Graham Middle School 6th Grade Math Teacher: Mrs. Hale


Dear Parents/Guardians,

WELCOME Graham Middle School!!! I am excited about the upcoming school year and I am looking forward to working with you and your child. You are a valuable and important part of your child’s success. Even if you do not always understand the material, they still need your support and I need you to make them be accountable for their education. We will be working constantly to help them organize, be responsible, and gain a new level of independence. Together we can make this a very successful year!

I will be communicating with you often about classroom activities and your child’s progress. Please check with me if you have any questions or concerns. I am here to help. We can work together to find a solution.

You may contact me via telephone at the school or most efficiently by e-mail:

Telephone:(276) 326-1101 Email:

Thank you, in advance, for your help and support in making this an outstanding year.

Mrs. Hale


Attendance Policy

Attendance will be recorded at the beginning of every class period. If you miss class for any reason, all assignments need to be completed and submitted within the given time allowed (i.e., if you miss class for one day, you have one day to get the work in.). Assignments may be in the while you were out folder at the board. You are responsible for getting the missing work. If you need any help, arrangements can be made for you to complete work before or after school. TARDIES WILL BE COUNTED. I allow the students time to learn their way around, become accustomed to the new schedule and their locker, but we will start counting tardies. Three tardies = ISS. (In other words, don’t dilly dally in the hall)

Grading Policy

Course work will consist of in-class discussions and assignments, quizzes, notebook organization, and tests that will be graded for understanding, accuracy, and completeness. Any in-class assignments that are not completed in class will be homework and will be expected the next class. All work is expected to be completed and submitted on time.


I give very little homework. I have high expectations of the student’s performance and work ethic in the classroom, and I will not bombard them with too much to do. I like to see them practice a skill to mastery, and it may take some at home practice to do that, but we will handle that on a case by case basis.

MOST homework will only consist of assignments that the student did not finish in class. In other words, work hard while you are here, and there will be less to do at home.

Classroom Expectations

This class will adhere to all of the policies outlined in the GMS student handbook as well as all county policies outlined in the calendar. In addition, I have a few expectations of each student:

1.  Come to class prepared. Preparation includes arriving on time to class and having all of the necessary materials

2.  Be respectful of others and take responsibility for your own actions.

3.  Give your best effort and ask questions and get help when you need it. I will tell the students on several occasions, do not hide from me. I am not the enemy; I am here to help; We will work until we get it right.

WEBSITE: I will send home information next week about updates to my website and REMIND, a messaging system that can send parents text and email reminders about work in the classroom.

SUPPLIES- If your child can have these supplies handy it helps them in the classroom, and saves TONS of instructional time.

Classroom Supplies Needed:

·  3-ring binder (2 or 3 inch) just for Math- these will be kept in the classroom

·  Loose leaf notebook paper (plenty)- We will put some in the binder and keep some in the classroom for use throughout the year.

·  1 3-subject spiral bound notebook (Plastic covers last longer)

·  #2 Pencils (plenty)- pre-sharpened are VERY HELPFUL!

·  Yellow Highlighter

·  Notebook zip container (pencil pouch) to hold supplies.

Our success this year will not depend on the knowledge of one expert, but the collaborative efforts of the student, the teachers, and the parents toward one goal…

Being the best we can be, EVERYDAY in EVERY WAY


This is your first assignment of the year! You will receive a Responsibility Grade of 100 if you return this sheet to me, filled out by Friday, August 26, 2016.

Student name (please print):______

Parent name (please print):______

I have read the expectations for 6th grade Math and understand what is expected.

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Date: ______

Parent Contact Information: Please provide me with your preferred method of contact.

E-mail Address:______
