Chem Chronicle Chapter 2 Chem Math Chem Chronicle Chapter 2 Chem Math (cont)

Pre-reading Strategy 2.1-2.4

Anticipation Guide (circle in PEN before reading the chapter)

1. The last number of a measurement is estimated. Yes No

2. The English system of measurement is used in England. Yes No

3. Airport luggage that contains nitrogen contains a bomb. Yes No

4. A measurement always consists of a number and unit. Yes No

5. 1dm3=1L=1000mL=1000cm3 Yes No

6. 103=10x10=100 Yes No

7. Not knowing the metric system cost NASA $125 million. Yes No

Advance Organizer

  1. How many pages does this section have? ______
  2. What are the 4 main topics covered in this section?






Divide the assignment.You want to read a specific amount in a short period and KNOW what you have read. Ex: You may want to divide a 15-page reading assignment into 4 sessions of 10 min. each. If your mind begins to wander, stop reading and take areview break.

Use your pencil as you read.Search for what is MOST IMPORTANT-main ideas and supporting details. Write them down in your comp. notebook. Pay attention to bold-face words, graphs, and pictures.

Self-checks. As you read each section. Answer the self-check questions in your notebook. Turn to the back of the book to check your answers.

Review and Recite.After each interval of reading 5-10 min., use your notes to review and recite what you have learned. This should take 2-3 min.


Final Review. Review and recite the notes for all the pages you read.

Ask Questions.

1. What did you learn?______







2. How does it relate to your life?______


3. Would any of your responses to the Anticipation questions change? Why or why not?______





4. Write 1 question you still have on your post-it note to be turned in tomorrow for class discussion time-don’t put your name on it.

Pre-reading Strategy 2.5

Anticipation Guide (circle in PEN before reading the chapter)

1. If a number to be rounded ends in a 5 or higher, round up. Yes No

2. The number 100. has one sig fig. Yes No

3. 4.56x1.4=6.384 Yes No

4. Every measurement is uncertain. Yes No

5. 6.8347 rounds to 6.84 Yes No

6. 3.7+8.41=12.1 Yes No

Advance Organizer

  1. How many pages does this section have? ______
  2. What is main topic covered in this section?______

Reading (see directions on 1st page)


Final Review. Review and recite the notes for all the pages you read.

Ask Questions.

1. What did you learn?______



2. How does it relate to your life?______


3. Would any of your responses to the Anticipation questions change? Why or why not?______




4. Write 1 question you still have on your post-it note to be turned in tomorrow for class discussion time-don’t put your name on it.

Pre-reading Strategy 2.6

Anticipation Guide (circle in PEN before reading the chapter)

1. 1 dozen=12 and 12=1 dozen Yes No

2. Conversion factors must contain units. Yes No

3. In chem. math, round at the end of each individual step. Yes No

4. Conversion factors are fractions of equivalence statements. Yes No

5. Dimensional analysis units that are diagonal cancel out. Yes No

Advance Organizer

  1. How many pages does this section have? ______
  2. What is main topic covered in this section?______

Reading (see directions on 1st page)


Final Review. Review and recite the notes for all the pages you read.

Ask Questions.

1. What did you learn?______




2. How does it relate to your life?______


3. Would any of your responses to the Anticipation questions change? Why or why not?______



4. Write 1 question you still have on your post-it note to be turned in tomorrow for class discussion time-don’t put your name on it.

Pre-reading Strategy 2.7

Anticipation Guide (circle in PEN before reading the chapter)

1. Celsius and Kelvin scales differ by 273. Yes No

2. When going from ⁰C to ⁰F, subtract 32. degrees. Yes No

3. The U.S. and England use the Fahrenheit scale. Yes No

4. Boiling and Freezing points differ by 100 in all 3 scales. Yes No

5. The tiniest thermometer is one-hundredth of a human hair. Yes No

Advance Organizer

  1. How many pages does this section have? ______
  2. What is main topic covered in this section?______

Reading (see directions on 1st page)


Final Review. Review and recite the notes for all the pages you read.

Ask Questions.

1. What did you learn?______




2. How does it relate to your life?______


3. Would any of your responses to the Anticipation questions change? Why or why not?______



4. Write 1 question you still have on your post-it note to be turned in tomorrow for class discussion time-don’t put your name on it.

Pre-reading Strategy 2.8

Anticipation Guide (circle in PEN before reading the chapter)

1. The density of 1lb. lead=density of 1lb. feathers. Yes No

2. Common density units are g/mL or g/cm3. Yes No

3. The density of a car battery changes over time. Yes No

4. 1mL=1cm3 Yes No

5. D=V/m Yes No

Advance Organizer

  1. How many pages does this section have? ______
  2. What is main topic covered in this section?______

Reading (see directions on 1st page)


Final Review. Review and recite the notes for all the pages you read.

Ask Questions.

1. What did you learn?______




2. How does it relate to your life?______


3. Would any of your responses to the Anticipation questions change? Why or why not?______



4. Write 1 question you still have on your post-it note to be turned in tomorrow for class discussion time-don’t put your name on it.