MARCH 2017
At the Woodstock Moose Lodge on 3/6/2017,at 7:09pm,President Will McKay calledthemeetingtoorderwiththefollowingmemberspresent:BrianRockwood, Diane Pahl, Amy Peralta, Tom Cunningham, Jen Perrotta, Liz Stroh, Jackie Gehrke, Jenny Celluci, Tom Hawkins, Brian Buening and Jenn Barrette.
Brian Meeter of Trusted Coaches out of Lacrosse, WI made a presentation regarding background checks, concussion instruction, 1st Aid training, and Positive Coaching program, from their online based program. Tom Hawkins had done some investigation of this group before the presentation.
Pahl discussed her manager needs. She still had 1 opening in Minors and 2 in Majors. She wants to develop managers by pairing our experienced coaches with the newcomers.
Pahl also discussed the 3/5 evaluations. 68 players showed, which means 120 need to show at the 2nd evaluation time. Draft nights will be 3/21 & 3/23 at WHS Library.
Pahl also said that all Elite teams were practicing. There are 3 possibilities to fill openings on 8U team. The uniforms were ordered and Elite schedule/rules meeting had taken place.
McKay discussed hosting a Coaching Seminar with resources to help coaches. He'd like to offer a 2-hour seminar on a Sunday afternoon, with different sessions covering subjects like: Field maintenance, Bullies, etc. We would require coaches to attend 5 out of 10 sessions. Courtney Heeren and Sam Jones have volunteered to help.
McKay discussed the Friday afternoon Open Gyms at Sports City. He said that 20+ kids have signed up, so our costs have been covered. Rockwood, who had been at 3 of these sessions, gave his thoughts. He said the 7-12 age range was too large. The younger players can't pick up the advanced drills, and the older players are bored with the development drills for the younger kids. The solutions to this would be: either limiting the age range or more coaches to work with age divided groups. As it is, Rockwood had been putting the kids through fielding/pitching drills in the SC infield, while Dan Regna had been coaching hitting in the SC cages.
Peralta said she needed authorization to do Background checks for a few volunteers with minor questions. She has completed a majority of the background checks.
McKay wants Cunningham to work with Darrin Chonos and Bob Stroh regarding Sullivan Field maintenance. We also need to get more maintenance help from the coaches/parents of the teams that use field.
The City of Woodstock has announced that they are closing Roksie Field at Bates Park on 9/1 for maintenance. We will be affected during Fall Ball. We will need to look to other fields, to replace games/practices at Roskie. The main issue is that Roskie is the only lighted 90ft base-path field we have in Woodstock. So lighted practices may need to be held on the smaller lighted fields. Games may need to be moved to earlier in the evening or on weekends only.
Carrie Herrmann has all sizes for Board shirts.
Barrette handed out sheets showing who has registered, as of 3/6, and who has not. Board members who know the non-registered players are encouraged to contact them and find out why they have not yet registered.
Gehrke said candy sales were running smoothly. She has 18 players that either need to pick up candy or partake in the $75 buyout. She has 27 boxes of candy left to distribute.
The 18U Elite team is down to 7 players. McKay will look into the options for this team.
Rockwood said sponsorships were going at about the same rate as 2016. Mercyhealth stepped up their sponsorship to the $1650 Grand Slam level. In addition, they will provide a box of ice packs and some travel 1st aid kits.
Perrotta had a handout regarding Opening Day. New for 2017, would be an Opening Day breakfast at 3 Brothers. She also plans to host the Pitch/Hit/Run contest though MLB. We will need to be prepared for any girls that show up and wish to participate in the softball portion. It is also believed that Woodstock Girls Softball will conduct their own PHR, and would have to offer a baseball event, for any boys that wish to participate. She would like to have a medal or trophy to hand out to winners. As we have some leftover trophies at Merryman, we may be able to have those re-plaqued for use. She would also like to see each team prepare their players for the Hitting component, by having them drive the ball off a tee, at the end of each practice.
McKay motioned for Jenn Barrette to replace Tom Hawkins as the carrier of the WLL Debit Card through BMOHarris Bank, as Jenn is in a better position to pick up any last minute items we may need to purchase with Debit Card. Motion passed.
Buening passed out the Treasurer's Report. He noted that while the bank account $ figures are correct. The line item budget categories need to be corrected. He only sees a large $ figure placed into our account with Online payments. He needs to get the breakdown from Pahl, as to what categories need to be adjusted.
The following bills were approved to pay: Worlds Finest Chocolate - $9030.00, District 200 - $5, Bohn's Ace- $74.70 for keys, Copy Express - $190.65, Crown Toilet - $267.50, Sports City - $9,000 (to be paid in $1.5K monthly increments). Diane added we'd be getting a bill from On-Target for about $1000.00.
Peralta questioned why Evaluations were moved to Sports City, as she thought many parents erroneously believed there was a $ charge to be evaluated at Sports City. She was informed that SC was used, because we couldn't get the appropriate space at the D200 schools.
Liz Stroh stated that Elite Pictures would be on 4/26, and the Spring team pictures would be on 5/13 along with the Board picture.
Buening asked what he needed to do for the upcoming New England Catcher's Camp for the Elite catchers at Sports City. Rockwood informed him, that the parents had to sign the waiver and get them to Buening or bring them to the 1st session. Buening would need to pay for the players attending from the Elite budget.
Rockwood stated that he thought it would be a good idea to form an 11yo Majors All Star team, for the 11yo players that were not drafted into the Intermediate Division. This may alleviate any hard feeling for those 11yo players that wished to play in Intermediate.