Deepening Your Spiritual Discipline
How to Enrich Your Prayer Life
Through The Study Of Great Prayer Themes
Found In The Bible
By Dickson Obwoya
Suggested Approach:
I recommend that you take a theme a week to allow you to dig deeper and to get the most out of your prayer sojourn. Read the recommended chapter for that theme (as listed below) once every day before you begin your prayer time.
Then, begin to read the same chapter section by section – a section could be just one paragraph or a group of verses or even a single verse. Turn each portion of the section read into a prayer agenda until you are through with the chapter.
God may hold you in a section for a longer time than in others. He may even take you backwards as you pray according to His word. The key thing in victorious prayer is obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit as you pray.
You may write down any particular impression(s) that God lays upon your heart as you pray. But, be careful not to interrupt the flow of your prayer by focusing too much on writing down the impressions unless you sense God’s leading to do so. Remember that your priority agenda is to pray.
Prayer Theme:
Interceding for others: / This is about standing between God and the people concerning his intended righteous judgment. / Genesis 18Worship: / This is declaring the worthiness of God unto all creation. It is about lifting up eyes unto God for who he is. / Exodus 15
God’s revelation: / This is about the awesomeness of God revealed to his people that they may know him. / Exodus 33
Responding to God’s word: / How do we respond to God and his word when he makes know his intentions to us? / 2 Samuel 7
Dedication to God: / Our commitment to God is the best indicator of our faithfulness to his cause. / 1 Kings 8
Victory against all odds: / In the face of overwhelming challenges God is able to give us victory if we turn to him. / 2 Chronicles 20
Confession of sin: / How do we respond to sin even when we are not necessarily directly involved? / Ezra 9
Cry for help: / Sufferings brings out the truest expression of emotion from the heart often but not exclusively expressed in words. / Psalm 22
Praise: / This is declaring the deeds of God unto all creation. It is about expressing our perception of what God is. / Psalm 104
Prayers in times of distress: / Helplessness is not hopelessness for those who trust in the Lord. / Daniel 9
Personal petition: / Daily challenges of the environment can erode faith even in the strongest of believers. / Habakkuk 3
Principles and the practice of intercession: / Christ our Chief Intercessor laid the foundation for intercession. / Matthew 6
Kingdom prayer: / Christ gave his disciples the philosophy as well as the premise for intercession. / John 17
Thanksgiving: / Thanksgiving enables believers to set their eyes upon God rather than the circumstances of their lives. / Colossians 1
"May the Lord richly bless your time with Him in the closet"
• Dickson Obwoya •
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