha UASI was one of four urban areas out of eleven on the FY06 sustainment list that were not reinstated as a UASI site in FY07.
Looking forward, it will be very important to include CI/KR information in databases. It is also important to accurately report our intelligence information from the JTTF and TEW. Pottawattamie County may play a larger role in the future. May also meet with our Congressional representatives.
The Tri-County UASI is currently awaiting guidance from the State.
FY05 Reallocations:
Don Thorson asked the group to look at reallocation requests previously submitted to determine if requests have changed since that time.
Law Enforcement and Fire - N95 Masks
The Law Enforcement and Fire subcommittees requested FY05 reallocation funds for the purchase of additional N95 masks. A vote approved the purchase of 86,000 N95 masks for Law Enforcement and Fire. Rural Fire will make a request for additional masks.
A suggestion was made to purchase the 86,000 masks at the same time that OMMRS masks are purchased to take advantage of lower pricing.
Reallocation request fund is now down to $200,000.
Rural Law Enforcement – Various Equipment
Rural Law Enforcement requested reallocation funds for Priority 1 Equipment on Law Enforcement FY05 Reallocation Request List. This request excludes the N-95 masks, as they will be funded through the abovementioned reallocation. The reallocation request is for $131,700.
Kevin Pokorny pointed out that $240,000 of the total budget for reallocation funds came from overtime in the Law Enforcement budget.
Mark Conrey voiced concerns about the equipment list that was submitted (both need for equipment, and pricing).
Vote taken was in favor of Law Enforcement’s reallocation request in the amount of $131,700.
FY05 Reallocation fund now has a balance of approximately $60,000.
ICS 300 and 400:
Barry Spooner, Joe Fuxa, and Mike Kennelly will work together regarding ICS 300 and 400 classes. Fire and Mike Kennelly will teach the classes.
Fire will send out a letter to all agencies with a schedule of class times for ICS 300 and 400. Each agency will decide who should attend the classes.
After each agency receives the letter, the agency will inform Mike Kennelly who will attend the classes. Mike Kennelly will inform Andrea Fox for budgeting purposes. / Andrea Fox: Inform UAWG of State’s guidance.
All Chairs: Review previously submitted requests.
Chief Sing: Follow-up with Rural Fire’s request for additional N95 masks.
All Agencies: Follow-up on ICS 300 and 400 letter.
Mike Kennelly: Follow-up with Andrea Fox.
Subcommittee Chair Reports / Law Enforcement:
La Vista has signed the MOU. Andrea Fox will send a copy of the MOU to all signatories once all signatures are obtained.
ICS 300 and 400 classes may not be held downtown because of parking issues. Alternate facilities were suggested.
Emergency Management: No report.
911 Communications: No report.
Public Works: No report.
Public Health:
The Infection Control Practitioners (ICP) contact list is updated quarterly. ICPs have been encouraged to participate in monthly radio drills.
Non-Profits/Public Entities:
Phyllis Dutton updated the group on budget changes and gave Andrea Fox a letter from Sarpy County Citizen Corps.
Andrea Fox informed group about upcoming GIS symposium. Andrea Fox will have Mike Schonlau email subcommittee chairs about the symposium.
Cyber-Security: No report. / Andrea Fox: Follow-up with NEMA and Mike Schonlau.
Comments / Questions / Concerns / Maria Reiter requested help with upcoming training, and will email info to Andrea Fox to send to UAWG. / Maria Reiter: Send info to Andrea Fox.
Meeting Schedule / Next Meeting:
Subcommittee Chairs
February 15, 2007
9:00-11:00 am
Jesse Lowe, Omaha/Douglas Civic Center